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These men were supposedly “pre-diabetic” but they now enjoy cokes, pizza, and ice cream. And yet their fasting glucose is in the mid-80s. Here’s why they are so relaxed…
—-Important Message—
Finally revealed: My best-kept sex secret
This came from Russia, strangely enough…
And now this is what I get to have sex four times a week…for 30 minutes or 60 minutes… even though years ago I had bad erectile dysfunction…
This is the best-kept my life – and yet it’s so easy.
Best of all, it’s perfect for single guys because it makes a man mega-attractive to women.
At first, I was skeptical and thought this was some spiritual, hippie mumbo-jumbo.
(Or one of those things where you hold back and avoid coming… Not for me…)
My search ended when I met this Russian man who showed me the secret…
Why these pre-diabetic men NEVER get diabetes
Diabetes is a scourge. But so many men are being told “you are pre-diabetic” – and it’s just not really true…
If you have diabetes or prediabetes, then you know it can cause lots of health problems.
It’s difficult for people with diabetes to maintain their health.
And, for most people, diabetes is extremely difficult to reverse.
To make matters worse, the rates of diabetes in most of the world are growing at an incredibly rapid pace.
Although reversing diabetes is entirely possible…
I’ve actually seen it happen many times.
While most doctors will tell you that diabetes is all related to the amount of sugar in our diets, I don’t think it’s that simple.
In fact, I think the causes of diabetes are mostly hidden…
And most doctors don’t know much about those causes – and if they do, they won’t tell you about it.
Here’s one of the causes that you probably won’t hear anything about from your doctor – Vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D deficiency is linked to the development of diabetes.
Diabetes is a vexing problem worldwide.
The rates keep going up and up and scientists aren’t really sure why.
But maybe the fact that we spend so much time indoors is a big part of the problem.
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That’s because vitamin D deficiency is directly linked to a huge increase in the risk for diabetes.
And we mostly get vitamin D from being in the sunshine.
“An epidemiological study conducted by researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine and Seoul National University suggests that persons deficient in vitamin D may be at much greater risk of developing diabetes.”
Take a look at the language they’re using in this study: “much” greater risk.
That’s significant because most of the time what scientists are saying is that there is a slightly greater risk or something like a 30% higher chance…
But low vitamin D levels can predispose you to diabetes by a very large margin.
I like this study because it was done on a large group of people – over 900.
And it was done on people, not rats or monkeys.
“The scientists studied a cohort of 903 healthy adults (mean age: 74) with no indications of either prediabetes or diabetes during clinic visits from 1997 to 1999, and then followed the participants through 2009. Vitamin D levels in blood were measured during these visits, along with fasting plasma glucose and oral glucose tolerance.”
What’s remarkable in this study is how clear it is that low vitamin D levels predispose people to getting diabetes.
And the lower the levels, the worse the results.
This study found that you could cut your risk of diabetes by a third with vitamin D levels over 30 ng/ml.
And if your vitamin D levels are above 50 ng/ml, then you reduce your diabetes risk by a fifth.
“We found that participants with blood levels of 25-hydroxyvitamin D that were above 30 ng/ml had one-third of the risk of diabetes…and those with levels above 50 ng/ml had one-fifth of the risk of developing diabetes…”
So if you have low levels of vitamin D (under 30 ng/ml) you have a five times greater risk of developing the disease than somebody with over 50 ng/ml levels!
“Persons with 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels below 30 ng/ml were considered vitamin D deficient. These persons, the researchers found, were up to five times at greater risk for developing diabetes than people with levels above 50 ng/ml.”
How much vitamin D should you take?
Here’s another thing I like about this study – it actually tells you what to do.
The scientists who did this study concluded that you need to supplement at about 3,000 to 5,000 IUs per day to reach preventative levels of vitamin D in your blood.
And you always want to take vitamin D3 (not some other form of vitamin D) because it’s the most bioavailable.
“To reach 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels of 30 ng/ml…would require dietary supplements of 3,000 to 5,000 international units (IU) per day – less with the addition of moderate daily sun exposure with minimal clothing (approximately 10–15 minutes per day outdoors at noon).”
Generally speaking, I usually recommend to my clients that they should take vitamin D3 supplements in the winter…
And that they try to get out in the sun on a regular basis during the spring, summer, and fall.
If you don’t cover up your skin with sunscreen, your body will make vitamin D from sunshine alone.
But it’s much harder to do that in the wintertime when the sunlight is not as direct. So make hay while the sun shines!
—-Important Message—-
Here is the diabetes fix that men are using to stop taking medications and start living without Big Pharma chemicals…
It uses this simple remedy that you mix up in your kitchen.
See the diabetes remedy that is making waves with insiders – including doctors with diabetes

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