Or gummy worms…or gummy sharks…and here’s why…
Matt Cook here, and most men are used to people telling them to eat less candy, that candy is bad for you, et cetera, et cetera…
But the right kinds of candy can actually deliver potent nutrients that men need for optimal health.
Like gummy bears, for instance. Or gummy worms, or gummy sharks… whatever your choice…
The key is that this candy contains 1 important ingredient… and here’s why men need a good helping of it…
—-Important Message From Alex Bradford—-
Korean PhDs recently discovered a one-of-a-kind natural aphrodisiac…
Something that’s only found in the deep sea off the coast of Korea…
And it is clinically shown to BEAT the leading treatment for rockiness…
Because it restores raw, sexual function WITHOUT unhealthy side effects.
What’s more…this “deep sea aphrodisiac” forces your body to burn up fat and build muscle in just 2 weeks…
Because it stays in your body 24 times longer than any other antioxidants, including Resveratrol…
This discovery also flushes out toxins from your body…
While also quenching the flames of chronic inflammation in your joints…
And scrubbing your arteries clean of any blockages.
That’s actually why some scientists also call this deep sea aphrodisiac the Longevity Mineral…
Why men should be eating more gummy worms
The bacteria produced in your body can kill you from the inside out.
I write a lot about how bacteria can leak from the gut into the rest of the body – causing inflammation which can lead to all sorts of disease.
But another major vector for these bacteria is the mouth.
Oral bacteria need to be kept in balance – just like gut bacteria.
Diseases of the gum and teeth – periodontal disease – are very strongly linked to cardiovascular disease and dementia.
In fact, we know that the pathogenic bacteria which cause periodontal disease also cause problems in the brain and in the heart.
But there are numerous ways to fight against these bacteria.
In one series of experiments, researchers showed that an amino acid found in gelatin can prevent bone loss in periodontal disease.
This is just one of many reasons why you should consume gelatin regularly.
The animal experiments were carried out at the Department of Periodontology, Oslo University in Norway.
The findings were published in The Journal of Periodontal Research.
Periodontal disease is inflammation and degeneration of the gums and teeth.
It looks really bad – but it has far more serious implications for overall health.
Periodontal disease is a great indicator of cardiovascular disease and future dementia.
It’s an outward sign of immune system problems and high levels of inflammation – both of which can be triggered by the same bacteria which cause periodontal disease.
“Dysregulated immune system responses play a significant role in the development of inflammatory diseases including periodontal disease.”
But within a healthy human diet there are many things which can help to control inflammation and bacteria.
One of the best, traditional, anti-inflammatory foods is gelatin.
Gelatin contains an amino acid called glycine – about 25% by weight.
Glycine is the primary natural anti-inflammatory in gelatin – so researchers wondered whether glycine could help with periodontal disease and inflammation.
The researchers crafted an experiment using rodents.
In the experiments, the researchers tied some silk around the large teeth of the rodents.
These silk, tooth-coverings served to attract pathogenic bacteria.
The silk, tooth-ligature acted as a home-base for these bad bacteria – allowing overgrowth and periodontal disease.
Before the application of the silk ligature, some of the mice were started on supplemental glycine in their water.
Five weeks later, the researchers compared the health of the different groups of animals.
The most objective measure of the progression of periodontal disease is a dental x-ray.
With x-ray, we can measure how much bone loss is caused in teeth and surrounding bone.
The mice given glycine had significantly less bone loss.
“Orally administered glycine significantly reduced periodontal bone loss.”
The researchers took blood samples from all of the animals. They compared the different levels of glycine in the blood of the different mice.
The more glycine the mouse had in its blood – the less bone loss it suffered from bacterial infection of the teeth and gums.
“Bone loss was negatively correlated with serum glycine.”
Glycine and gelatin may not be the absolute cure for periodontal disease – but they sure do limit the damage caused by the inflammatory bacteria.
“Chronic congestion of glycine supplied in drinking water significantly reduced periodontal bone loss.”
Glycine has beneficial anti-inflammatory mechanisms all throughout the body – the benefits are not limited to the bones.
Gelatin is the best source of glycine – because refined glycine powder can often have troublesome impurities.
Gelatin has massive amounts of glycine – about 25% by weight.
Collagen hydrolysate is another form of gelatin – more or less. It’s simply gelatin broken down.
The benefit of collagen hydrolysate over gelatin is that it does not have to be cooked.
You can add collagen hydrolysate to cold drinks – it simply does not require preparation.
Most people would benefit from taking an or two of these proteins per day.
—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-
Harvard stiffening breakthrough for men
What do Harvard doctors use when they want to get erections on a moment’s notice?
Here’s a clue: It’s not blue or yellow tablets…
Check out this Harvard doctor’s sexual performance breakthrough for men:
⇒ Harvard Stiffening Secret For Bigger and Better Sexual Performances