Scientists are worried…
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Who is Squeeze-Relax for?
Squeeze-Relax is for men who want to last longer… men who are tired of finishing too soon…
It’s for men with premature ejaculation who may have tried other solutions, but are still only lasting a few minutes.
It’s for any man who would like to effortlessly be able to last 30 minutes or an hour every time he has sex…
…and feel more pleasure and more sensation than he ever thought possible.
With Squeeze-Relax, you get a lot more control over when you finish…
Because this method increases sensitivity in your penis…
Meaning you’re feeling more sensation, more pleasure…
And sex is feeling better than it ever has before…
And it’s lasting a lot longer, so you’re feeling incredible pleasure for hours if you want.
Wilmington alligators threatening the nation
There are some scary things happening with alligators right now…
Alligators might seem like a strange subject matter for this newsletter, but there is a reason that I’m writing about them.
They are considered a “sentinel” species for humans.
That means if something bad is happening to alligators, it may also be affecting us.
“Alligators are a sentinel species — harbingers of dangers to human health,” Belcher says.
Scientists have started seeing unhealed lesions on alligators that are in the Cape Fear River.
These lesions are VERY unusual because alligators normally heal quickly.
But the most unusual observation the team made was that alligators in the Cape Fear River had a number of unhealed or infected lesions.
“Alligators rarely suffer from infections,” Belcher says. “They do get wounds, but they normally heal quickly.
But… it’s what’s CAUSING the lesions that I’m really concerned about.
This particular population of alligators has high exposure to PFAS.
A recent study of alligators in the Cape Fear River found the animals had elevated levels of 14 different per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) chemicals in their blood serum, as well as clinical and genetic indicators of immune system effects.
PFAS are chemicals that are all over the place in our environments and that are found in most humans.
They’re used in non-stick cookware, stain resistant fabrics, and more.
PFAS are man-made chemicals that have been used in industry and consumer products worldwide since the 1940s. They have been used to make nonstick cookware, water-repellent clothing, stain resistant fabrics and carpets, some cosmetics, some firefighting foams, and products that resist grease, water, and oil.
Exposure to PFAS chemicals is problematic in humans.
In the alligators that have high exposure to PFAS, researchers are finding that they have elevated levels of INF-a.
In plain English, this is a protein that can deregulate the immune system.
A qRT-PCR genetic analysis revealed significantly elevated levels of interferon-alpha (INF-α) responsive genes in the Cape Fear River alligators: their levels were 400 times higher than those of the Lake Waccamaw alligators, which had much lower PFAS blood concentrations.
PFAS chemicals have been linked to chronic immune disorders in humans – among other problems.
Some PFAS exposures in humans are linked with chronic autoimmune disorders like ulcerative colitis and thyroid disease.
These chemicals are tough to avoid in real life…
Alligators don’t use stain resistant fabrics or non-stick cookware, and still have problems with being exposed to PFAS!
The implications for human health are… scary.
“Seeing these associations between PFAS exposure and disrupted immune function in the Cape Fear River alligators supports connections between adverse human and animal health effects and PFAS exposure.”
Now… that’s not to say that everything is hopeless.
It’s a good idea to avoid cookware with PFAS chemicals (many non-stick coatings).
Beyond that, taking care of your general health can help to combat the effects of environmental toxins that you can’t control.
Taking care of yourself means eating well, being physically active, and getting enough sleep.
We live in a crazy world with lots of technical advancements…
…but some of those advancements are bad for human health and this is one of them.
If alligators are having problems and we already KNOW that humans are having problems…
…then we should be very cautious with the production of these chemicals.
Unfortunately, right now PFAS are still very popular in manufacturing.
So, it’s up to us to protect our health where we can.
—-Important Message—-
Men: how to protect yourself from toxic toilet paper
I’ve discovered a toxic chemical hiding in 80% of all toilet paper brands on the market.
And if you think you’re safe because you’re using a “greener,” more eco-friendly toilet paper…think again…
Because this one toxic chemical is even more rampant in the so-called “eco friendly” toilet paper brands.
So please, do me a favor and check this out —