He was fully VEGAN just a few months ago but now…
—-Important Message—-
Why former vegan Bear Gryllis HATES vegetables now and ONLY eats meat
The famous survival man Bear Gryllis used to be a proud vegan…
But now he ONLY eats meat.
He won’t eat grains, he won’t eat wheat, and he won’t eat vegetables.
He says vegetables “are really not good for you” and that they destroyed his kidney health.
But here’s the thing…
Bear Gryllis is just another celebrity jumping from one fad diet after another…
The truth is — ALL of these so-called “gurus” are wrong.
I’ve studied men living past 100 with excellent health and vitality…
…men who smoke, drink, and have sex almost every day…
And the one thing these men all had in common was 1 single food they were all eating…
And it wasn’t vegetables. And it wasn’t meat…
Pop this in your mouth to fully restore taste and smell after infection
Loss of sense of smell can happen after infection.
In the last few years, it has become increasingly common.
It’s a disturbing thing – and many people are concerned that they will never regain their sense of smell.
But there are a couple of nutrients which are often remarkably effective in restoring the olfactory sense.
One of these is vitamin A – specifically real vitamin A – retinol/retinal.
The plant based substances like beta carotene – which are also called vitamin A – likely don’t have the same effect.
In one study, researchers compared smell training with smell training plus vitamin A.
The addition of vitamin A was associated with a 50% improvement over the benefits found by smell training alone.
The human research was carried out at the Interdisciplinary Center for Smell and Taste, TU Dresden in Germany. The paper was published in the European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology.
One critical factor in the sense of smell is the action of the olfactory receptor neurons.
These are nervous system cells – like those found in the brain – which send scent signals through the nervous system to the brain.
This triggers sensations of smell.
It seems that bacterial and particularly viral infection can destroy these cells…
And this may be a major factor in the loss of smell after infectious disease.
Prior research has shown that vitamin A helps to regenerate and restore these cells.
“Vitamin A plays a decisive role in the regeneration of olfactory receptor neurons.”
So the German researchers decided to see whether vitamin A could help to restore the sense of smell.
They carried out a study looking at people who lost their sense of smell after infection or trauma.
170 people between the ages of 18 and 70 years old were included in the study.
46 participants took part in smell training – this was designed to prime their brain and nervous system to be more sensitive to smells.
The remaining 124 patients also received smell training.
But these participants were given topical vitamin A treatments as well.
Vitamin A treatment consisted of 10,000 IU of Vitadral – a chemical grade vitamin A in the form of retinyl palmitate.
This was administered intranasally – to the mucous membranes inside the nose – once daily for 8 weeks.
The patients would tilt their head back in a lying position and place the solution inside the nasal cavity.
“In patients receiving vitamin A, this was applied topically (head back position) at a dose of 10,000 IU/day for 8 weeks.”
The sense of smell was assessed using a standardized method.
This is a smell kit – which includes various aromatic substances which the participants are asked to identify.
The participants were tested before any treatment.
They were then tested again 10 months later – 8 months after the treatments were carried out.
Smell training alone resulted in a 23% improvement in the sense of smell.
The combination of smell training and real vitamin A increased the improvement by another 50% over smell training alone.
“37% of all postinfectious patients treated with vitamin A exhibited clinical improvement.”
The researchers concluded that vitamin A is one significant factor which can help restore the sense of smell after infection.
“Intranasal vitamin A at a dose of 10,000 IU per day for 2 months may be useful in the treatment of post-infectious olfactory loss. Further work with prospective, placebo-controlled studies is required to confirm these findings.”
I think it’s important to use the right type of vitamin A.
Many supplements labeled as vitamin A contain plant-based precursors…
And like beta-carotene, these precursors don’t have much effect in the real world.
Zinc is another nutrient which is very useful for restoring the sense of smell.
The combination of vitamin A, smell training and zinc can greatly restore the sense of smell after viral infection in most people.
—-Important Message About Boosting Your Immune System—-
What to do about rising variants and the newest virus
Let’s face it — people who got the jab are still getting the virus.
And they’re spreading it around just as much as the next guy.
Plus all the new variants… it seems like there’s a new one every day!
So what can we do to protect ourselves? How can we stay healthy?
Watch this video — here’s what they’re NOT saying about the new virus and what I am now doing to stay healthy…