And why thousands of men have better erections now
Matt Cook here, and there’s many cooking oils to choose from these days…
Canola oil, vegetable oil, peanut oil, Avocado oil…
The list goes on and on and on.
But there’s only one oil I’m eating and cooking with for the rest of my life… and here’s why…
—-Important Message From Lloyd Lester—-
Men everywhere are grateful for this celebrity sex scientist’s proven trick — lets men last as long as they want
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Why I threw out this cooking oil — and you should too
The public has received a lot of bad dietary advice over the last few decades.
Much of this is regarding which fats to eat.
We’ve been told to eat unsaturated fats – vegetable oils and fish oils.
I’ve written about the major health problems caused by these fats elsewhere.
On the other hand we’ve been told to avoid stable saturated fats like coconut oil.
But the reality is that coconut oil is one of the most beneficial fats you could consume.
Most Americans should be eating less fat overall – but they should be getting more saturated fats particularly coconut oil.
Coconut oil improves energy production and it has an antibiotic and an antiviral in effect.
Recent research shows that this fat could lead to improved blood sugar regulation.
The human research was carried out at the University of Minnesota. The findings were published in Case Reports in Endocrinology.
Coconut oil has had a resurgence in popularity over the last few years – it’s one of the few genuinely healthy trends.
“Coconut oil has become increasingly popular over the past few decades due to its anti-inflammatory, pro-metabolic and lipid lowering properties.”
In this paper, the researchers report the experiences of a 66-year-old man who had advanced type II diabetes requiring daily insulin.
After reading about the benefits of coconut oil the man began adding some to his daily routine.
Shortly after that he began to experience low blood sugar.
“We present the case of a man with a history of type II diabetes management insulin who developed recurrent hypoglycemia.”
After adding coconut oil to his diet his blood sugar became problematically low.
The man then reduced his treatment in order to normalize his blood sugar levels.
After taking coconut oil the man did not require as much insulin.
“The man required reduction in insulin therapy quickly after initiating coconut oil supplementation.”
Though there are numerous reasons to believe that coconut oil could lower blood sugar levels in people with type II diabetes – this was the first case report on this subject.
“This is the first known case report of coconut oil supplementation in a diabetic patient on insulin resulting in hypoglycemia.”
Of course, the man would not have had low blood sugar from coconut oil had he not also been taking insulin.
Aside from this case report, there are numerous human studies and other analyses which point toward the beneficial effect of coconut oil on elevated blood sugar levels.
“Review of the literature shows that coconut oil supplementation can have a favorable effect on blood sugar control.”
The researchers point out that some compounds called phenols contained in coconut oil are themselves shown to help with blood sugar management.
These phenols are natural antibiotics – they kill harmful bacteria in the gut.
These harmful bacteria otherwise have knock on effects which increase blood sugar.
The researchers also note the anti-inflammatory effect of Coconut oil.
Gut bacteria are a major cause of systemic inflammation.
And it’s not only the phenols in coconut oil that are antibacterial.
The main fat contained in coconut oil is called lauric acid – and it too is a potent antibiotic.
“Coconut oil can help with glycemic control, possibly through phenolic compounds mediating anti-inflammatory effects.”
There’s a lot of research showing that gut bacteria is a major factor in type II diabetes and blood sugar problems.
A little coconut oil can help to keep these pathogenic bacteria down.
The key thing with coconut oil is not to overdo it.
Too much fat of any kind can begin to feed bad bacteria.
A few spoonfuls of coconut oil throughout the day is far better than trying to consume a whole jar or bottle.
Most people should be looking to lower their fat intake in general – while increasing the percentage of fat they get from coconut oil and other saturated fats like dairy.
People with metabolic problems like type II diabetes are told to stay away from saturated fats like coconut oil – exactly the wrong advice.
“We recommend further research into the benefits of coconut oil in patients with diabetes and in whom reduction of saturated fat intake is currently advised.”
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.
—-Important Message From Matt—-
From finger prick to powerful prick
A new discovery that reveals how men with blood sugar problems can have amazing rockiness…
Many men are using this information to totally blow away their wives…and in the process their blood sugar problems are GONE.
It has to do with flipping a certain metabolic switch… that gets your body burning sugar again…
And you’re feeling warmer, faster, and more alive…
And the result is normal sugars… no more glucose tests or painful pricks to the finger…
As morning wood returns… erections gets better… and your wife or girlfriend is delighted again…