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Most men think they know what women want in bed — but they don’t.
So, I have this fascinating study that I want to show you.
Pay attention, because it gives you some very important clues to women’s sexuality.
And also clues satisfying a woman and keeping her happy in the longer run.
This comes out of an extensive study done in Finland, and it is strikingly interesting in many aspects.
I want you to think about one thing is you look at the study with me.
Finland is the home of the former cell phone King of the world, Nokia.
At one point Nokia owned the cell phone business.
Finland is as well along or further along in online automation and everything to do with cell phone use, online use, and online porn.
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You’ll see why that’s important in a moment.
Don’t you love the title of the study?
Anybody that does a study has a theory first.
Like all of us, scientists are human beings, and all of us humans have theories that we believe are true.
In this study, the researchers believe that women are becoming more orgasmic.
They believe that the so-called “liberated” woman is more orgasmic than the “repressed” women of the past.
And they think that the more sex a woman has, the more orgasmic and the more interested in sex she will become.
I would say those are the three beliefs reflected in the study.
You may also have beliefs about what women want and don’t want.
You may not be aware of those beliefs, but you have them.
So let’s look at what happened in the study and something that hit me as incredibly interesting.
Young women today are LESS satisfied with sex than women their age USED to be.
You can in this chart where I have drawn the red arrows on the two left columns.
Those 2015 responses were significantly less orgasmic than the responses in 1971 to the same questions.
For older folks, on the right columns, 55 to 64 or 65 to 74, women this age are more orgasmic today than they used to be.
So here’s my interpretation.
I think that online porn has damaged women’s and men’s sexuality to a great extent.
And both women and men are much less satisfied with sex than women and men of the same age years ago.
Plus, they have a lot more sexual issues today and less pleasure from sex.
I think the big difference is the intensity and availability of online porn today.
Another point is that women’s sexual satisfaction is higher for those who most enjoy vaginal orgasms are far more sexually satisfied.
Today many women are just as desensitized as men are.
A desensitized woman will require extensive and profoundly rough sex to orgasm.
Or she’ll need sex that focuses a lot on clitoral stimulation.
Clitoral stimulation further desensitizes the woman.
So, men who focus on the clitoris when trying to please a woman are desensitizing her more.
This is why women who enjoy orgasms through vaginal stimulation are far more sexually fulfilled.
They are more orgasmic women.
This study revealed many things about female orgasms.
One result is that men are better off when they realize women are suffering from much the same things that they are.
Women can, of course, perform in a receptive role while men need an erection in conventional sex — which can’t be faked.
But both women and men suffer from the profound effects of today’s over-availability of intense porn.
And the constant online porn use through smartphones just adds to the problem the internet aided.
If we can simply pull back from the brink here, things can get better.
If we can start enjoying each other in a biologically and romantically oriented way — we can fix this.
We can regain sensitivity and build better erections.
And women will become more sexually fulfilled, more sexually interested, and more orgasmic.

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