Men with low levels of this 1 vitamin are 5x more likely to suffer heart problems
Matt Cook here, and there are several key vitamins men need to keep the heart healthy enough for sex…
And one of those vitamins is B6.
Most men aren’t getting enough, but there’s an easy way to correct that…
Here’s the best way to naturally get more vitamin B6…
—-Important Message for Single Men—-
How to use the sexual lens to get a girl to sleep with you
Hey, I’m RJ and I’m sharing a strangely powerful technique Matt taught me called the sexual lens that got the girl of my dreams to go to bed with me…
…and not only go to bed with me, but become my loyal, loving girlfriend…
…and this was after spending months as her “her best bud”…
…where she was ignoring my sexuality, treating me like one of her girlfriends, even telling me intimate details of her dates with other men…
So listen, I know what being friend-zoned is like…
And if you’ll simply watch for 3 minutes, I’ll show you how to use the sexual lens that helped me turn a female friend into my sex pot girlfriend.
So if there is one girl that you really, really want…
…perhaps a friend, a coworker, or an ex-girlfriend…
…the cute girl who serves you coffee, a new neighbor, or even the girl you like that’s currently dating somebody else…
Watch this because I’m showing you how to direct the sexual lens at her and make her melt into your arms and beg you to take her sexually…
Why men need more vitamin B6 and how to get it
Homocysteine is an amino acid which is always present in the body.
But high levels of homocysteine are associated with inflammation and cardiovascular disease.
Elevated levels of this inflammatory amino acid in the blood are a marker for the development of thrombosis…
…mental illness and bone fractures, as well as cardiovascular disease and kidney disease.
Homocysteine can become elevated due to a number of nutrient deficiencies.
One of the most important nutrients for balancing homocysteine levels is vitamin B6.
In one study, researchers found that people with a vitamin B6 deficiency were more than five times more likely to have cardiovascular disease.
This research took place at a number of different hospitals across Europe, it was coordinated at the University of Granada in Spain. The findings were published in The Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The research compared numerous health markers of almost 200 people.
Of these, 103 participants were studied while they were critically ill.
The other group of 84 people were healthy at the time of the research.
“One hundred and three critically ill patients from different hospitals, and eighty four healthy subjects from Granada, Spain, all with informed consent.”
During critical illness, regardless of the cause, numerous changes happen in the body.
Whether critical illness is triggered by an auto accident or a viral infection, the patient will end up with high stress hormones and increased inflammation.
The body pulls on its nutritional reserves to try to deal with the inflammation and stress.
One of the nutrients needed to rein in these harmful processes is vitamin B6.
“Critically ill patients develop severe stress, inflammation and clinical state that may raise the utilization and metabolic replacement of vitamin B6, decreasing the body’s reserves.”
Vitamin B6 is an important nutrient for a number of reasons.
Perhaps one of the most important functions of vitamin B6 is controlling homocysteine.
Homocysteine is an amino acid that can trigger cardiovascular and other diseases when it becomes elevated.
We need adequate vitamin B6 to control homocysteine and prevent cardiovascular disease.
The research compared vitamin B6 levels across critically ill versus healthy patients.
“We assessed vitamin B6 status in critically ill patients, comparing them with healthy people studying the association with homocysteine and cardiovascular disease.”
Homocysteine levels were higher in the critically ill patients.
Higher homocysteine was observed in patients compared with the control group.”
Once homocysteine reaches a certain threshold it becomes diagnosed as a health condition called hyperhomocysteinemia.
This simply means that it can cause cardiovascular and other diseases.
Very high homocysteine – hyperhomocysteinemia – is a well known clinical marker of cardiovascular disease.
People with low levels of B6 were more than five times more likely to have this well-known marker for cardiovascular disease.
“Vitamin B6 deficiency was correlated with hyperhomocysteinemia, showing an odds ratio of 6.62.”
People with critical illness and severe inflammation are very likely to have a vitamin B6 deficiency.
This is at least partly caused by the inflammatory nature of critical illness which depletes B6.
“Critically ill patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome show deficient B vitamin statuses.”
Vitamin B6 levels are particularly important for people at risk of cardiovascular disease…
…especially those with high homocysteine and people at risk of critical illness.
Critical illness itself seems to deplete vitamin B6 levels.
“B6 deficient patients presented about six times more risk of cardiovascular disease than those without vitamin B6 deficiency.”
We don’t need a lot of vitamin B6 – about 5mg per day is plenty for most people.
But a surprising number of people don’t get enough – leading to inflammation which can play a major role in cardiovascular disease.
—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-
I believe that this sex drive amplifier is the missing link to a man’s sex drive…
Because I’ve made a simple nutritional discovery, a single key nutrient that men are terribly deficient in…
…a nutrient that has long been forgotten, but that is critical to a man’s sex drive and performance.
In fact, it’s so overlooked, that in a study of 6,000 people – 96% were deficient in this key nutrient.
And it only gets worse as men age. This 1 key nutrient is depleted more and more…
…until men begin to experience a disconnect between the arousal in their heads and the arousal in their penises.
So here’s why this nutrient is so important for sex drive…