True or false – these 2 foods cause cardiovascular disease?

Is it true that these foods lead to heart disease and heart attacks?


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Matt Cook here, and whenever somebody says “trust the experts,” I have to laugh…


Because experts often disagree with each other… there are so many so-called experts in every field…


So how could you possibly know who to trust?


That’s why I prefer to look at the science — to see scientific evidence and make my decisions based on that.


And here’s what the science is saying about cardiovascular disease and these 2 foods…


—-Important Message From Lloyd Lester—-


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True or false – these 2 foods cause cardiovascular disease?


Many people still believe that eating too much sugar or saturated fat causes diabetes which leads to cardiovascular disease.


Even though these theories have been completely disproven in numerous different ways.

At the same time, many of the factors that actually do cause metabolic and cardiovascular disease are almost entirely overlooked.


Thyroid hormone is essential for generating energy.


And male hormones like testosterone also play critical roles in energy and repair.


Some people are aware of the importance of one of these hormone systems – but for optimal health you need to be tracking both.


Low thyroid leads to cardiovascular disease – and this is even more likely in men who also have low testosterone.


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This human research was carried out at theI. Horbachevsky Ternopil National Medical University in Ukraine.


The findings are published in the journal Georgian Medical News.


Low testosterone is known as androgen deficiency – testosterone is an androgenic hormone.


Low thyroid hormone is known as hypothyroidism.


There’s been quite a lot of debate about the interaction between these two health problems and cardiovascular disease.

“The presence of different points of view and the problem of androgen deficiency and its effect on the risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with hypothyroidism attracts attention.”


So these Ukrainian researchers decided to carry out some human research to get closer to the truth.


They recruited 84 men for the research.


38 men had hypothyroidism and low testosterone.


46 men had hypothyroidism but normal testosterone levels.


The final 20 men did not have hypothyroidism – they may or may not have had low T.


The researchers carried out medical examinations on all of the participants included in the study.


They looked at blood lipids and blood sugar regulation, obesity, depression, and blood pressure.

In men with hypothyroidism, low testosterone increases the risk of metabolic and cardiovascular disease.

“Lower testosterone in men with hypothyroidism is accompanied by an increase in the frequency of abdominal obesity, triglycerides and blood sugar problems, and subclinical depression.”

Normal levels of testosterone seem to protect against higher blood pressure – even in men who have low thyroid.

“In men with hypothyroidism and low testosterone, the average blood pressure in the daytime significantly exceeds the similar rates in patients with hypothyroidism and normal levels of testosterone.”


Low testosterone is an extra risk factor for men with hypothyroidism.

“The presence of low testosterone negatively affects the risk factors of cardiovascular disease in men with hypothyroidism.”


Low thyroid will eventually lead to low testosterone – just as low testosterone will often lead to hypothyroidism.


Many people overlook the importance of these two hormonal systems and their close relationship.


When investigating the impact of hormones in your health problems, ensure that you take into account both thyroid hormones and testosterone levels.

These hormones have a major impact on how well you handle blood sugar, your blood pressure, whether or not you develop obesity, and how you feel about life.


They also have a massive role in your risk of developing and dying from cardiovascular disease.


But these hormones themselves are also affected by other factors – things like diet, nutrient balance, and gut bacteria.


By addressing those root causes of health problems, people may not even need to supplement with thyroid and testosterone.


—-Important Message For Balancing Your Gut — This Makes It Easy—-


Free protocol fixes the gut — restores thyroid, testosterone, and improves rockiness


Gut endotoxins are to blame for most of men’s health issues, including low T levels, thyroid issues, even erections problems.


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But how do you get rid of toxic endotoxins in the gut?


There’s two ways that I know of, and the first way is really difficult — it requires eating a bunch of weird foods, taking a bunch of expensive herbs, and fasting.


And who wants to do all that?


The second way that I know of is much easier… and it works faster, without requiring pricey ingredients or restrictive dieting…


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Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.