Hint: it opposes estrogen
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—-Important Message From Dr. Ari Magill MD—-
How circumcised men are experiencing mind blowing sensation
Most men are circumcised and had no input in the decision.
And most circumcised men are not aware that they are feeling less down there… less sensation and less pleasure…
It’s not their fault… and most men think there’s nothing they can do about it…
However — I’ve found a technique that restores pleasure and sensitivity for circumcised men…
So they are suddenly feeling more than they ever have before…
Try this sensitivity solution for more pleasure
Why I take progesterone
Matt Cook here, and pregnenolone is a master hormone – a vast array of other hormones are made from pregnenolone.
One of these hormones is progesterone.
Both pregnenolone and progesterone are higher in younger people.
Numerous animal and human experiments have shown that these hormones can rejuvenate the aged.
These hormones drop with age, and their use is of particular interest to age-related conditions, as well as mood and behavioral disorders.
They are also over the counter in the United States.
And they are remarkably safe, provided the supplement is of a high-quality and the dose is reasonable.
But they cannot be patented – and so you might not have heard of them.
These days, most of the research into these hormones is in relation to different delivery mechanisms which can be patented.
One such study showed that these hormones can rapidly increase memory and decrease anxiety.
This animal research was carried out at the Veteran Affairs Medical Centre in St Louis, Missouri. The findings were published in The European Journal of Pharmacology.
Pregnenolone and progesterone have been classified in a number of ways.
They are often referred to as youth associated hormones.
This is because younger people have higher levels, and experiments show that they induce youthful characteristics.
They are also known as neuro-steroids – because they are steroids which are very active inside the brain.
“The neuro-steroids hold great promise for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system.”
This research was designed to see how different routes of administration affected blood and brain levels of progesterone and pregnenolone.
The researchers compared intravenous injections of the hormones to intranasal sprays.
“We compared 11 brain regions and blood levels of radiolabelled pregnenolone and progesterone after intranasal and intravenous injection.”
The reality is that these hormones are not difficult to get into the blood and into the brain.
Oral and transdermal applications work just fine.
What’s interesting about this study is the effects reported.
“Administration of pregnenolone improved memory.”
Pregnenolone is really beneficial for brain health – it is something that has been known for decades.
It’s not surprising that pregnenolone would improve memory – pregnenolone production and memory deteriorate with age.
Both men and women produce progesterone. Women produce more – they need more because they have higher levels of estrogen.
Estrogen is a stress hormone which causes ulcerative physical and psychological effects – including anxiety and feelings of stress.
Progesterone opposes estrogen.
Many women take large doses of progesterone to help with symptoms of menstrual problems…
…including the mood issues that come alongside high estrogen.
It’s no surprise that progesterone decreased anxiety in these experiments.
“Pregnenolone improved memory, whereas progesterone decreased anxiety, demonstrating the therapeutic effect of neuro steroids.”
Young men and young women have the highest levels of progesterone and pregnenolone.
Both drop with age, and supplementing one or both of these hormones can be very beneficial.
Pregnenolone is the base material for progesterone – so taking pregnenolone can boost both.
A clean source of pregnenolone rarely shows any side effects.
Low doses of progesterone, though, are very good for men – they increase masculinity.
Higher doses of progesterone can be feminizing and can cause problems.
Most people notice a significant improvement in their mental well-being and mood when supplementing with clean sources of these hormones.
But these hormones don’t make a lot of money for the people who fund research grants.
And so the only time you’ll hear about them is when somebody has devised a new and often unnecessary route of administration which can be patented and generate profits.
These substances also threaten many of the most profitable treatments on the market.
This is because many of the ailments they seek to treat are influenced by low levels of these hormones.
—-Important Message About Progesterone—-
How to use progesterone and 2 other key supplements for better rockiness
I’ve come up with a special new protocol that focuses on 3 key supplements…
And these 3 supplement lower harmful prolactin, they lower estrogen, and they raise testosterone.
And that’s exactly what men need to enjoy good, strong erections whenever they want.