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This ratio may be much more important than simply higher testosterone.
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What is your T/E ratio?
The T/E ratio is your testosterone to estrogen ratio.
We know that T levels decline with age and with obesity…
And we all know that testosterone is primarily a male hormone… We need it for muscle mass and lower body fat, among other things.
In addition, testosterone is anti-inflammatory.
But there are some contradictory findings when it comes to T and the risk of cardiovascular disease.
“The effects of testosterone on cardiovascular disease as reported in literature have been ambiguous.”
Unfortunately, testosterone can be converted to estrogen.
Estrogen is a very inflammatory hormone for men… It increases the risk of many chronic diseases.
These researchers wanted to find out if the ratio of testosterone to estrogen (T/E ratio) is a good indicator of cardiovascular disease risk.
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“Recently, the T/E ratio was suggested to be better informative on the normal physiological balance.”
The ratio between these two hormones could control the levels of inflammation.
“Low T/E ratio in men with cardiovascular disease may be associated with increased inflammation and a worse cardiovascular outcome.”
This study recruited hundreds of men who had undergone surgery to remove plaque from the blood vessels (carotid endarterectomy).
“Testosterone and estradiol concentrations were determined in blood samples of 611 male carotid endarterectomy patients.”
Men with low T/E ratios had much higher inflammation.
“Patients with low T/E ratio had unfavorable inflammatory profiles compared to patients with high T/E.”
The researchers found an association between a higher T/E ratio and less risky levels of plaque formation in the blood vessels.
“A negative association between T/E ratio and number of plaque calcifications was found.”
They also found an association between low T/E ratio and increased risk of stroke, heart attack, and death.
“Low T/E ratio was independently associated with an increased risk for major cardiovascular events during 3-year follow-up.”
The study found a 67% increase in risk for major cardiovascular events for people with a low T/E ratio.
So this is a very risky hormonal profile for men.
“Low T/E ratio was associated with increased inflammation, increased inflammatory plaques, and increased risk of major cardiovascular events.”
The results were more pronounced in men with a higher body mass index (BMI).
“These effects are strongest in men with elevated BMI and are expected to be affected by aromatase activity in white fat tissues.”
Some fat cells produce an enzyme called aromatase. This enzyme converts testosterone into estrogen.
For this reason, high levels of body fat can cause a low testosterone/estrogen ratio – increasing the risk of major cardiovascular events.
This explains some of the contradictory reports about testosterone levels and cardiovascular disease.
If aromatase is high and testosterone is high there will also be a whole lot of estrogen in the system.
Even with high testosterone, you can have a low T/E ratio.
The researchers recommend improving the testosterone/estrogen ratio to prevent major cardiovascular events.
“Normalization of T/E ratio may be considered as a target for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in men.”
Some foods contain natural compounds that can lower aromatase – thus increasing the T/E ratio.
These are called aromatase inhibitors.
For example, oysters contain a lot of zinc, which is a potent aromatase inhibitor.
For overweight people, losing body fat essential.
Doctors can also prescribe powerful pharmaceutical aromatase inhibitors when required.
—-Important Message—-
Fixing your T/E ratio – here’s how to do it…
Many men want to raise their testosterone, thinking that it will give them amazing erections…
And it is very disappointing and confusing when those erections don’t come back after all.
And it’s all because of too much estrogen…
You see, testosterone is like fire and estrogen is like water.
A man can raise his testosterone levels to make the fire bigger… But his body makes more female estrogen hormone to put it out again.
Researchers call this aromatization. Testosterone turns into estrogen.
This is not good for men…
But can you prevent testosterone from turning into estrogen?
Click here to discover how to fix your T/E ratio…

- Testosterone to oestradiol ratio reflects systemic and plaque inflammation and predicts future cardiovascular events in men with severe atherosclerosis
https://academic.oup.com/cardiovascres/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/cvr/cvy188/5056751?redirectedFrom=fulltext - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/27876434
- https://drannacabeca.com/blogs/mens-health/what-men-need-to-know-about-healthy-testosterone-levels
- https://www.foreverhealth.com/blogs/forever-health/69758597-male-menopause-is-real
- https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0061598
- Evaluation of testosterone/epitestosterone ratio influential factors as determined in doping analysis.
