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I personally use these light-blockers to sleep better, burn more fat. and boost my energy
—–Important Message—-
My thyroid was killing my sexual performance…
Low thyroid, overstressed adrenals, and elevated prolactin and estrogen levels made me always tired…
And when it came time for sex, I couldn’t really get it up and I didn’t even care that much.
How can you tell thyroid is a problem for you?
Many men have normal thyroid blood tests results – but are what is called sub-clinically HYPOthyroid (low thyroid)…
These men are droopy and tired… They need naps and gain fat easily…
Luckily, there’s a fix for this thyroid problem and this also brings back sensation to your penis and sexual pleasure…
I discovered this simple combination of safe ingredients that fixes thyroid problems…and everything else gets a LOT better for men…
Here is one of MANY testimonies that this just WORKS:
Why the penis benefits from blocking blue light
Have you ever had a short night of sleep and then woken up foggy and maybe just a little bit snappy?
That’s not at all unusual.
What is unusual is the number of electronic devices that have made their way into our bedrooms, keeping us up at night.
Whether you are watching TV, playing a game on a tablet, or browsing Facebook or Instagram on your phone…
If you are doing it late into the night you may be putting yourself at risk for depression and lack of impulse control.
Sleep deprivation messes with your brain.
This study was done on teenagers…
But the effects of sleep deprivation are just as profound with adults and can really rob of us our peak performance.
Unfortunately, voluntary sleep deprivation has become a way of life for many of us.
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“Chronic sleep deprivation – which can involve staying up late and waking up early for work or school – has become a way of life for both kids and adults…”
Here’s the problem…
Not getting enough sleep – even over a short period of time – can make you really miserable.
It can also contribute to lower performance at work and home and a higher likelihood of addictive behavior.
“…even a short period of sleep restriction could, over the long term, raise their risk for depression and addiction.”
Not getting enough sleep screws up the part of your brain that works on goals.
If the part of your brain that is involved in goal setting is compromised due to lack of sleep, that can have major consequences on how much you achieve in life.
Because it can affect how you make decisions and what risks you do or don’t take.
“The researchers found that sleep deprivation affected the putamen, an area of the brain that plays a role in goal-based movements and learning from rewards.”
Getting too little sleep makes your brain less sensitive to rewards.
“When participants were sleep-deprived and the reward in the game they played was larger, the putamen was less responsive.”
Think about how this could affect going after a client or working toward a goal.
It doesn’t bode well for achievement.
Lack of sleep also makes you depressed.
When you think about it, these two things go hand in hand.
Depression and a lack of desire to achieve are quite similar in how they manifest themselves in people’s lives.
So it’s no surprise that the same sleep deprivation that causes one will also cause the other.
“Franzen and Forbes also found connections between sleep restriction and mood: After a night of restricted sleep, the participants who experienced less activation in the putamen also reported more symptoms of depression.”
And this combination makes you less likely to have good impulse control and more prone to addiction.
“…may interfere with how the brain processes rewards, which could disrupt mood and put a person at risk of depression, as well as risk-taking behavior and addiction.”
Getting more sleep…
Now, I’ll be the first to admit that sometimes this is easier said than done.
But one of the easiest places to start is with what’s known as sleep hygiene.
Start by buying an old-fashioned alarm clock so that you can keep your phone out of your bedroom.
And then make your bedroom an electronics-free zone.
You also want to get off your electronics at least an hour before bedtime.
If that is not possible, wear “blue-blocker” glasses, because the blue light from screens can really mess up your sleep cycle.
This may feel really funny at first.
But as you get used to it, your sleep should start to get better and you’ll wake up more refreshed and have better moods as well.
There is really no way to overestimate the importance of a good night’s sleep.
If it’s something that you focus on, then you can be far more productive at work and achieve a lot more in life.
—–Important Message—–
Nothing lets a man sleep better than blissful waves of pleasure rolling down the body after incredible sex…
And you can experience this tonight.
I discovered an easy 2-second trick that gets a man hard in seconds and lets him lasts for hours, providing so much sexual pleasure his eyes will roll.
This KILLS erection problems… She has never experienced anything like this before.
My Russian friend found this in an ancient lost book.
After you apply the easy 2-second trick, she will want you inside her again and again.
For HOURS at a time.
This is really completely different from ANYTHING you’ve ever experienced.

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