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Does it seem to you that you’re seeing more and more younger women dating older men?
The odd thing is that these women are even with men who are not rich.
Most people think only rich men get younger women, so seeing this was surprising.
It’s true.
What’s more, a great recent study proved that younger women today prefer older men.
And they don’t care about the guy’s bank account.
Clare Cassidy was a 40-something science researcher with an idea.
Dr. Cassidy believed that women today are different from all other women in the history of the world.
Because women today make almost as much money, or as much money, as men do.
In social science language, today’s women “control resources” similar to men.
So she had an idea.
She predicted that the more money a woman has when she’s young, the more attractive she will find older and more mature men.
And the more money she has, the less she’ll worry about a man’s bank account.
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Part of this prediction also lay in the fact that younger women are naturally attracted older men.
But traditionally, in our society, they marry men closer to their age, to build a family together.
Society encouraged these women to build a traditional household where the woman is the mother at home.
And she relied on the man to bring home the bacon.
However in this new world of ours, since women can earn what men earn, they are not as likely to be interested in men their age.
Instead, young women today are more likely to be interested in older guys regardless of the older guys’ financial prospects.
So Dr. Cassidy set out to find if this was true in this university study.
They surveyed 3,770 participants to determine whether or not their prediction was correct.
Here is what they found:
Basically, as a woman makes more money, she is more likely interested in the man himself rather than his bank account.
I suppose this makes total sense if you put it that way, but nobody ever bothered to think about things the way Dr. Cassidy did.
But her study is good news for the older single guy.
If you’re a single guy and you’re looking for love, you may want to think about this study.
Because you can attract younger women, who have more money than you do.
And they’ll be very happy with you if you are a kind, caring, and sexy man.
Even if you are quite a bit older.
So if you’re worried that women aren’t interested in dating a guy with no money, don’t be.
We still don’t know why women like older men, but women are looking for older men.
Yep, great news for broke guys.
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