And 1 method for bringing her out of her shell…
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—-Important Message From Lawrence Lanoff—-
Why women hide their crazy sexual fantasies from you
If you want to spice up your sex life… if you’re feeling like your love life is a little dry…
…then you need to discover the truth about why women AVOID their deepest, most wild sexual fantasies…
What most men don’t know is that ALL women are desperate for hot, sweaty, intense sex…
And they’re impatiently waiting for a guy to finally get this…
So this will reveal why most women keep these fantasies a secret…
And it will show you what REALLY makes women horny as heck…
…and if you know this method, you have an important tool for increasing women’s libido, getting her to want you right here and right now…
And remember, once you use this method, you’ll never have to worry about “openers” or “approach” techniques again…
Slow down and stop hair loss with this herbal blend
We have been told that hair loss is due to “genetics,” but…
…this statement is just simply misleading.
Most of the time, it’s a part of a bigger picture..
What I mean is that it’s closely connected with lifestyle.
And it can be a sign of a decline in health status…
Poor diet, bad environment, lack of sunlight, stress, PUFAs, hormonal imbalances…
These all can be the reasons why people are losing hair..
However, as we are improving in those areas, additional help for our scalps can be valuable.
This is where rosemary oil comes into play.
Rosemary oil is a natural, safe, and easily acquirable substance which comes handy when fighting hair loss.
The most notorious treatment for fighting hair loss is Minoxidil.
However, it’s known that minoxidil can cause serious side effects.
“The most widely used ‘treatments’ for AGA are topical minoxidil and 5a-reductase inhibitors; however, these ‘treatments’ are associated with several adverse effects such as itching, circulatory problems, hirsutism, decreased libido, male fetal anomalies, and recurrence of hair loss after stopping ‘treatment’ use.”
This study by Panahi et al. (2015) shows that Rosemary is MORE effective than minoxidil in combating hair loss.
The researchers recruited 100 males who were aged 18 to 49.
All of them were experiencing androgenetic alopecia (AGA) between various degrees, from Norwood 2 to Norwood 4.
They were split into 2 groups.
And the subjects were asked to apply 1ml of rosemary oil OR minoxidil every 12 hours depending on which group they were assigned to.
Then, results were collected at the end of 3 months and once more in 6 months.
Outcomes were astonishing…
At the end of the 3rd month, there were not really any improvements.
Nonetheless, when the 6 month period ended, the increase in hair growth and decrease in hair loss were quite encouraging.
The rosemary oil triumphed minoxidil in both areas.
“The percentage of satisfaction with treatment demonstrated a marginally difference favoring the rosemary group over the 2% topical minoxidil group. (…) The proportion score for rosemary was significantly superior to the 2% topical minoxidil group at months 3 and 6 with regard to decrease in hair loss.”
As can be seen in the table above, the results were significantly different between rosemary oil and minoxidil.
The study suggests that the mechanism of this phenomenon is that rosemary oil smooths the muscles which leads to relaxation of scalp vessels.
Rosemary oil is also said to be an antioxidant that reduces oxidative stress which is associated with hair loss.
When it comes to the safety of rosemary oil…
You might have heard that most of the essential oils are estrogenic.
On the other hand…
I have found an animal study that suggests OTHERWISE when it comes to rosemary.
This study says that rosemary may enhance the liver’s rate of deactivating estrogen in the body.
“The results of this study showed that feeding female mice a 2% rosemary diet increased the liver microsomal oxidation and glucuronidation of estradiol and estrone and inhibited their uterotrophic action.”
Anyhow, the topical usage of rosemary oil seems to be very safe.
That being said, I think rosemary oil is quite promising.
Experimenting with it may be highly beneficial in your hair loss journey.
—-Important Message for Men Who Love Women—-
Get her doing all the attraction work for you
Imagine being able to walk up to a cute woman you’ve never met and instantly grabbing her attention…
The perfect method, so simple and yet guaranteed to work…
And then…
That’s it. You’re done.
Now you just have to wait for that fuse to burn and sparks to fly.
Because just as she starts looking for a way to write you off…
Her heart starts beating faster… her face starts getting flushed…
It’s a feeling that takes over her mind and causes her to crave you like an addiction.
So when she feels it – and believe me, she’s been waiting her whole life to feel it…
She’ll actually go out of her way to justify why she feels it.
That’s important so let me say it again…
Now she’s doing all the talking, she’s giving you her number, she’s inviting you back to her place.
No matter how far from her “physical type” you were a minute ago, now she’s convincing herself that you’re exactly what she wants.
And as crazy as this may sound…
She’ll start seducing herself for you… even in broad daylight!
So what happens next?