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10732948 - (DHEA) on the Urine Testosterone/Epitestosterone
This might be the most interesting bit of information you have ever wanted to know. Why? Well, because this is connected to sex.
Yes! The true sexual health estimate of your being can be measured by the Testosterone to estrogen ratio in your body. This calculation of the testosterone to estrogen ratio measures the free Testosterone and Estradiol levels in your body. Both these hormone concentrations are usually measured in different ways though.
While Testosterone is calculated in ng/dl, the estradiol concentrations are calculated in pg/ml. The testosterone calculation is a nanogram per deciliter with the International standard being nanomole per liter. The Estradiol calculation, in the same way, is a Picogram per Millilitre with the International standard being Picomole per liter.
The basic ratio is calculated by this simple formula: ratio = testosterone/estradiol
The Normal Testosterone to estrogen ratio is : Testosterone (10-35 nmol/L or 300-1000 ng/dL) and Estradiol levels (50-200 pmol/L or 14-55 pg/mL)
This Testosterone to Estrogen ratio is more important when it comes to sexuality than the role of testosterone or estradiol or estrogen alone. Some factors which play an important role in this ratio include physical activity levels and hormonal patterns or changes in an individual.
Any sufficiency and deficiency in Testosterone have always had a direct correlation with the sexual health of an individual. (Matsumoto,2002.)
Deficiency in the Testosterone/ Estrogen ratio has been related to specific disorders like Sexual dysfunction, Insulin resistance or diabetes and Cardiovascular Disorders. (Selvin et al. 2007, Nettleship.et.al,2009)
In a 24 hour period the level of Testosterone in the body peaks more during the morning, indicating the relevance of circadian rhythms in the natural body functions. According to research, there is a direct possibility of the influence of sunlight on Testosterone secretion. This differs during the peak & trough months. Meaning, Testosterone levels may differ during the Summer and Winter months. This is based on the hypotheses that these changes are caused due to temperature fluctuation and the rate of daylight exposure.
According to some independent research studies the optimal range for total testosterone is 700 to 900 ng/dl; for estradiol, it's 20 to 30 pg/ml. Any figures that are below the testosterone range or above the estrogen level is indicative of low testosterone to estrogen ratio.
A low testosterone level has been linked to a number of disorders. Though the lowering of testosterone with age is a natural process, there is a huge effect from lifestyle, diet and hormonal changes in today’s modern world.
Some of the symptoms that point at Low testosterone levels include a foggy brain and increased fatigue. Depression and irrational mood swings can occur as testosterone imbalance mess up with the body systems. Cholesterol levels can go high and this can cause cardiovascular problems. Increased anxiety and irritability are also early signs of low testosterone levels. Some complain of muscle mass loss and even the loss of bone mass. This can lead to bone disorders like osteoporosis. The sexual libido of the individual also gets affected as low testosterone leads to decreased erection or even erectile dysfunction.
Did you know that Testosterone and Estrogen are found both in men and women?
Usually, as a man becomes older, his testosterone levels subside while estrogen levels tend to increase. A recent study concluded that a 60-year-old man may have more estrogen levels in his body, than a woman of the same age. Modern diet contributes more to the production of aromatase enzymes which increases the natural conversion of testosterone to estrogen, which can lead to an imbalance in the testosterone/estrogen ratio.
According to the American Urological Association, there is a direct link between low testosterone and weight-related issues. So what are some natural ways to keep the testosterone/estrogen levels balanced?
Increase the intake of Vitamin D and zinc in your body. Zinc is related to fertility and immunity and is found richly in food like oysters, protein-rich dairy products and fermented foods. Healthy fats that are found in avocados, nuts, and seafood also help to provide the necessary nutrients for a healthy testosterone level. High testosterone to estrogen ratio would mean that a man's metabolism is prime and efficient. Engage a daily regimen of high-intensity exercise. Take steps to de-stress yourself and your body at regular intervals. Sleep well and yes Move your body more.
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