It’s not what you think, I promise
—-Important Message—-
True or false: does eating meat lead to heart disease?
I saw this headline from CNN the other day:

And when I actually went to read this “mega study” they’re using, this happened:

The mega study “can’t be found.” Weird, right?
And they’re using this missing study to push people to a plant-based diet:

That’s wrong, if you ask me. Because I find meat to be one of the healthiest foods for a man to eat, within reason of course.
And I actually stay away from plant-based and vegan foods because they are hiding a terrible toxin…
…a toxin that turns to fat in the bloodstream, leading to heart disease, liver disease, ED, even Alzheimer’s.
And the bad news is that this toxin is hiding in many foods, some you may even be eating today.
The good news is that there’s a way to protect yourself from this toxin with one slight tweak to what you already like to eat…
So you can do as you please without fear of heart disease or liver problems or Alzheimer’s.
In fact, your health and performance may even get a boost!
Here’s what I’m doing to prevent this toxin from building up in my body and eat foods I love
Why men need to pop more cherries
Cherries are a very interesting fruit.
They’re a very common, if mostly superficial, part of the Western diet, being used mostly for sundaes and cocktails.
Few people eat fresh cherries regularly, probably because their benefits are thoroughly underrated.

“The cherry fruit is a nutrient dense food with relatively low caloric content and significant amounts of important nutrients and bioactive food components including fiber, polyphenols, carotenoids, vitamin C, and potassium.” – Kelley et al. (2018)
A study reviewed 29 published human studies on the health effects of consuming cherries.
Two-thirds of the studies were randomized and placebo-controlled, in other words were of very high quality.
The results were quite stunning.
Consumption of cherries:
- Decreased markers of oxidative stress (8/10 studies)
- Reduced inflammation (11/16 studies)
- Alleviated exercise-induced muscle soreness (8/9 studies)
- Lowered blood pressure (5/7 studies)
- Attenuated the symptoms of arthritis (5/5 studies)
- Improved sleep (4/4 studies)
There were other results as well, but the portrait is pretty clear — cherries are an all-around amazing fruit.
To replicate these results at home, it is important to be aware of the study parameters.
Most of the studies were less than 2 weeks long, and served the equivalent of 45 to 270 cherries/day.
This is a LOT of cherries for most people. Fresh cherry juice might be a way to ingest a larger quantity.
Of course, cherries are not the same at all times. Their nutritional profile varies according to several factors:
“Cherries, and in particular sweet cherries, are a nutritionally dense food rich in anthocyanins, quercetin, hydroxycinnamates, potassium, fiber, vitamin C, carotenoids, and melatonin. UV concentration, degree of ripeness, postharvest storage conditions, and processing, each can significantly alter the amounts of nutrients and bioactive components.” – McCune et al. (2011)
The mechanisms of action by which cherries have their protective effect was reviewed by another study:
“Sweet and sour cherries contain several antioxidants and polyphenols that possess many biological activities, such as antioxidant, anticancer and anti-inflammation properties.” – Ferretti et al. (2010)

Overall, cherries seem to increase antioxidant activity, while reducing oxidative stress, inflammation, which has definite effects on the development of chronic diseases.
It seems like everyone should make an effort to eat some fresh cherries on a regular basis.
Just don’t swallow the seeds!
—-Important Message for Men Who Don’t Like Cherries—-
Eat one of these 5 foods that boost male blood flow for better rockiness

Cherries are great — but there are 5 specific “flow” foods I turn to when I want great erections with my wife.
These 5 foods deliver key nutrients the body needs to improve blood flow on its own…
…without expensive supplements or weird pumps or anything like that…
These foods allow the arteries to expand and restore their flexibility…allowing for more blood to come rushing through…
…filling up my member and benefiting all the organs in my body with oxygen-rich blood flow.
All it takes is one or more of these 5 blood flow foods

Kelley DS, Adkins Y, Laugero KD. A Review of the Health Benefits of Cherries. Nutrients. 2018 Mar 17;10(3):368. doi: 10.3390/nu10030368.
McCune LM, Kubota C, Stendell-Hollis NR, Thomson CA. Cherries and health: a review. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr. 2011 Jan;51(1):1-12. doi: 10.1080/10408390903001719. PMID: 21229414.
Ferretti G, Bacchetti T, Belleggia A, Neri D. Cherry antioxidants: from farm to table. Molecules. 2010 Oct 12;15(10):6993-7005. doi: 10.3390/molecules15106993. PMID: 20944519; PMCID: PMC6259571.