This vitamin provides more energy than caffeine

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Hey, Matt Cook here, and I used to get hit with the worst mid-day slump…

I’d eat lunch – and bam. It’s like Mr. Sandman dropped a sandbag on my head.

I was a complete slug. No energy at all.

That’s when I started taking this vitamin, and all of a sudden I had the energy to go for hours…

—-Important Message From Wes Armstrong—-

This 1 scent attracts women

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Have you ever felt invisible to a woman?

Like it doesn’t matter how much effort you put in, she still doesn’t notice you?

Trust me, I’ve been there.

And that’s why I invented this 1 scent that women can’t get enough of on a man.

Just a few sprays and suddenly, I’m the only guy she’s noticing…

She is coming up to me, complimenting me, even asking me out!

This 1 scent gives you a natural boost in attraction.

So now you’re not just another guy in the crowd… you’re the most wanted man in the room!

Here’s the 1 scent that attracts women and can get you a loyal, loving girlfriend or more attention from your wife


This vitamin provides more energy than caffeine

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) is very important for cellular energy production.

Supplementing high doses of B1 has shown to improve energy in numerous different illnesses which have associated fatigue.

“In a previous study in fatigue in inflammatory bowel disease, we observed that patients improved after treatment with high-dose thiamine.”

The authors of that study speculated that intracellular thiamine deficiency could play a more general role in fatigue…

Particularly fatigue experienced by people with autoimmune diseases.

So they decided to carry out an experiment using high-dose thiamine in people with Hashimoto’s disease.

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune disease which causes hypothyroidism – low thyroid hormones.

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The series of case reports was written up by a researcher at The American University of Rome. The paper was published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine.

Hashimoto’s disease is an autoimmune condition that causes low thyroid hormones. Thyroid hormones are essential for energy production.

The standard treatment for Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism is supplemental T4.

This is the storage form of thyroid hormone, often known as Synthroid.

But many people don’t get better using this treatment.

Those folks do better taking some supplemental T3 – which is the active thyroid hormone.

“T4 is the treatment of choice for hypothyroidism but a significant number of patients on this treatment report not feeling very well.”

(The best thing to do in this case is to see a doctor who knows about how to dose supplemental T3.)

But these researchers carried out experiments looking at high-dose thiamine in Hashimoto’s patients taking Synthroid.

“3 patients on thyroid hormone replacement because of Hashimoto’s were treated for fatigue.”

The participants carried out questionnaires at the outset.

The questionnaires analyzed different aspects of fatigue suffered by the patients in their daily life.

Then the patients were given either 600mg of oral thiamine, or 100mg of intravenous thiamine.

All of the patients experienced a remarkable and almost immediate improvement in energy levels.

“Treatment with thiamine led to partial or complete repression of fatigue within a few hours or days.”

The recommended daily allowance of thiamine is about 1mg orally.

But some studies have shown that only massive doses of thiamine can improve these types of fatigue disorders.

Because of this, numerous researchers have concluded that these fatigue disorders are defined by problems with thiamine deficiency inside the cell.

“Thiamine led to a partial or complete regression of the fatigue, it is reasonable to infer that the administration of large quantities of thiamine restores thiamine-dependent processes.”

These thiamine dependent processes have been identified as dysfunctions in intracellular thiamine transport.

“The thiamine deficiency suggested by fatigue and related disorders may be due to a dysfunction of intracellular transport of thiamine or enzymatic abnormalities related to autoimmune disease.”

Luckily, the experimental evidence shows that the solution is much simpler than the problem.

For many people, simply taking high doses of thiamine provides enough pressure to force adequate thiamine into the cell.

This study used 600mg daily orally. Other studies have shown that about 750mg is optimal for some types of migraine.

Other research has shown that there are benefits of taking up to 1,500mg of oral thiamine for chronic fatigue syndrome.

With almost no adverse reports, thiamine is one of the safest vitamins you can take.

This is of course provided it is a pure supplement without problematic additives.

—-Important Message—-

Sprinkle this into your water to reduce inflammation, prevent Alzheimer’s, and help kill cancer cells

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There’s a cheap powder that you buy at any grocery store…

And just a pinch will naturally turn your normal tap water into a powerful elixir…

That has the power to raise men’s testosterone and lower harmful estrogen…

…give you a natural energy boost…

…reduce inflammation all over the body…

…repair and balance the gut…

…lower anxiety and raise the spirits…

And most importantly, it can cure the two biggest scourges on the planet…

…cancer and Alzheimer’s disease…

Here’s the cheap ordinary powder you just sprinkle in your water…


Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Thiamine and Hashimoto's thyroiditis: a report of three cases T3 and T4 concentrations in lambs with nutritional myodegeneration