Scientists accidentally stumbled onto a giant breakthrough…

Matt Cook here, and scientists have finally found a natural cure to one of the world’s biggest scourges…
…a contagious, permanent, stigmatizing disease…
And they found this natural cure by accident!
Everyone’s talking about this… check this out…
—-Important Message From Kyle Bonnstetter—-
Rogue NYU urologist uncovers a new breakthrough nutrient that helps to support powerful streams, lift nighttime urges, and promote great rockiness
This nutrient is backed by clinical research showing it can help 92% of men who are suffering from prostate problems.
So instead of kicking off the sheets and stumbling to the bathroom 3, 4, or even 5 times a night or more…
Instead of standing over the toilet for 10 minutes only to squeeze out a weak trickle…
And instead of failing to rise to the occasion in the bedroom…
You can start to enjoy your life again…
Why everyone is suddenly talking about red light treatment
Cold sores are caused by a herpes virus called herpes simplex.
The viral infection causes recurrent painful blisters in and around the lips — it also causes a sore throat.
A closely related herpes virus can also cause sores in the genital area.
Antiviral treatments like acyclovir and valacyclovir can suppress an outbreak if they are applied early — but there are risks to these treatments.
They are mutagenic, meaning they can damage your DNA.
As with many diseases, the body has its own way of fighting herpes cold sores — but the fight depends on energy.
Red light helps cells to produce more energy and so it has been shown to significantly and safely reduce herpes cold sore outbreaks.

Human research was carried out at the University of Vienna Medical School in Austria.
The results were published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology.
Red light therapy is an amazing discovery.
It was discovered by accident that red light accelerated hair growth and wound healing in lab animals — that was 50 years ago.
We now know that red light works by increasing energy in the cell.
Red light removes nitric oxide — a chemical produced in the body which gums up the “engines” inside every cell.
Because red light works at such a fundamental energetic level it has an amazing array of benefits.
In scientific research, low powered lasers are often used.
They are easier to focus and dose accurately — better for scientific experiments — but the effects are not particular to lasers, other red light sources are just as effective.
Previous research has shown that red light therapy can be effective at treating other herpes infections including chicken pox/shingles (caused by herpes zoster).
“Low-intensity laser therapy mainly used for the acceleration of wound healing and in pain therapy has previously been shown to be of benefit in herpes zoster infections.”
So this study was designed to look at the effect of red light therapy on recurrent outbreaks of herpes cold sores.
The researchers recruited 50 people who were plagued by repeated cold sore outbreaks.
Those participants were split into two different groups for the experiment which lasted over a year.
”50 patients with recurrent cold sores (at least 1x/month for more than 6 months) in a randomized, double-blind placebo-controlled trial design.”
One group had brief, red light treatment around their lips and mouth every day for 2 weeks.
The other group went through the same procedure but the light treatment devices were not turned on — it was a fake/sham procedure.
After those two weeks the patients were instructed to report back to the University medical school if and when they had an outbreak of cold sores.
This monitoring period went on for a little over a year.
The researchers compared the average amount of time between outbreaks in each group.
In those who did not receive active red light therapy, the time to recurrence was 3 weeks on average.
People treated with red light went 9 times longer without another cold sore outbreak.
Red light treatment increased time between outbreaks from 3 weeks to 27 weeks.
“The median recurrence-free interval in the laser-treated group was 37wk and in the placebo group 3 .”
Some people in the treated group had no outbreaks over the course of the year-long follow-up.
Previously they were having one or more every month.
In the untreated group everyone had a cold sore outbreak by the 5 month period.
“10 irradiations with low-intensity laser therapy significantly lowers the incidence of local recurrence of herpes simplex infection.”
The treatments are safe, no heat is generated, the lights are low powered and no harm is caused to the skin.
Cheap, red LED light devices could be used at home regularly to presumably lower cold sore recurrence even further.
“Red light therapy represents a safe, noninvasive treatment, it might be considered as an alternative to established therapeutic regimens in this indication.”
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.
—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-
Colombian jungle juice makes men bigger and fatter “down there” naturally

A successful Colombian cocaine smuggler named Jose shared this secret recipe with me after I installed alarm systems in his businesses.
Those businesses turned out to be drug fronts… but that’s another story for another time…
The important thing is that this juice makes it easier for men to get “rocky,” stay rocky, and perform at their best with a woman.
It’s a natural miracle brew that’s allowed me to sport the strongest, most impressive looking erections whenever I want.
Want to try it? Click here and taste it for free.

Low-intensity laser therapy is an effective treatment for recurrent herpes simplex infection. Results from a randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study