This study is a bit of a bummer at first. Because it ties in a very common stress hormones to fatty liver disease. But it also will show you exactly how to fix the problem.
The liver is the chemist of the body. The chemist makes just about everything that your body needs, and the key is always in your liver.
These are pictures of a rat liver but they show you the various stages of liver disease, from fatty liver, to steatosis, to cirrhosis:
The liver has these three important jobs
The liver detoxifies. Everything we eat turns into toxins to some degree. And the liver has to handle these toxins so they don’t poison ourselves.
The gut is loaded with pounds of bacteria and yeast and even little worms. The liver has to deal with their excrement and with their waste products.
The second role of the liver is to handle storing sugar in the form of glycogen. So when we are sleeping and not eating, or when were fasting between meals, we have a good steady source of energy.
The third role of the liver is to convert thyroid hormone T4 into easily used T-3. The thyroid hormone in your neck makes mostly T4, but the body constantly needs that T4 turned into T-3, and the liver is chiefly in charge of that.
It’s no wonder that with all these jobs, the liver is the largest organ in the body.
And it’s the one that we can’t easily live with if it’s sick (or fat)
That as we age, or as we drink alcohol, or any number of things, our liver gets fatty. This is called nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.
And you can’t be healthy if you have a fatty liver. A fatty liver is not working optimally, it’s like the chemist is sick. And without the chemist, you’re not getting energy, you’re not detoxifying properly, you’re not keeping your metabolism up.
With a fatty liver, your aging faster, and you’re getting sicker.
And that’s why I’ve been talking a lot about fatty liver lately.
Probably most guys over 30 have fatty liver.
And if you have diabetes, or high blood pressure, or you’re overweight, chances are you have fatty liver the matter what age.
Fatty liver disease pollutes and contaminates the whole body. It can cause diabetes. It can cause high blood pressure.
It can cause low metabolism.
And it can make you age faster and die sooner.
I think there’s a connection between fatty liver disease and dementia, and cancer certainly.
But what causes fatty liver disease?
Here is a study that has finally identified one of the chief causes of fatty liver disease. That cause is the stress hormone cortisol.
We call it a stress hormone because when the body is stressed out, it secretes cortisol.
Stress can mean physiological stress, or mental stress. Sleeping is a stress, because your body is not getting food.
That’s why cortisol levels rise as you sleep.
Lots of other things can cause cortisol levels to be high
One of those things strangely enough, is fatty liver disease. If you have a fatty liver, your liver is not converting high ROI T4 into T-3. So your metabolism is lower.
With a lower metabolism, you have increased dependence on cortisol to keep your metabolism going. It’s a virtuous circle, or is a vicious circle.
Lower T-3, more fatty liver. Higher cortisol.
This study identified three very clever and elaborate means, that cortisol levels contribute and even cause fatty liver disease.
If you keep your cortisol levels lower, you can fix fatty liver disease
Things that lower cortisol include lots of different vitamins, supplements, avoiding prednisone, avoiding alcohol, and getting enough sugar.
A lot of people today who are pursuing low-carb diets are setting themselves up for fatty liver problems because their metabolism is lower from high cortisol all the time. In the high cortisol creates fatty liver according to the study.
As Dr. Herzig, the lead scientist commented,
there is an association between the body’s own cortisol or therapeutically administered cortisone and the development of fatty liver.
Notice that this applies to cortisol and also to prednisone that the doctor gives you
And it’s been well known for some time that even patients getting cortisone from their doctors were getting fatty liver disease.
Here’s what to do now
You can fix fatty liver pretty easily. You don’t need to lose all that weight first either.
You can start by drinking a lot of coffee, and taking vitamin K2 and vitamin D3 and vitamin E. Those all can help fix fatty liver disease.
And you can also make sure that you control your cortisol levels, and that you’re getting enough thyroid hormone.
Click for more information on Coffee and liver, for Natural Remedies information, or for information about Cortisol and liver.