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—-Important Message From Adam Amstrong at the New Alpha—-
This is the Ultimate Male Hormone — 10x stronger than testosterone
New research has brought to light another hormone in the male body… and it’s 10x more powerful than normal T –
I call it the Ultimate Male Hormone…
And the benefits are astounding:
- Increases how often you orgasm…
- Makes you more rocky and more reliable…
- Boosts energy levels and manly drive…
- Stimulates morning every morning, the kind that lasts for 10 or 15 minutes…wood
- Even reduce man boobs because it lowers estrogen levels…
Here’s how to naturally boost the Ultimate Male Hormone for all of these benefits and more
Men eating this oil lose twice as much fat
Matt Cook here, and calories in – calories out is one of the dominant models explaining why different people have different body weights.
It means you gain more weight if you eat more while doing the same amount of activity.
If you eat the same amount of food but do less activity, you gain more weight – and vice versa.
(According to the calories in – calories out theory.)
But calories are not all the same.
The source of calories matters, because different types of fats have different effects on mitochondria, affecting your resting metabolic rate.
In one diet experiment where people were fed the same amount of calories, the choice of fat could account for a massive increase in weight loss.
In the experiment, people who ate olive oil instead of soybean oil lost nearly twice as much fat while consuming the same amount of calories.
The human research was carried out at Universidade Federal de Viçosa in Brazil. This paper was published in the European Journal of Nutrition.
Extra-virgin olive oil is recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular disease.
The authors of this study wanted to know if it could affect body fat and weight.
“Despite the fact that extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is widely used in obese individuals to treat cardiovascular diseases, the role of EVOO on weight/fat reduction remains unclear.”
This was a high-quality, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled clinical trial. 41 overweight women took part in the experiment.
The diets were identical except for the type of fat contained in breakfasts.
In one part of the experiment, the participants consumed about 1 oz of soybean oil with breakfast.
In the other part of the experiment, the participants got the same amount of extra virgin olive oil.
“Received daily high-fat breakfasts containing 25 mL of soybean oil (control group) or EVOO (EVOO during nine consecutive weeks.”
These oils differ in their type of fats (degree of saturation) and specific fatty acids.
Soybean oil has a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids – particularly linoleic acid.
Polyunsaturated fats and linoleic acid are especially bad for the mitochondria – the energy-generating organelles that dominate our metabolism.
These fats destroy your metabolism.
Extra-virgin olive oil contains much less of the harmful polyunsaturated fat.
Soybean oil has almost seven times more polyunsaturated fats – 62% versus 9%.
Aside from differences in fat content, these energy-restricted diets were identical.
“Breakfasts were part of an energy-restricted normal-fat diet (-2090 kJ, ~32%E from fat).”
The researchers didn’t just look at body weight – they also carried out DEXA scans.
DEXA scans can give us a very good idea about what type of tissue is lost during weight loss.
“Anthropometric and dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry were assessed, and fasting blood was collected on the first and last day of the experiment.”
The researchers discovered that those who consumed extra-virgin olive oil instead of soybean oil lost 80% more body fat.
“Fat loss was ~80% higher on EVOO compared to the control group (-2.4 kg vs. -1.3kg).”
Olive oil is also associated with a reduction in blood pressure.
This is probably because the fatty acids in soybean oil are inflammatory – causing the blood vessels to constrict and thereby increasing blood pressure.
“EVOO also reduced diastolic blood pressure when compared to control (-5 vs. +0.3 mmHg).”
The researchers also found a decrease in a very important inflammatory protein in the people consuming olive oil instead of soybean oil.
‘There was also a trend for IL-1β EVOO reduction.”
IL-1β is an inflammatory protein linked to autoimmune disease, insulin resistance, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and cancer.
The researchers concluded that extra-virgin olive oil could help reduce body fat and lower blood pressure.
I think that their conclusion is not entirely correct.
It’s not necessarily that extra-virgin olive oil is beneficial – after all, it was compared against soybean oil.
Based on a lot of research on the effects of different oils and fatty acids…
…I think the benefits were mostly due to consuming less polyunsaturated fatty acids by decreasing soybean oil consumption.
“EVOO consumption reduced body fat and improved blood pressure. Our results indicate that EVOO should be included into energy-restricted programs for obesity treatment.”
Extra-virgin olive oil is a better option than vegetable oils like soybean oil.
But healthy saturated fats like butter and coconut oil are just as good, if not better.
—-Important Message About PUFAs—-
What do you do if you’ve already been eating all of these PUFAs?
I call PUFAs the “killer lipid” because they are so, so unhealthy and lead to so many diseases and health problems.
And so many men are eating loads of the killer lipid every day because they simply don’t know how bad it is.
And if that’s you, don’t worry. It’s not your fault, and it’s not too late to fight back.
I’ve discovered a way for any man to destroy the killer lipid safely and naturally with one simple method…
It’s a 45-second activity that safely burns these toxins up in the cells, BEFORE they can leak out into the rest of the body.