Starts new sexual relationships — and wakes up the wife or girlfriend
—-Important Message—-
How to instantly get her in the mood for loving with your 6th sense
I bet there are times when things have been going well with your wife, girlfriend, or some girl you just met…
And then, without knowing it, you might say or do something that totally turns her off—and KILLS any chance of taking her to bed.
Well here’s the crazy thing:
A lot of the popular lines or even body language or “touching” strategies you’re taught by so-called gurus…
…actually triggers this “instant TURN OFF” response.
Everything they say to do is actually WRONG and will kill your chances of getting busy.
That’s why it’s critical you go here and discover how to use your “6th sense” with a woman, so you can instantly get her in the mood for loving (before you even take her clothes off)…
How to use glycine to prevent strokes
Glycine is an amino acid – one of the building blocks of protein.
Gelatin and collagen are the two most abundant sources of glycine – all 3 substances are highly anti-inflammatory.
Over recent decades we have decreased our consumption of collagen, gelatin and glycine…
While increasing intake of more inflammatory muscle meat proteins.
Purified glycine is now becoming a popular supplement with health enthusiasts and bodybuilders because of its vast array of health benefits.
This list of benefits include protection against stroke.
Just a couple of grams under the tongue can significantly reduce stroke damage.
This human randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was carried out at the Russian State Medical University in Moscow. The findings were published in Cerebrovascular Diseases.
The research was carried out on patients who had been admitted to the hospital with ischemic stroke of the carotid artery.
This means that the blood vessels in the neck that supply blood to the brain were blocked.
200 patients were included in the study.
There were 4 different groups, with about 50 people in each group.
Group 1 did not receive any treatment.
Group 2 received half a gram of glycine per day.
Group 3 received 1g of glycine per day.
Group 4 received 2g of glycine per day.
The experiment ran for 5 days.
It began right after the participants arrived at the hospital, and the first dose of glycine was administered less than 6 hours after the first signs of stroke.
Glycine was given sublingually, under the tongue.
Something very easy to do at home.
The researchers found no negative side effects they could attribute to glycine.
Many people take much more glycine than this every day and side effects are almost unknown.
“The trial confirmed the safety profile of the glycine treatment.”
The researchers looked at a number of different biochemical markers, things which are associated with stroke severity for various reasons.
This low dose of glycine significantly improved all of the biochemical markers of stroke by day 3.
“Early normalization of autoantibody titers and other biomarkers were observed by day three.”
More importantly, the researchers saw significant differences in terms of mortality in the different groups.
The death rate was similar in group 1 and group 2 – those who received 0 glycine and 0.5g glycine per day.
The risk of dying in the next 30 days was significantly lower in people who received 1-2g of glycine per day.
“Treatment dose of 1-2g glycine per day was accompanied by a tendency to a decreased 30 day mortality.“
Mortality was 14% in the placebo and very low dose glycine groups.
Mortality dropped to 10% in the 2g glycine group and 6% in the 1g glycine group.
“Sublingual application of 1-2 g of glycine per day started within 6hr of ischemic stroke is safe and can exert favorable clinical effects.”
The researchers want to move forward with further, large trials…
To see if this cheap, safe, OTC supplement should be used more widely in stroke treatment.
“These results will be verified and further trials with a larger number of patients.”
The trend toward greater survival rates over the next month is strongly supported by the effect glycine was found to have on biomarkers.
Just a little glycine placed under the tongue had profound effects on what was going on inside the brain biochemically.
Much of the damage caused by stroke occurs well after the initial onset…
When the altered biochemistry of the brain leads to the death of brain cells and later brain damage.
“The neuroprotective action of glycine was established, we observed the correction of imbalance between stimulating and inhibiting neurotransmitters, as well as a decreased cytotoxicity and oxidative stress.”
In other words, glycine protects the brain against damage caused by out-of-control biochemistry in the days after ischemic stroke.
Having some emergency glycine on hand is probably a good idea.
The benefits of daily glycine consumption are far greater than simply protection against stroke damage.
Everyone should be consuming a few ounces of collagen or gelatin per day to get safe, natural glycine back into their diet.
—-Important Message—-
Doctor says: Eat more burgers and ice cream
What if you could eat burgers and ice-cream and drink beer and soda, and just waste the food energy and become thinner and thinner?
What if instead of storing the food as fat, your body burnt it up as body heat?
What if you became leaner, and felt better than ever before?
And what if your sexual potency and powers increased and increased…
This major university paper backs this up — fat burning (lipolysis) and thermogenesis (burning up food energy as heat instead of packing it on as belly fat.)