Touching yourself this way can lead to more growth down there

It’s a simple and safe solo technique any man can do

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This simple and safe solo technique is giving men more size

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Yes, stroking to improve your manhood!

Scientists from leading universities like Harvard, Yale, and Oxford are just now making this remarkable discovery.

And it takes no more than 20 minutes a week, but can unleash potent sex drive, stamina and energy in bed…

At the same time as making erections stiffer, stronger, and wider!

How do I know?

Because I’ve seen it work for hundreds of my students and the results have been nothing short of a miracle.

And the first person I’ve used this technique on was myself…

Here’s the simple and safe solo technique that gives men bigger better erections — scientist approved


Using bee pollen to heal a swollen prostate

I think bee products shouldn’t be overlooked.

Honey, bee pollen, propolis, and a couple of others carry great value in terms of health.

They contain a lot of bio-compounds that are very beneficial for bodies.

That’s why I go to a local beekeeper to buy all kinds of bee products every month.

They boost my energy and testosterone levels and they taste amazing.

Today’s study shows another amazing benefit of bee pollen for the prostate.

I think this is really important – especially in this day and age, where many men have prostate issues.

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This study was conducted at Georg-August University, Germany. It was published in the British Journal of Urology.

The researchers tested bee pollen for chronic prostatitis syndrome.

This condition can cause pain and discomfort in the prostate area – and problems with urination.

90 patients participated in the study.

They were given 1 tablet of bee pollen extract 3 times a day for 6 months.

The researchers used different tests to measure the effectiveness of the treatment.

  • A digital rectal examination (DRE) of the prostate
  • A uroflowmetry test
  • The presence of bacteria and white blood cells in the urine
  • Complement C3/ceruloplasmin in the semen

These are all important markers of prostate health.

The patients were divided into 2 groups:

Those without complicating factors (72 patients) and those with complicating factors (18 patients).

Complicating factors are other conditions that can make chronic prostatitis syndrome more challenging to treat…

… such as urethral strictures, prostatic calculi, and bladder neck sclerosis.

The results will make you go to your local shop and buy some bee pollen…

In the 1st group, the symptoms and signs improved after taking bee pollen.

Of these patients, 36% were cured of their symptoms and signs.

And 42% showed significant improvement in their urine flow and…

… the level of white blood cells in their urine and semen (a really good sign.)

“In the group without CFs, 56 (78%) had a favorable response; 26 (36%) were cured of their symptoms and signs, and 30 (42%) improved significantly with an increase in flow rate, a reduction in leukocyturia in the post-prostate massage urine (VB3) and a decrease in complement C3/ceruloplasmin in the ejaculate.”

However, in the 2nd group (severe prostatitis), only 1 patient showed a response to the treatment.

This means bee pollen couldn’t cure SEVERE prostatitis – only the milder ones.

Bee pollen was side-effect free.

“Bee pollen extract was well tolerated by 97% of patients.”

The researchers say that bee pollen is an effective treatment for chronic prostatitis syndrome.

However, if a patient does not show improvement within 3 months of treatment…

…this may indicate that their prostatitis is severe and requires additional measures.

“In the patients with CFs only 1 patient showed a response. Complicating factors should be considered in patients who fail to respond to treatment within 3 months.”

Anyway, I think bee pollen is a fantastic supplement.

It contains valuable minerals and enzymes.

If you experience problems with your prostate, you should give it a try.

—-Important Message—-

Pop quiz! Do you know the answers?

Just answer these 3 questions — and then prepare to be shocked as you discover the real answers…

Is it better to have blood pressure of 160/90 or 105/75?

Is it better to have a resting heart rate of 80 or 55?

Is it better to have a body temperature of 98 or 97?

Click here for the answers — NOBODY gets all 3 of these right…


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.