Now she can’t control herself when you’re around
—-Important Message About Boosting T Naturally—-
Women LOVE a man with high testosterone – so just pop this in your mouth for an instant boost
Did you know women are naturally drawn to men with higher T?
Crazy, but true:
Women just sense it and get super hot for a guy — and it ends up giving men with high T a huge edge over other guys.
Because men with high testosterone get better boners, last longer in bed, enjoy a higher drive, and perform better than men with low T.
And if you let your testosterone get too low, your wife or girlfriend will certainly notice…
This 1 vitamin can put the kibosh on nerve pain
Peripheral neuropathy is a troubling complication of diabetes.
It happens when damage occurs to the nerves which carry signals to and from the brain.
Common symptoms include tingling, numbness, a burning sensation, or a loss of sensation in the arms and legs.
The precise cause of peripheral neuropathy is still a topic of great debate…
But there is a lot of evidence to show that low vitamin B1 may play a central role.
Numerous lines of research have shown that increasing the supply of vitamin B1 to the affected nerves can help slow and possibly reverse the disease.
Benfotiamine is a fat-soluble form of vitamin B1 – it’s easier to deliver to some parts of the body than normal B1.
Animal researchers discovered that this fat-soluble form of vitamin B1 may have profound effects…
Slowing, and perhaps even reversing, peripheral neuropathy.
The animal experiments were carried out at the University of Giessen in Germany. The findings were published in Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetes.
In the lab, researchers routinely use a chemical called streptozotocin to cause type II diabetes in animals.
In these experiments, some rats were given the diabetes-inducing chemical.
Some of those rats were given different types of vitamin B1 (thiamine).
“We assessed the effect of thiamine and benfotiamine on peripheral nerve conduction in rats with streptozotocin induced diabetes.”
Compared with healthy animals, nerve conduction velocity slowed by 10% in diabetic animals.
Nerve conduction velocity is a basic test of the health of the nerves.
It looks at how quickly messages are sent through a certain part of the nervous system.
Slower nerve conduction velocity indicates problems with the nervous system which are associated with peripheral neuropathy.
“Motor nerve conduction velocity dropped by 10% in diabetic animals.”
But for animals who had been given either form of vitamin B1 for a few months before being exposed to the diabetic chemical…
Nerve conduction velocity speeds were much faster.
“After 3 months of preventative administration of either form of vitamin B1, nerve conduction velocity increased compared with other diabetic animals.”
Vitamin B1 seems to improve the speed of messages sent through the nervous system.
This speed is critical for staving off peripheral neuropathy.
The researchers found that the animals taking benfotiamine experienced further improvement over the next few months.
After 6 months, the animals given the fat-soluble form of vitamin B1 had nerve conduction velocities which were almost normal.
“In diabetic animals, nerve conduction velocity was nearly normal after 6 months with benfotiamine. Administration of normal B1 resulted in no further improvement.”
While both forms of vitamin B1 improved the health of the nervous system, the fat-soluble benfotiamine was clearly superior.
The researchers looked at what was going on chemically in and around target nerves of the animals.
They looked at the build up of a number of different chemicals which are believed to cause nerve damage.
Those experiments showed major biochemical changes related to benfotiamine.
They looked at AGE formation and glycoxidation products…
Chemicals which increase in diabetics and which are believed to have a causal role in peripheral neuropathy.
The animals which were given benfotiamine and far lower levels of these harmful chemicals.
“Benfotiamine induced a major inhibition of AGE formation and completely prevented diabetes induced glycoxidation products.”
Benfotiamine seems to limit and perhaps prevent nerve damage and biochemical changes related to nerve damage in diabetes…
At least when given early enough.
These experiments showed that benfotiamine is far more useful than standard vitamin B1 in peripheral neuropathy.
“Unlike treatment with B1, timely administration of benfotiamine was effective in the prevention of functional damage and of AGE and glycoxidation in nerves of diabetic rats.”
Benfotiamine is just a fat-soluble form of vitamin B1.
It helps to carry and deliver vitamin B1 to parts of the body that it would otherwise not reach in high concentrations.
Benfotiamine has been on the market for years and many people find it has incredible benefits for their health.
—-Important Message—-
Why are so many doctors getting diabetes?
If diabetes treatment works so well, why are more and more doctors becoming diabetic?
Fact: diabetes is skyrocketing amongst the entire population, ESPECIALLY amongst physicians.
Maybe it’s because today’s diabetes treatments actually CAUSE diabetes to get worse and worse.
I do not know ANY diabetic men who are potent in the bedroom…
My dad revealed this diabetes secret that changed everything —
and has resulted in countless men gaining tremendous potency and stamina in the bedroom again