Can you stop the dizziness, the nausea, and the headaches forever?
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Vitamins and vertigo
Feeling dizzy on a regular basis is NO fun.
It can keep you from working and living your life in a productive manner.
Unfortunately, it’s a pretty common occurrence for many people, and there aren’t always great ways to treat vertigo.
But a new study has shown that a simple vitamin D supplement may provide long-term relief from recurring episodes.
But because there is no money for Big Pharma in vitamin D therapy you aren’t likely to hear about this from your doc.
That doesn’t mean it doesn’t work, just that Big Pharma would rather keep cheap and natural cures quiet.

What is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo?
This is the most common form of vertigo. It happens when you move your head and feel dizzy.
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo happens when a change in head position gives you a sudden spinning sensation. It’s one of the most common types of vertigo.
Most people who experience this type of dizziness also experience down time in their daily life and the ability to work because of it.
About 86% of people with this form of vertigo find that it interrupts their daily life or causes them to miss days at work.
How Is This Type of Vertigo Treated?
This type of vertigo doesn’t need to be treated with treatments.
Normally an office visit with your doctor adjusting your head will help.
Treatment includes a doctor performing a series of head movements that shift particles in the ears that cause the vertigo, but the condition tends to recur frequently.
The problem is that this type of vertigo recurs frequently — requiring regular doctor visits to alleviate.
Vitamin D supplements may help.
One of the things that may help and that is super low risk for almost everybody is taking a basic vitamin D supplement.
In this Korean study, people who had vertigo and low vitamin D levels were given a vitamin D supplement of 400 IUs twice a day.
The 445 people in the intervention group had their vitamin D levels taken at the start of the study. The 348 people with vitamin D levels below 20 nanograms per milliliter (ng/mL) were started on supplements with 400 international units of vitamin D and 500 milligrams of calcium twice daily, while those with vitamin D levels equal to or greater than 20 ng/mL were not given supplements.
They found that the recurrence rate for the vertigo was reduced by 1/4th just from taking the vitamin D!
Those in the intervention group who took the supplements had a lower recurrence rate for vertigo episodes after an average of one year than those in the observation group. People taking supplements had an average recurrence rate of 0.83 times per person-year, compared to 1.10 times per person-year for those in the observation group, or a 24% reduction in the annual recurrence rate.
That’s a pretty large reduction for a safe and inexpensive supplement.
Could vertigo be CAUSED by low vitamin D?
There was another statistic in this study though that I found fascinating.
The people with the lowest vitamin D levels at the beginning of the study got the GREATEST benefit. They saw a nearly 50% reduction in the recurrence of their vertigo symptoms.
There appeared to be greater benefit for those who were more deficient in vitamin D at the start of the study. Those who started with vitamin D levels lower than 10 ng/mL saw a 45% reduction in annual recurrence rate, while those starting with vitamin D levels at 10 to 20 ng/mL saw only a 14% reduction.
That makes me wonder if this type of vertigo is related to low vitamin D levels, at least for some people.
Regardless, if you have vertigo you might want to try vitamin D and see if it helps. I think it’s worth a shot.
—-Important Message About Vitamin D—-
This one killer hormone is draining men of their vitamin D levels
I’ve discovered one killer hormone responsible for up to 80% of men’s health and sex problems…
And one of the first things this killer hormone does is drain men of their vitamin D levels.
See, this killer hormone starts by draining certain key nutrients that the body needs — key nutrients that naturally fight off this killer hormone…
…nutrients like vitamin D!
Fortunately, my Golden Ratio protocol keeps these key nutrients high while protecting you from the killer hormone.
It’s the next step for men taking vitamin D who still can’t seem to benefit from it the way they should be…
Use my Golden Ratio protocol for free — get it here