The truth about a man’s size…
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—-Important Message From Jeff—-
This is something women desperately don’t want their husbands and boyfriends to know…
The truth is… size does matter…
Because most men aren’t able to reach this hidden magical spot inside a woman that gives her the kind of full body O’s she’s looking for…
In fact, the spot is actually the deepest part of the vagina along the back wall slightly past her cervix…
…which, depending on how deep she is down there…
Means that a man needs be good-sized to stimulate this spot and make her gush like a geyser…
And less than 1 in 100 men possess one of these holy grail members!
So what can a man do?
P.S. I’m Dr. Charles Williams M.D…
And for men who are having issues with confidence either personally or in the bedroom, “phalogenic traction” is an incredibly safe and effective option.
With their comprehensive and thorough method, you will definitely see results.
Men I have talked to have reported significant improvements in their mood, appearance, and performance – which increases their confidence significantly.
I know you’ll be pleased with these results!
Raising DHEA in men boosts immunity against infections
Most people know about testosterone these days.
A precursor to testosterone called DHEA is becoming more well-known too.
DHEA is not just used to make testosterone – it also has a wide range of health benefits on its own.
It improves immunity, decreases stress, and slows aging, for example.
But there are a whole host of other related hormones which are largely unknown.
These include androstenediol and androstenetriol.
These hormones are intermediates between DHEA and testosterone.
But more and more research is showing that they have some rather potent health benefits themselves.
Animal experiments have shown that they have a remarkably protective effect on the immune system…
Even sparing the immune system from the harmful effects of radiation.
Decreasing levels of these hormones in older men – because of lower levels of DHEA…
May be 1 reason why older men tend to have lower immunity to infectious disease.
(We already know that their precursor DHEA improves immunity.)
The animal experiments were performed at Commonwealth University of Virginia, Medical College of Virginia in Richmond. The paper was published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
The experiments were designed to test the effect of these 2 hormones on immune system defenses against infection.
“Androstenetriol and androstenediol upregulate host immunity, leading to increased resistance against infections.”
The researchers carried out experiments on animals which were given the immune system-suppressing treatment hydrocortisone.
Hydrocortisone acts similarly to the human stress hormone cortisol.
They found that androstenetriol prevented immune system suppression caused by hydrocortisone.
Hydrocortisone is a very widely used treatment…
But many people have similar immune systems of oppression due to high levels of cortisol from psychological and metabolic stress.
“Androstenetriol counteracts hydrocortisone immune suppression.”
In another series of experiments the researchers exposed mice to ionizing radiation.
Radiation poisoning causes a whole host of problems in the body – and this includes immune system suppression.
The researchers exposed a number of different groups of mice to lethal levels of radiation – levels of radiation that kill all mice.
But when mice were given androstenetriol, 60% of the mice survived.
When they were given androstenediol, 70% of the mice survived an otherwise lethal dose of radiation.
“Androstenetriol and androstenediol at a dose of 0.75 mg and 8.0 mg mouse, protected 60 and 70% of mice irradiated with a lethal dose.”
The researchers then looked at the effect of these hormones on the immune system response to irradiated mice.
Mice were given a large dose of radiation and then infected with coxsackievirus.
The researchers found that these lesser-known hormones boosted the immune system response to the virus.
“These hormones also protected mice irradiated with 6 Gy and infected with coxsackievirus.”
Androstenetriol was particularly effective at protecting the immune system from radiation damage.
There’s nothing particularly special about the damage caused by radiation.
Many other environmental toxins cause similar problems but just to a lesser degree.
Spleen lymphocytes are major actors in the immune system – protecting from infection.
“Androstenetriol significantly increased spleen lymphocyte numbers at 7, 14, and 21 days after a 6-Gy exposure.”
Further analysis showed that androstenetriol in particular was effective at boosting about a dozen markers of immune system function.
Androstenetriol was used in mice who had been dosed with high levels of radiation.
“Overall, the data are consistent with androstenetriol/androstenediol inducing a more rapid recovery of all hematopoietic precursors from the small number of surviving stem cells.”
All in all, these hormones seem to have similar protective effects to DHEA – which they are made from.
But these metabolites of DHEA may be one of the major reasons why increasing DHEA improves immunity in older animals (and humans).
—-Important Message about Boosting Your Natural Immunity—-
Remember: the only way to recover from most viral illnesses is with your own body’s natural defenses…
And when your immune system is functioning properly…
You’ll be making the all-powerful T cells.
T cells exist to identify and kill invading pathogens or infected cells.
These T cells are even more important than antibodies.
T cells can hang around in the blood for years after an infection and become part of your immune system’s “long term memory.”
This means your immune system works smarter and faster when encountering similar viruses and illnesses.