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Vitamin K is one of those vitamins that can perform miracles.
It reverses hardening of the arteries.
It strengthens the bones.
And it can reverse fibrosis — including penile fibrosis.
But to make it super confusing, there are really two vitamins here.
They are Vitamin K, and Vitamin K 2.
Vitamin K is responsible for clotting blood.
Bacteria that live in your gut create vitamin K, and you can get it from leafy green vegetables that you eat.
If you eat plenty of leafy greens, you’re going to get plenty of vitamin K.
That is unless you been on a bunch of antibiotics.
Antibiotics may kill the gut bacteria and may lower your levels of vitamin K.
But if you can stay off of the antibiotics, you can do quite well to get enough vitamin K from your food.
Now, there has been a lot of confusion about vitamin K versus vitamin K2.
As wonderful as vitamin K is, you also need to get enough vitamin K2.
The list of vitamin K2 benefits is LONG!
Vitamin K2 is the vitamin that is responsible for reversing fibrosis, building strong bones, and cleaning out the arteries.
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Vitamin K2 also can greatly increase testosterone in men without increasing estrogen levels.
It really is a wonder vitamin when it comes to raising testosterone.
So let’s talk about which kind of vitamin K2 is best?
What are the best sources of K2?
There are a lot of supplement manufacturers who claim that their vitamin K2 is fully natural.
Vitamin K2 has two forms, MK4 and MK7.
MK7 is taken in very small quantities, like 100 µg.
And it’s found naturally in the fermented soybeans that they eat in Japan.
But even in Japan, fewer and fewer people are eating fermented soybeans.
And when they do eat fermented soybeans, they eat a few soybeans on a pile of rice for breakfast.
So they are getting some vitamin K2 MK7, but not huge amounts.
In fact, they are now making vitamin K2 MK7 synthetically, so you can’t even call MK7 more “natural” than MK4.
A lot of MK7 comes from suppliers using the new synthetic process.
Further, it turns out that the body can produce vitamin K2 MK4 in all the tissues.
The gut doesn’t make it — it’s produced in all tissues in the body.
In fact, the body uses the vitamin K that we eat to make vitamin K2.
Years ago, they did a study to determine where vitamin K and vitamin K2 are present in a human body.
They worked with cadavers so they could analyze all the different tissues.
The clotting vitamin, K, was present in all tissues, especially in the liver, heart, and pancreas.
The “artery clearing, fibrosis-busting” vitamin K2 was found:
From most of the tissues; its levels exceeded the K1 levels in brain and kidney and equalled K in pancreas.
So from this, you can realize that vitamin K2 MK4 is something that you may want to supplement.
It’s difficult to get enough from our diet.
And the kind that you use should be MK4 rather than any other forms.
MK4 is found naturally in the body, and if you take more, you’ll see some great benefits out of it.
But researchers wanted to see exactly where the body produces MK4.
In this important rat study, researchers determined that the body produces vitamin K2 in the tissues directly in the body.
MK-4 accumulation in non-liver organs is due to synthesis rather than uptake and MK-4 rather than vitamin K may be the functional vitamin in non-liver organs.
Don’t fall for the hype about the supposedly all-natural MK7.
MK4 is what the body uses and needs.

Phylloquinone and menaquinone-4 distribution in rats: synthesis rather than uptake determines menaquinone-4 organ concentrations
Among most Vitamins, that are public knowledge, one that does not get much attention is Vitamin k2, also known as menaquinone. Its counterpart Vitamin k1 (phylloquinone) is found in abundance among most green leafy vegetables, though Vitamin k2 plays a very important role especially in its connection with the male hormone testosterone. Naturally found in foods like fermented foods, egg yolk, butter and cheese, Vitamin K2 is very important for maintaining good cardiovascular health and bone density. The type of Vitamin K2 that is known to be the most deficient in the human body is mk7 and mk4. Mk7 is considered more powerful and beneficial than mk4, since it as a source of supplementation and remains in the bloodstream for a longer duration than mk4.Mk7 is produced naturally in the gastrointestinal system but is also found abundantly in fermented foods. Also, mk7 has been found to boost the production of the hormone testosterone in the human body. Testosterone is the principal hormone in the human body which governs some of the basic processes of the body ecosystem like bone density, sperm production, development of muscles and libido. Though present both in male and female bodies, its relevance is more important for men. As a key part of the k2 vitamin,(Menaquinone 7) has been found to improve the testosterone levels, as per laboratory tests. Menaquinone has also been found very beneficial in the inhibition of vascular calcification and plays a major role in reducing the risk of heart diseases. Some of the foods that are rich in Vitamink2, specifically Mk7 are cheese, yogurt, and sauerkraut. Fermented soy food or Natto is also a good supplementation option for mk7. According to some research studies, Vitamink2 boosts Testosterone by boosting the testicular steroid genesis.
2. Is vitamin k testosterone better?
Vitamin K is also known as a clotting vitamin since it aids the blood to clot and is a very important nutrient for the body’s ecosystem. It is an essential vitamin which is usually found stored in the fat and liver tissues. Vitamin k in the right quantity along with other phytochemicals has been found to be very beneficial for prostate health. Usually distributed as Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2, the core source for Vitamin K1 is green leafy vegetables.Vitamin k2 plays a very prominent function in boosting the levels of Testosterone and is normally found in many Testosterone boosters which are sold in the retail market. Vitamin k2 is well known in its benefits for bone health and recently, its role in the improvement of the testosterone levels in the body is becoming mainstream.The fall of testosterone in elderly individuals in a known issue, which according to specific health research can be altered by the proper Vitamin k2 supplementation. The type of foods that is abundant in Vitamin k2 includes dairy products such as cheese, butter, and fermented soy or natto. Vitamin k2 is also prominent in chicken liver, egg yolk, ground beef, salami and in sauerkraut. Organ meat is also rich in vitamink2 and is found in the pancreas, brains, cartilage, brains, kidneys and bone and the reproductive organs. Fish eggs are also considered a good source of Vitamin k2. It has also been found that foods that have a high amount of Vitamin k2 increases the percentage of osteocalcin and also prevents inflammation.In addition to other elements like Magnesium, zinc and Vitamin D, the benefits of Vitamin k2 makes it a great testosterone booster. The basic Vitamin k needs for a male amount to between 1500 mcg and 45 mg per day for a healthy and optimum body.
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