Incredible benefits from foods containing this one simple mineral…

Matt Cook here, and taurine is an essential nutrient that most men aren’t getting enough of.
It protects the heart, helps with blood flow, and even helps men blow massive loads.
Fortunately, men can get more taurine from a few obscure yet delicious foods…
Are you eating these…?
—-Important Message For Men Looking to Prevent Heart Failure—-
A few sips of this morning shake boosts male blood flow

I’ve created a shake that contains 5 key nutrients men need to keep the arteries wide open and flexible for blood to flow through.
When blood flow is great, the heart has to work less and stays healthier overall.
And that’s not all great blood flow is good for…
Great blood flow = great erections for men!
Here’s the morning shake that boosts blood flow and erections while protecting the heart
(This shake also naturally lowers blood pressure!)
Why men want more taurine and how to get it
Taurine is a nutrient found in trace amounts in many animal foods.
It’s a nutrient which has many interesting effects on the body.
Some of taurine’s effects include increasing the power and speed of a muscle.
That discovery was made back in the 1970s.
Then some curious researchers decided to see whether taurine could benefit patients with heart failure — a disease where the heart muscles become weak and slow.
The human trial showed numerous benefits of taurine supplementation in heart failure patients.
And no side effects were reported.

The human research was carried out at Osaka University Medical School in Japan. The findings were published in the Journal of Clinical Cardiology.
If you’ve heard about taurine you probably know that it helps the body to produce bile.
Bile is essential for killing toxic bacteria produced in the gut which can otherwise go on to poison the rest of the body, causing disease.
But taurine also has numerous other interesting biological effects.
For example, taurine supplementation is shown to increase muscle speed and power.
(Inotropic — modifying the force or speed of contraction of muscles.)
“Taurine, a non-toxic amino acid and a normal constituent of the human diet, has been shown to exert a positive inotropic effect in animals.”
Heart failure is a disease caused by problems producing energy in the cell.
The knock on effect of these energy problems is weakening of the heart.
Low energy leads to slow and weak pumping that starves the body of nutrients.
Could taurine help the failing heart to operate at a more healthy level?
This was the question Japanese researchers asked when they designed this study.
They recruited 14 men and women with heart failure for the 10 week study.
“Each patient entered a lead-in period of at least 2 weeks during which time their symptoms and signs were stable despite successive conventional therapy for heart failure.”
After the initial two week observation period, the participants were randomly split into two groups of seven.
The first group were started on taurine supplements.
They received 2g of taurine three times a day — a total of 6g.
The second group took three inactive placebo capsules instead.
After those four weeks, the participants had two weeks off. No supplements.
Then the groups are switched — those who had placebo now took taurine and vice versa.
Later, the doctors analyzed all of the data they had collected to see if taurine had any effect on heart failure.
The first thing doctors looked at was the New York Heart Association Classification.
This is a standardized way of assessing the progression of heart failure.
It quantifies the major symptoms of heart failure — things like shortness of breath, angina, and limitations of physical ability whether at rest or while active.
The New York Heart Association classification system seeks to objectively measure heart failure.
That data showed that taurine significantly improved heart failure symptoms.
“Compared with placebo, taurine significantly improved the New York Heart Association functional class.”
The researchers also looked at pulmonary crackles.
This is a crackling noise made in the lungs which is caused by swelling of the heart.
The low-energy heart becomes laden with excess water.
Taurine decreased pulmonary crackles.
“Taurine significantly improved pulmonary crackles and chest film abnormalities.”
X-rays also showed an improvement in the structure of the heart and surrounding organs (chest film abnormalities).
The doctors were impressed too.
Their clinical examinations were right in line with the above test results.
“The benefit of taurine was proven when an overall treatment response for each patient was evaluated on the basis of clinical examination.”
Not only that, but there were no reports of negative side effects during the trial.
“Side effects did not occur in the patients taking taurine. No patient worsened during taurine administration, but 4 patients did during placebo.”
In heart failure, the pumping of the heart becomes slower and weaker.
Just four weeks of taurine supplementation started to reverse this process – as measured by changes in the pre-ejection period.
“Pre-ejection period decreased after taurine treatment.”
The study shows that just a few weeks of taurine supplementation can improve all of the major markers of heart failure.
“The addition of taurine to conventional therapy is safe and effective for the treatment of patients with congestive heart failure.”
Taurine can be a very beneficial supplement for heart failure and many other problems.
—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-
These 6 foods give men bigger loads and longer, more pleasurable O’s

I’ve discovered 6 foods that give men bigger loads.
And not just bigger loads, but longer and more pleasurable O’s too.
Because think about it…
When you have a bigger load to spray, it’s going to take longer for you to spill it…
So then you’re coming for longer, and that means you’re feeling pleasure for longer…
And when you have a bigger load to spill, the pleasurable sensations are more amplified, more intense…
Your climax seems to last ages instead of just seconds. It’s incredible!
And all it takes is eating one or more of these 6 foods…

Therapeutic effect of taurine in congestive heart failure: a double-blind crossover trial