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—-Important Message—-
What the Japanese are doing for more intimacy
Far, far away in Japan, there’s a “quiet revolution” taking place…
And it has to do with this weird intimacy practice older Japanese men are doing…
…and how they’re having more intimacy than any other men in the world…
I’ve been there and seen it with my own eyes.
But this is something you will NOT hear about in the news.
Is low T a normal part of getting older?
Matt Cook here, and testosterone levels in men tend to drop with age…
…and many doctors seem to think that this is just a natural part of life.
But every time researchers look at the relationships between testosterone levels and health factors, they discover something surprising…
It seems that many health problems are actually a cause of decreasing testosterone in older men…
…not the other way around!
Here is what one professor who actually investigated the topic had to say about it:
“Declining testosterone levels are not an inevitable part of the aging process, as many people think… testosterone changes are largely explained by smoking behavior and changes in health status, particularly obesity and depression.”
The human study was carried out at the University of Adelaide in Australia. The findings were published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism.
We know that hormones tend to change as we age – but the risk factors for these hormonal changes are often overlooked.
“There are few population-based studies reporting longitudinal changes in total T, and there is limited information on risk factors for their change.”
This research set out to see the changes in testosterone and other related hormones over a 5 year period in men…
…and to find out whether these changes could be explained by factors other than aging.
“The objective of the study was to examine 5-year changes in serum T levels among Australian men.”
After excluding men with complicating factors, the researchers had over 1300 men for their study.
“We recruited 1588 men aged 35 years or older but men on ‘treatments’ known to affect, or with established pathology of, the hypothalamo-pituitary gonadal axis were excluded, leaving 1382 for analysis.”
Average testosterone levels dropped over time – not a new finding.
“Mean baseline and follow-up T levels were 470 and 450 ng/dl, a change of 3.7 per year.”
But the researchers found that testosterone levels were not the same in all groups of men at the outset.
Obesity, being unmarried, and smoking habits seem to be the main factors related to lower testosterone.
“Annualized T changes were associated with obesity, being unmarried, and smoking at baseline, but not with diabetes, hypertension, or cardiovascular disease.”
Depression and other chronic diseases may be the triggers for decreasing testosterone over time.
The researchers actually found an increase in testosterone in married men compared to unmarried men.
“T declined in men who had persistent depression or developed chronic disease, and it increased in men who were married, as compared to unmarried, at both time points.”
Quitting smoking was a major identifiable factor in decreasing testosterone levels.
This is probably because nicotine increases dopamine and dopamine increases testosterone.
The second greatest causal factor in lower testosterone seems to be belly fat.
(I have written elsewhere about how bacterial endotoxin leaking from the gut increases belly fat and also shuts down the production of testosterone by poisoning the testicles…)
“In the multivariate analysis, smoking cessation, development of central obesity or generalized obesity resulted in T decreases of 10, 7, and 6 per year, respectively.”
The researchers also found numerous risk factors for sex hormone binding globulin.
Binding globulin is a protein which binds testosterone and other hormones, affecting their bioavailability.
“Quitting smoking, developing obesity, and having persisting depression were inversely related to SHBG change.”
The study shows that changes in testosterone are not determined by age – but rather by other factors which tend to coalesce with age.
You can and should take steps to protect your testosterone levels as you age – it is essential for your health.
“An age-related decline in T levels is not inevitable but is largely explained by smoking behavior and intercurrent changes in health status, particularly obesity and depression.”
You should always consult a healthcare professional about treating and diagnosing health problems.
—-Important Message About Boosting Testosterone—-
Pop a Booster Bite in your mouth for a quick testosterone boost
There’s a reason my Booster Bites work so well and so quickly at boosting a man’s testosterone…
…3 reasons actually!
It all comes down to the 3 ingredients I’m using to make Booster Bites…
…3 ingredients that are natural, healthy, and good for the body.
And most importantly, excellent at raising testosterone!
Discover what’s inside Booster Bites and why — and how to try them yourself