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—-Important Message From Mike—-
Video reveals ancient secret to raging bull stamina
Sick of being half limp… I discovered this private video which reveals an unusual “ancient secret”….
So that you can get stiff as a baseball bat, anytime you want…
And keep a throbbing, vein-bulging “boner of steel” for as long as you need to…
…without EVER taking dangerous treatments…
This secret saved my marriage (and made my wife the most satisfied woman on earth…)
It caused my wife to love, respect, and CRAVE me on a whole new level.
I had tried everything — even those injections directly into the penis — but this is what actually worked for me — and is working today…
Spread this on your bagel to prevent memory loss
Nootropic supplements are now a multibillion industry.
These are supplements which boost mental performance, speed, accuracy, and memory.
Heavily marketed nootropic supplements are often relatively new synthetic chemicals.
Sometimes they work, but long-term safety is unknown.
Yet there are a number of remarkably potent and safe nootropic foods which have been around for 100s or 1,000s of years.
I’ve written before about how things like caffeine, coffee, and sugar can boost mental performance.
But citrus fruits also contain brain boosting compounds.
Hesperidin is a flavonoid contained in citrus fruits. It improves memory – and it does this by increasing the connectivity of the brain cells.
Hesperidin and other beneficial flavonoids are concentrated into the peels of citrus fruits…
Making marmalade a potent source of these brain boosters.
The animal experiments were carried out at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. The paper was published in the journal Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience.
A synapse is a structure that allows brain cells to pass information from one to the other.
Synapses are critical for brain health.
It doesn’t matter how many brain cells you have – if your synapses are weak or too few, your brain cells cannot work properly.
“Synapse formation and function are critical events for brain function and cognition.”
Given numerous studies showing that hesperidin, a compound found in citrus fruits, improves memory…
Researchers wanted to find out why.
“Flavonoids like hesperidin have been studied as alternatives for improving cognitive processes but the cellular targets and mechanisms of these flavonoids remain poorly understood.”
This research was carried out to see whether hesperidin had a beneficial effect on synapses.
The researchers wanted to know whether this fruit compound improves memory by increasing brain connectivity.
“We investigated the effects of hesperidin on memory and its cellular and molecular targets.”
The researchers carried out experiments on rodents.
They assessed memory using something called the novel object recognition test – a standard in memory research for many decades.
In the experiments, some mice were given hesperidin 30 minutes before taking the test. Other mice were not given any hesperidin.
Mice given the fruit compound performed much better on the memory test – something seen in numerous prior experiments.
“The novel object recognition test was used to evaluate memory in mice treated with hesperidin 30 minutes before the test phase.”
The researchers also looked at what was going on inside the brains of the mice.
They zoomed right in to see what was happening at the synaptic level.
They found that this natural compound increases the number of connections between brain cells.
Hesperidin caused the growth of new synapses.
“We describe hesperidin as a substance able to improve memory in healthy adult mice by inducing synapse formation and function.”
This natural compound rapidly increases brain performance – improving memory and helping brain cells to connect with each other.
This means that marmalade is a fast acting, memory boosting food – lighting up a tired nervous system almost immediately.
“Our findings reinforce the known protective effective hesperidin and characterize its synaptogenic action on the central nervous system.”
The research was aimed at developing pure hesperidin as a treatment or supplement…
But natural sources like oranges and marmalade contain healthy amounts of hesperidin and other, similar flavonoids.
“Our work provides new data regarding flavonoids actions in the central nervous system and also shed light on new possible therapeutic alternatives.”
Fresh citrus fruits, orange juice, and particularly marmalade are remarkable health foods in various ways.
Potent flavonoids like hesperidin play a large role in the benefits of these functional, natural foods.
Unfortunately, many processed marmalades now come with unnecessary and unhealthy ingredients like guns and citric acid.
Be careful to choose a marmalade which has only the basic and minimal ingredients necessary.
—-Important Message for Men Over 45—-
This simple Kraepelin method helps protect your brain from Alzheimer’s
Emil Kraepelin was the first scientist to discover how to reverse brain aging in humans.
But his work has been ignored for almost a century.
That’s why I’ve named this method after him — it works on the true cause of brain aging and fixes it naturally and safely…
And it only takes 45 seconds to start working.
It’s so simple, it will just become part of your daily routine.
Here’s the Kraeplin method that can help you keep a young mind and memory for decades longer
(And it protects against the #1 toxin that leads to Alzheimer’s and dementia in men!)