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—-Important Message From John Collins—-
How men are achieving bulging, throbbing primal erections just by “thinking” about her
Hey, I’m John, and did you know that thoughts can actually stimulate blood flow, higher T, and incredible interest from a woman?
Not just any thoughts…! These are very special, very unusual thoughts…
That’s why I think you’re really going to love this — all of my scientifically tested, proven and 100% safe secrets for achieving the best erections of your life…with thoughts!.
Just this past year, I’ve helped more than 46,538 men restore erections to incredible levels.
And look — if you’re a friend of Matt Cook, you’re definitely a friend of mine.
So I want to offer you my collection of erections secrets for a super “members only” low price — just $9.95 for my entire collection of work!
Just click here to claim it — and please note, I can only do this for the first 100 guys.
What you should know about the effect of magnesium on your iron stores
Hey, Matt Cook here, and the food and water we’re drinking these days is a lot different than it was decades ago…
So some minerals we’re getting more of — and some we’re getting way less…
But our bodies need a certain level of each one of them…
… and it’s not good to upset that balance.
For example, let me tell you about 1 of the most common minerals we don’t get in our diet anymore…
According to statistics, 50% of the population in the United States is magnesium deficient.
There are a couple of reasons for that:
- People don’t eat as well as they used to.
- Poor-farming practices depleted the magnesium level in soil – there’s not as much magnesium in food as there used to be.
And let me also tell you about a mineral that people get too much of.
Most of the packaged foods you see in the grocery store are fortified with iron.
Combine that with the dietary intake…
…you get iron overload.
Both of these things are very harmful to the body.
Today I’m talking about the close relationship between these 2 minerals – magnesium and iron.
Let’s look at the study.
This study was conducted at Kyoto University, Japan. It was published in Biological Trace Element Research.
The researchers looked at the relationship between different minerals.
They did this by dividing 44 male rats into 6 groups, and feeding them different diets that varied in magnesium and iron.
They then measured the levels of those 2 minerals and a couple of others in the tissues of those rats. (liver, spleen, and kidneys)
“The concentrations of iron, magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus in tissues of the rats were measured.”
I am now going to tell you about the main findings of the study one by one:
Rats deficient in magnesium had excess iron in the liver and spleen.
“The excess iron intake reinforced the iron accumulation in the liver and spleen of magnesium-deficient rats.”
This means that when rats don’t get enough magnesium, their bodies have trouble regulating iron – this causes them to accumulate too much iron.
Magnesium-deficient rats also had trouble regulating their levels of plasma iron.
“The saturation of iron binding capacity was enormously elevated in the magnesium-deficient rats fed excess iron.”
Rats that were deficient in both magnesium and iron had lower levels of calcium in their kidneys.
“Dietary iron deprivation diminished the degree of calcium deposition in the kidney of magnesium-deficient rats.”
This means that when rats don’t have enough magnesium, their bodies can’t properly absorb or use calcium.
“These results suggest that magnesium-deprived rats have abnormal iron metabolism losing homeostatic regulation of plasma iron, and magnesium deficient rats with dietary iron overload may be used as an experimental hemochromatosis model.”
These were the headlines of the study.
What we understand from these is that magnesium is CRUCIAL for regulating mineral levels in the body – especially iron.
So, iron overload could actually be due to magnesium deficiency.
I think this is groundbreaking information – magnesium deficiency is talked about a lot, but the connection with iron is often overlooked.
The recommended daily average (RDA) of magnesium 400mg a day…
…but most people aren’t getting enough.
I recommend you increase your dietary intake and maybe take some supplements.
Magnesium glycinate and taurate are the 2 good forms that I use.
Magnesium oil is also an excellent way to get it topically.
—-Important Message About Male Stamina—-
This forgotten nutrient is the missing key to a man’s sex drive
I’ve discovered that there is one forgotten nutrient that men are terribly deficient in…
…a nutrient that has long been ignored, but that is critical to a man’s sex drive and performance.
In fact, it’s so overlooked, that in a study of 6,000 people — 96% were deficient in this key nutrient.
And it’s causing men to experience a major disconnect between the arousal in their heads and the arousal in their manhoods.
Fortunately, this means you can easily fix the problem — just by getting more of this 1 forgotten nutrient…
I’ll show you why it’s so important for sex drive and how to get more of this nutrient right here — just click