And they never take treatments from the Doc…
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—-Important Message From Mark Mcilyar—-
New simple move replaces entire workouts
If you want to build muscle… burn fat… and get back in killer shape regardless of your age or physical limitations…
Just use this one simple move at home.
It doesn’t take much time at all…
And it has nothing to do with starving yourself, marathon-long cardio workouts…
…or lifting heavy weights like those muscle-bound bodybuilders at the gym…
It’s much easier… safer… far more gentle…
And most importantly, it uses age to your advantage.
See, the trick for guys like us…we need to train smarter, not harder.
So let me show you this one simple move…
Why Cuban men are using this weird waxy substance
Policosanol is a waxy substance which was originally discovered on cane sugar plants in Cuba.
The cane sugar wax has long been known to have potent health effects in Cuba.
In the last few decades, Cuban researchers refined policosanol and started using the pure substance in experiments.
They found that many of the folk beliefs about policosanol turn out to be correct.
Policosanol is used to lower cholesterol and alter blood lipids in Cuba…
And increasingly more people are using the substance to alter their lipid profiles.
It’s certainly safer than the conventional options like statins.
Human research shows that policosanol can significantly lower cholesterol.
This human research was carried out at the National Center For Scientific Research in Havana City, Cuba. The paper was published in the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Research.
Policosanol was already in use as a cholesterol lowering agent in Cuba before this research was carried out.
“Policosanol has cholesterol-lowering effects proven for a dose range between 5 and 20 mg per day.”
This was a high-quality study to test those effects and see what was the optimal dose for policosanol to alter cholesterol.
“This randomised, double-blind study investigated the cholesterol-lowering effect of policosanol 20 mg versus 40 mg per day.”
89 people were recruited for the study. They were split into 3 similar sized groups.
The participants were given one of 3 treatments.
The treatments were inactive placebo, 20mg policosanol, or 40mg policosanol per day.
The study found significant decreases in cholesterol from this natural waxy substance.
But there was little difference between 20mg and 40mg of policosanol per day.
LDL decreased by over 25% in 6 months.
“After 24 weeks, policosanol at 20 and 40 mg/day lowered LDL-cholesterol by 27.4% and 28.1%.”
HDL cholesterol was significantly lower after 6 months of policosanol too.
Both doses lowers HDL cholesterol by about 17%.
“After 24 weeks, policosanol decreased HDL cholesterol by HDL by 17.6% and 17%.”
Total cholesterol decreased by 15.6% in the 20 mg per day group.
Total cholesterol was down by 17.3% in the high dose (40 mg per day) policosanol group.
“Total cholesterol decreased by 15.6% and 17.3%, respectively.”
The study also showed a significant decrease in triglycerides.
“20 mg of policosanol lowered triglycerides by 12.7%. 40 mg lowered triglycerides by 15.6% after 6 months.”
The study shows that the long-held beliefs about policosanol in Cuba are true. Policosanol significantly lowers total, HDL and LDL cholesterol.
And it seems that there is little benefit in taking more than 20 mg of policosanol per day. If you consider lower cholesterol a benefit.
The researchers also found out policosanol increased the LDL to HDL ratio by about 37%.
There are 2 major issues to consider with cholesterol. The first is whether you should look to lower cholesterol at all.
The second question is how to lower cholesterol if that is something that you want to achieve.
Most people who want to lower their cholesterol use statin medications for this purpose.
Statins are effective at lowering cholesterol but they carry with them a large amount of side effects…
Some of which are independent of lower cholesterol.
I’ve written elsewhere about how statins can cause diseases of low energy and muscle wasting.
Most people probably shouldn’t lower their cholesterol directly.
Rather, they should seek to treat underlying problems like “leaky gut” or hypothyroidism.
Policosanol is almost certainly a safer way to lower blood cholesterol levels.
Most of the other research into policosanol shows health benefits…
And it may be that policosanol is lowering cholesterol indirectly by fixing one of the above-mentioned health problems.
—-Important Message About Cholesterol—-
Use this one supplement to turn high cholesterol into high testosterone
There’s something doctors aren’t telling men about high cholesterol…
And it has to do with testosterone…and how lowering cholesterol too much may actually lower T…
Meanwhile, most men have no idea that they can safely and naturally turn their high cholesterol levels into high testosterone…
It’s as easy as using this one simple supplement