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When I was a little kid, nobody used the word acid reflux.
And I don’t think that many people had acid reflux either.
They did have heartburn and acid indigestion.
Or they had stomach ulcers.
Nowadays acid reflux is very, very common.
I want to explore how acid reflux or GERD is a warning sign of much worse things that can happen if you ignore it.
Treating acid refluxes fixes health problems now and down the line.
The first thing to understand is what causes acid reflux.
I’ll show you how acid reflux is caused by inflammation in the body.
This inflammation will sooner or later affect your penis, your testicles, your heart, your lungs… every organ in your body.
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Yes, you may be able to get temporary relief with some type of medication.
But you will not solve the underlying problem that is going to make things so much worse for you as you age.
Acid reflux, nausea, and upset stomach are just the beginning.
In today’s newsletter, you’re going to learn how you cannot only fix GERD, but fix what causes it.
You’ll learn how to resolve other problems that are connected to the reflux, including prostate problems and ED.
So let’s get to it, shall we?
First of all, the theory of GERD is that you have too much acid that is flowing back through your esophagus.
It could be called the “chemical damage” theory.
But GERD is not caused by chemical damage.
It is not stomach acid backing up the causes GERD.
Nobody had ever bothered really looking at what’s happening in people with GERD.
Sure, if you go to the doctor, they may put a tube down your throat and look at your esophagus with the camera.
Then they treat the effects of the reflux with antacids and so forth, but never get to the heart of the problem.
Nobody really intensively looks at what’s going on when a person is experiencing acid reflux.
Nobody, until the researchers of this study.
They took participants off their medication, most commonly proton pump inhibitors.
Then the researchers put tubes down their throat continuously and looked at what was going on.
What they found is that acid reflux is a result of cellular inflammation.
It has nothing to do with stomach acid.
The pathogenesis of reflux esophagitis may be cytokine-mediated rather than the result of chemical injury.
What that means is that GERD is caused by inflammation in the body.
And that same inflammation is affecting your prostate, your testicles, and every other cell and organ in your body.
GERD is just like an alarm bell ringing.
It’s an early warning sign of issues that will worsen as a person ages.
People often start getting GERD in their 30s, and it gets worse as they get older.
Of course, they go to the doctor and get some kind of proton pump inhibitor that temporarily masks the symptoms.
But nobody ever asked, “what is the cause of GERD?”
Until now.
In this study, they took people that had acid reflux and exposed them to stresses.
Then researchers measured the cortisol levels of the patients.
They stuck a tube down their throat to look at their esophagus and see what was going on.
The stressor induced a significant increase in cortisol and state anxiety; however, this was not associated with any increase in reflux.
Here we have something important.
I don’t think they reached the right conclusion.
But they certainly found the right crucial piece of evidence that has been missing here.
Let me explain what I mean.
As you may recall, cortisol is a hormone that the body produces when it’s under stress.
Cortisol makes you feel good even if you’re stressed out.
It also suppresses inflammation, and it suppresses the immune system.
Another effect of cortisol is raising blood sugar.
It dissolves the proteins in our lean muscles, organs, nerves and glands.
Cortisol does this to supply higher blood sugar to the body.
I believe that the evidence is right here: cortisol causes acid reflux.
It has nothing to do a stomach acid per se.
In this study, the subjects had no higher acid levels in their stomach, but their symptoms increased.
They felt like they had worse reflex when they were stressed out.
As their cortisol went up, the reflux symptoms went up.
There is a crucial time limit in the cortisol and acid reflux balance.
Chronically elevated cortisol levels are a symptom and an indicator of widespread inflammation in the entire body.
If you can bring down your cortisol levels naturally, your acid reflux should go away on its own.
And that’s what’s most important.
All the other infinite inflammatory diseases such as ED, arthritis, atherosclerosis, heart disease — all of these should get better also.

- Association of Acute Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease With Esophageal Histologic Changes
http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=2521970 - The effect of psychological stress on symptom severity and perception in patients with gastro-esophageal reflux
- Acid Reflux (GER & GERD) in Adults | NIDDK
https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/digestive-diseases/acid-reflux-ger-gerd-adults - Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
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