Here’s what something as simple as red light can do for you as a man
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—-Important Message From Adam Armstrong at the New Alpha—-
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Why everyone is suddenly talking about red light therapy
Matt Cook here, and weirdly enough, light can have a huge effect on your health and performance as a man.
It can hurt you or it can help you… and today I’m showing you how…
So take the colors red and blue — they sit at different ends of the visible light spectrum.
Red represents warmth and energy – we perceive blue as a cold and inactive color.
And these associations happen to be remarkably true in terms of biology.
Red and adjacent light spectrum improves the health and functioning of mitochondria – the organelles which produce energy for the body.
Blue light and the colors close to blue suppress mitochondrial function – decreasing energy.
Energy is essential for the optimal functioning of every part of her body.
The light receptors in the retina of the eye are particularly dense with mitochondria.
Impaired vision is one of the earliest signs of excessive aging.
Researchers discovered that you can improve vision with red light because it improves energy output in the mitochondria in the eye.
The human research was carried out at University College London in the UK. The findings were published in The Journals of Gerontology.
We tend to measure age in years – but real biological aging should be measured in energy output.
The older we get the less energy our cells can produce…
…but people with the same amount of years on this earth do not necessarily have the same biological age.
Our energy production and therefore real biological age is determined by the health of our mitochondria.
They produce energy in the form of something called ATP.
“Mitochondria influence the pace of aging as the energy they provide for cellular function in the form of ATP declines with age.”
Some parts of the body are more dependent on energy than others.
And the photoreceptors in the eye have some of the highest energetic demands in the body.
“Mitochondrial density is greater in the photoreceptors of the eye, particularly the cones that mediate color vision.”
This is why declining vision is one of the earliest signs of advanced aging.
Mitochondrial energy production declines with age.
This shows a first in the parts of the body with high energy demands.
“Hence, the retina of the eye ages faster than other organs, with a 70% ATP reduction over a lifetime.”
The purpose of the eye is to send light signals to the brain.
But the mitochondria in the eye are very dependent on light energy for their overall health too.
And not all spectrums of light are equal.
Red and near infrared A light spectrum boosts energy production in the mitochondria.
“Wavelengths spanning 650 to 1000 nm (red and near infrared A) improved mitochondrial complex activity and ATP energy production.”
When you put all of this together the obvious question is whether you can reverse impaired vision with red light.
Can you reverse aging?
“We use 670 nm red light to attempt to improve photoreceptor performance in the participants.”
The researchers tried to answer this by carrying out experiments on 24 volunteers between the ages of 28 and 72.
12 men and 12 women were included in the study.
The researchers found that vision began to degenerate after the age of 40.
And the red light treatment benefited those of an older age.
The treatment involves shining a weak, relatively cheap red light into the eyes for 3 minutes per day. The experiment ran for 2 weeks.
Even during this short study, the researchers were able to detect significant improvements in vision in people over 40 years old.
“In the over 40s significant improvements were obtained in aspects of vision known to be vulnerable to mitochondrial deficit.”
The research is pretty clear – you can improve vision and reverse aging by increasing energy output – and red light is enough to do it.
“Using red light to enhance mitochondrial performance can be significant in moderating the aging processes in metabolic are demanding tissues.”
In fact, red light has been used to treat all sorts of conditions for 1000s of years.
The science of light therapy – known as photobiomodulation – has been in practice since the 1960s.
Properly dosed red light therapy can improve the health of any part of the body by increasing healthy energy output.
Very high doses of red light can be dangerous.
And other frequencies like blue and ultraviolet have the opposite effect – suppressing energy and increasing the likelihood of illness.
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New formula for men who want it all in the bedroom
Hey, Dr. Magill here, and a recent breakthrough reveals a chemical that may work significantly better than testosterone for male rockiness.
It can help increase the quality of a man’s rockiness…
It can help increase the length of time a man can stay rocky…
And it can help increase the number of times a man can go in one day…
Plus, this natural chemical may allow you to feel more pleasure than you ever thought possible…
…not just in your manhood, but all over your body.