It’s one of the most misunderstood supplements out there
—-Important Message—-
Men are calling this a “penile implant in a jar”
Every one of the 400,000 guys who subscribe to my newsletter…
…knows that the secret to long lived happiness as a man is penile blood flow.
You know it and I know it: when lots of oxygen-rich blood flows into the penile chambers of a man’s member, they expand and get more engorged…
And this makes erections stronger, bigger, and longer-lasting. All from blood flow!
So if your blood flow down there isn’t what you would like…
…if things have gotten a little saggy and soft down there…
…or if you just want a natural alternative to what you’ve been using…

Why fish oil is the worst thing you can be consuming
I believe fish oil is one of the most dangerous supplements out there.
Not only because it is so harmful — but also because it is so popular.
For a lot of health-conscious people, the only thing that limits their consumption of fish oil is the cost.
But what happens when animals eat large amounts of fish oil.
They develop severe aortic atherosclerosis and liver disease.

The animal experiments were carried out at the Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
The results were published in The Journal of Research in Medical Sciences.
The researchers open their paper by claiming that fish oil decreases the risk of cardiovascular disease — a misinterpretation of the science for sure.
Nevertheless, they recognize that it might cause atherosclerosis — the narrowing of blood vessels caused by a buildup of calcium and fats.
“It is known that fish oil consumption decreases the incidence of cardiovascular disease. However, some studies showed that it increases atherosclerosis as it does not get completely metabolized by the liver.”
They decided to learn more about the effect of fish oil on atherosclerosis and liver disease.
“The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of fish oil on aortic atherosclerosis, hepatic steatosis and serum lipids in rats.”
Aortic atherosclerosis is the buildup of material in the aorta — the biggest artery in the body..
Hepatic steatosis is the buildup of destructive fibres in the liver — it’s the beginnings of liver disease and can progress to lethal cancer.
20 pregnant rats were split into two different groups. Both groups were given the standard lab rat diet with some minor differences.
One group was given about 16% of their calories from soybean oil.
The other group was given fish oil instead of soybean oil.
Otherwise the diets were identical.
The pups of the litter were fed on the same diet as the previous generation.
The animals were sacrificed and their organs were examined and compared.
Atherosclerosis can be visibly identified by something called a fatty streak.
This is a yellow-white discolouration on the surface of the blood vessel.
The researchers systematically examined and measured fatty streaks on the aorta of all the rats.
The rats were fed fish oil as their only source of fat had clear fatty streaks on the aorta.
“Medians for fatty streak in aorta of fish oil fed and soy bean oil fed pups were 1.00 and 0.00.”
Eating a diet high in fish oil and with no other source of fat led to aortic atherosclerosis.
“According to the results of the present study, a diet which provided 16% of energy from fish oil as the only source of dietary fat, induced aortic atherosclerosis.”
Eating a lot of fish oil is not good for your cardiovascular system — it causes buildup in the blood vessels.
The liver results were no better.
The signs of liver disease were assessed by looking at something called ductular cell hyperplasia.
The rats fed fish oil had it — the others didn’t.
Only fish oil produced clear signs of liver disease.
“Medians for ductular cell hyperplasia of liver in fish oil fed and soy bean oil fed pups were 1.00 and 0.00.”
In plain terms, a high fish oil diet led to liver disease in the animals.
“A diet which provided 16% of energy from fish oil induced hepatic steatosis in rats.”
Remember too that they are comparing rats fed with fish oil against rats fed with soy bean oil — which in itself is very harmful.
But fish oil might just be worse.
I’ll eat a little fish now and then but I’ll never take a fish oil supplement.
—-Important Message Regarding Liver Health—-
This simple protocol cleans out the liver while strengthening boners
Most men don’t know that getting good erections is tied to having a clean liver.
So men with fatty livers are often suffering from erections problems, but don’t know why.
And this is why many traditional erections treatments do nothing for these men.
It’s the liver that’s the problem.

So I’ve developed a simple liver cleanse that can restore good, strong erections in men.
It works by clearing out the toxins and fatty deposits that have built up in the liver over the years.
I’ve found it has made a huge difference in my stamina and lasting power.
And chances are, this free liver cleanse will do the same (or even better) for you…

Fish Oil Increases Atherosclerosis and Hepatic Steatosis, Although Decreases Serum Cholesterol in Wistar Rat