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—-Important Message—-
Men are doing this little hack at home to restore raging towel-hangers again
If you could make your erections firmer, stronger, and longer-lasting, in the comfort of your own home…
…wouldn’t you want to?
Why use pills or pumps or weird (and dangerous) jelqing techniques…
…when you can easily and naturally restore the raging towel-hangers you had as a teenager…
…with just your own two hands and a few minutes of alone time?
That’s what thousands of men are now doing to give themselves a big boost down there…
Like Eric, who went from being a 1-5 minute man to a 45 minute man in bed:
“Hi Matt, First off I just want to say thank you so much for all your amazing content.
I have made so much progress I can’t believe it.
Before starting your course I was literally a 1 – 5 min man.
Just the other day I was able to last 45 min no problem, and I could have kept going by the woman I was with was finished.
(That never happened before!)”
And this guy, who is finally getting consistent erections again, even better than when he was a teenager:
“At any rate, Matt, when I started with your program I just wanted to regain a boner that would be consistent (mission accomplished about 2 months ago).
Now I’m performing like when I was sixteen again!”
Here’s the little trick men are doing at home to restore raging towel-hangers again.
NMN — the newest supplement everyone’s talking about…
NMN is a relatively new supplement. Its full name is nicotinamide mononucleotide.
It has similar effects to the more well known niacinamide form of vitamin B3 (which is much cheaper).
Both of these substances help to balance NADH and NAD+.
Imbalances of these 2 molecules inside the mitochondria lead to something called reductive stress.
The biochemistry is complex, but in simple terms this can lead to increased fat production in the mitochondria due to imbalances in NADH and NAD+.
When the body begins to create masses of new fat, some of this is stored as triglycerides.
I think this is why supplementing with NMN helps to lower triglycerides.
It reduces the need for mitochondria to export waste electrons as new fat molecules.
Taking NMN or niacinamide can fix the NADH NAD+ imbalance and help with more serious metabolic issues that occur alongside elevated triglycerides.
The human research was carried out at Environmental Science, StateArt Incorporated inTokyo, Japan. This paper was published in Cureus.
In recent years, some researchers have become more aware of the importance of NADH and NAD+ levels.
These are 2 molecules which are involved in energy production in the mitochondria.
They help to shuttle electrons around.
But the dietary patterns of the modern world leads to an imbalance of these 2 molecules.
Certain fats cause electron imbalances inside the cell which then leads to low levels of NAD+. NAD+ helps to remove excess electrons.
Metabolic diseases are triggered by high levels of NADH and low levels of NAD+.
Increasing the ratio of NAD+ to NADH helps to alleviate fundamental metabolic issues…
…which can help with common diseases and likely increase lifespan.
“An increase in NAD+ levels alleviates age-related disease progression and promotes healthy life expectancy.”
There are a number of molecules which can be taken in supplemental form that achieve this.
One of these is called NMN.
“Several studies have demonstrated that NAD+ levels can be efficiently replenished via nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) intake.”
By now, numerous human studies have shown that taking NMN orally is completely safe.
“Additionally, the safety of its oral ingestion has been confirmed in recent clinical trials.”
The authors of this study wanted to know whether intravenous injections of NMN are also safe.
This route of delivery could be very beneficial in some emergency situations.
“However, the efficacy and safety of intravenous NMN administration in humans remain unclear.”
So, the researchers looked at the effect of intravenous NMN in 10 healthy volunteers.
They found that this had no effect on heart rhythm, pulse or blood pressure.
“Intravenous administration of NMN did not affect electrocardiograms, pulse, and blood pressure.”
There were no detrimental effects in other major organs.
“Nor did it affect metabolic markers in the liver, heart, pancreas, and kidneys.”
The researchers concluded that intravenous NMN is just as safe as oral NMN.
“These results indicate that intravenous NMN administration is safe and beneficial in humans.”
It seems to work too – meaning intravenous NMN increases NAD+.
The researchers also found that intravenous NMN reduces triglycerides.
“NMN significantly increased blood NAD+ levels without damaging blood cells and significantly reduced blood triglyceride levels.”
Triglycerides themselves are not a major risk to your health.
They are seen as such because elevated triglycerides usually occur alongside more problematic metabolic changes.
Triglycerides can be a problem when they break down – because they contain lots of harmful unsaturated fats.
NMN, by increasing NAD+, reduces the need for mitochondria to create new fat…
…fat which will likely go on to be stored partly in triglycerides.
I suspect that NMN decreases triglycerides because it reduces the need for the body to create excess fat when there is not enough NAD+.
“These findings imply that intravenous administration of NMN may lead to the prevention and treatment of diseases associated with increased triglyceride levels, such as fatty liver and diabetes.”
You should always consult your healthcare practitioner for guidance on medical diagnosis and treatment.
—-Important Message—-
My story: losing the belly and regaining my potency
I needed a way to lose all that belly fat that was growing around my middle…
And I needed a way to regain the potency I remember as a younger man…
Was that belly fat causing the potency problem?
It started with random googling…that led me to 27 months of intense research…
…over 17,328 medical studies reviewed…
My wife thought I was nuts.
My buddies quit inviting me out because I was always too busy with my research.
I remember the day when I found the insight that was to power my life over the next 7 years and even today…
It has to do with fat burning…with creating a raging hot metabolism…
And strangely enough, a myth about sugar…
If you are trying to lose fat, and gain better performance as a man, check this out…