Most men aren’t being warned about this
Matt Cook here, and you may hear me talk about testosterone a lot…
And that’s because testosterone is like the holy grail of men’s health!
Men’s bodies depend on testosterone for so many critical functions like metabolism, muscle building, sex drive, rockiness, prostate health, and more.
The higher T is, the better.
Just make sure you’re not also raising estrogen… because high estrogen will cancel out the benefits of having high T…
So here’s how to keep T high without raising estrogen — something all men over 40 need to know…
—-Important Message From James Walker—-
30 second ritual reverses high blood sugar and torches fat
In the next 60 seconds, you’re going to learn something brand new and exciting…
It’s something that thousands of men are using to balance their blood sugar levels…
To melt away excess weight WITHOUT doing it “the tough way”…
To reduce hunger cravings…
And to enjoy deeper and more restful sleep.
It’s all thanks to recent breakthrough research which has identified the “root cause” of high blood sugar, uncontrollable weight gain, and restless sleep…
And how they’re all linked together…
Even more importantly, this research led to discovery of a shockingly effective 30 second “bedtime hack”…
It’s safe, all-natural, and so simple you can do it in your bedroom before you sleep…
Why men using T supplements have high estrogen
Testosterone is one of the most important hormones for men when it comes to metabolic health.
In particular, low testosterone predisposes men to classic metabolic diseases like…
…Type II diabetes, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome.
Other hormones like estrogen and thyroid are important too…
However, simply increasing T in men with low levels can have a massive effect.
In one study, 1/3 men with low T and type II diabetes achieved complete remission of diabetes with supplemental testosterone.
Even more men had significantly improved labs related to metabolic disease.
The research was carried out in a private medical center in Germany. The findings were published in Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism.
Low testosterone is quite common in men with type II diabetes.
Both are diseases triggered by inflammation and bacteria which prompt low metabolism and fat accumulation.
In this study, the researchers wanted to know whether testosterone supplementation could improve blood sugar levels or insulin in men with low testosterone and type II diabetes.
Optimizing testosterone can have a protective, anti-inflammatory effect.
“We investigated whether testosterone therapy in men with hypogonadism and type II diabetes improves blood sugar control on insulin sensitivity, and results in remission of type II diabetes.”
The researchers recruited over 350 men with low testosterone levels and type II diabetes.
The men were split into two different groups.
Both men were given standard lifestyle recommendations for dealing with type II diabetes.
One group was also put on testosterone replacement.
“Half of men were treated with testosterone every 12 weeks. The other half opted against testosterone therapy and served as a control group.”
The researchers investigated the reasons for avoiding testosterone supplementation in these men…
“Patients opting against testosterone therapy did so for a variety of reasons, the most common being advice against testosterone by their general practitioners and acceptance of low testosterone symptoms as part of aging.”
The researchers tracked all of the men in both groups for over 11 years.
Over this period, the men went through numerous medical examinations.
The researchers then combed through all of the data at the end of the study to see if there is any beneficial effect from testosterone.
Men taking testosterone had lower blood sugar levels after starting treatment.
Over time the blood sugar levels kept coming down towards normal.
The same pattern of improvement was seen with fasting insulin.
HbA1c – a marker of blood sugar swings over the course of weeks also improved progressively with testosterone supplementation.
“Patients treated with testosterone had significant progressive and sustained reductions in fasting blood sugar, HbA1c and fasting insulin over the treatment period.”
On the contrary, men in the other group who were not taking testosterone saw their diabetes labs go in the wrong direction.
“In the control group, fasting blood sugar, HbA1c and fasting insulin increased.”
I wonder what would have been the advice of their doctors had they seen these comparisons…
If low T is simply “part of aging” then perhaps you could say that optimizing testosterone reverses aging…
During the course of the study, one in three men taking testosterone were cured of the disease.
“Among the patients treated with testosterone 34.3% achieved remission of their diabetes.”
Almost half of the men in the testosterone study ended up with normal blood sugar readings.
“47% of patients taking testosterone achieved normal glucose regulation.”
There were also vast improvements in HbA1C in men taking T – meaning blood sugar was less volatile.
No such luck in the men not taking T.
“In contrast, no remission of diabetes or reductions in glucose or HbA1c levels were noted in the control group.”
Of course, blood tests don’t really matter on their own.
They’re supposed to predict disease and death.
So the researchers also recorded the numbers of diabetes related deaths and critical events…
“There were fewer deaths, heart attacks, strokes and diabetic complications in the testosterone-treated group.”.
Testosterone is a potential treatment for type II diabetes in men with low testosterone.
“Remission of diabetes occurred in one-third of the patients. Testosterone replacement is potentially a novel additional therapy for men with T2DM and hypogonadism.”
The risk with testosterone is that it can convert to estrogen — estrogen causes problems.
If this type of treatment was done while monitoring estrogen, the results may have been even better.
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.
—-Important Message About Keeping High T and Low E—-
Think you need testosterone? Don’t do anything until you read this…
Once a man begins getting medical testosterone — his body down-regulates its natural production.
Plus, the testosterone gets turned into estrogen, the feminine hormone that grows breasts and damages a man’s libido further.
So now, the man’s body stops producing its own testosterone naturally and it turns a big part of the fake testosterone into estrogen.
The man needs more and more fake testosterone, but that means more estrogen…
…and soon it all becomes a downward spiral for the man’s libido and performance.
So now, knowing all this…
…the only thing left is to figure out how to naturally raise testosterone…