It slows down metabolism and leads to fat gain in men — are you drinking this?
Matt Cook here, and there’s one particular liquid that is frequently promoted as healthy for men to drink…
But in reality, it’s worse for men than soda!
Drinking this liquid lowers thyroid hormones, hurts metabolism, and can lead to fat gain in men.
And chances are, you’ve only ever heard good things about it.
So check this out… this is what nobody else is saying about this so-called “healthy” drink…
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Why they call this liquid a thyroid buster
Children have a higher metabolic rate than adults, and this can be seen by their elevated heart rate.
Children recover from injury much more rapidly than older people.
This is because there is more energy available for repair – due to the higher metabolic rate.
Decreased metabolism plays a massive role in aging and disease.
Perhaps the most important factor in metabolism is thyroid hormones.
Thyroid hormones are required for the cell to turn sugar and fats into energy.
Tea suppresses thyroid hormone levels – and a recent study shows that this may be due to its fluoride content.
You should avoid excessive tea consumption if you want to stay healthy and youthful – because tea suppresses metabolism.
These animal experiments were carried out at the Aljouf University College of Medicine, Sakaka, KSA.
The results were published in the Journal of Advances in Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences.
A number of studies have shown that tea consumption could lower thyroid hormones and so could be a cause of aging and disease.
Researchers have been speculating about which component of tea could be to blame for its detrimental effects.
This study was set up to investigate the role of two components of tea in lowering thyroid hormones.
“We set out to study the effect of excessive green tea intake versus fluoride and caffeine on body weight and serum thyroid hormones in male mice.”
The researchers wanted to understand the role of fluoride and caffeine in tea on thyroid function.
“We aimed to confirm whether the effect of excessive green tea intake on thyroid gland was due to its fluoride and caffeine content or not.”
The researchers carried out their experiments on five different groups of mice.
The different groups received different treatments and the researchers later compared thyroid hormones and other factors.
One group of mice received only pure water in addition to their diet.
One group of mice were supplemented with green tea daily.
Another group of mice was given an antithyroid treatment.
Group 4 received supplemental caffeine.
The final group received excessive fluoride in their drinking water.
The experiment ran for about a month.
After that, the animals were investigated for levels of thyroid hormones.
“Each of the five groups is treated with the corresponding substance for 30 days, then sacrificed under ether anesthesia, blood was collected to study serum levels of T3 and T4.”
All of the treatment groups had lower levels of active thyroid hormone (T3).
Animals given green tea fared worst – after the animals which were given antithyroid treatments.
Next were the rodents given fluoride in their water.
“There was a significant decrease in serum T3 in the ‘chemical’ treated group, green tea treated group, fluoride treated group, and caffeine treated group.”
Higher levels of T3 are usually better. Here is how the rats fared.
Untreated – 1.7
Caffeine – 1.46
Fluoride – 0.93
Green Tea – 0.96
Anti-thyroid treatments – 0.72
As you can see, tea or fluoride were almost as bad as antithyroid treatments.
The results show that most of the thyroid suppression from tea is probably due to fluoride content.
Tea and fluoride also lowered the levels of T4 – another thyroid hormone.
Caffeine alone had no effect on T4. Further showing the relationship with fluoride and thyroid problems.
Tea lowers thyroid hormones – decreasing metabolism and increasing weight gain.
“Green tea unfractionated aqueous extract decreased serum T3 and T4 and at the same time, increased final total body weight.”
The effects of tea on thyroid function are dose-dependent.
Probably the occasional cup is fine.
But it’s not something that you should drink multiple times a day as it suppresses metabolism.
—-Important Message From Matt for Men Who Want to Increase Metabolism—-
Remember being a kid and being warm and full of energy all the time?
You’d go outside to play in the cold and wouldn’t even want your jacket.
It’s ‘cause as kids, we are always burning up… our metabolisms are constantly burning SUGAR.
YOUTH is sugar burning. Even scientists agree.
But as we age, our metabolisms get slow and cold, and instead of burning sugar for energy, the body starts burning fat…
And believe it or not, this is a BAD thing.
Do you know what eventually happens to men who only burn fat and not sugar?
Diabetes, low testosterone, erections problems, obesity, more age-related diseases, even cancer…
So a hot, fast sugar-burning metabolism is the key to remaining young and healthy no matter how old you are.