It blocks the toxins that cause multiple types of skin cancer

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Dr. Joe’s huge erections secret
Women in this small Connecticut town are desperate to get their hands on this doctor’s erections secret…
According to news, women are sneaking around at all hours just to spend an hour alone with him.
And their husbands have no idea…
Women say this doctor has a secret for some of the hardest, longest lasting firmness.
And they’ll do anything to get their hands on it.
What is this doctor’s shocking erections secret?
Watch his short video where he explains exactly how it works
He’ll also tell you why it works so well…
…why women are so DESPERATE for it….
And how you can start using it from your own home to get similar results as soon as tonight.
This vitamin lowers skin cancer rates by 20% each year
Skin cancers have been strongly linked to highly reactive polyunsaturated fats (PUFAS).
As we get older we tend to accumulate more of these risky PUFAs — they get stored in triglycerides.
Under stress, when we need more energy, PUFAs are released from triglycerides.
In older people this increases the amount of cancer-causing PUFAs in circulation.
That’s why skin cancer rates are much, much higher in older people.
I recommend avoiding PUFAs in your diet.
But there are ways to keep the PUFAs you have locked up in triglycerides — preventing the harm that happens when they are released into circulation.
Vitamin B3 does just this.
And so — twice daily doses of B3 lowered the rate of nonmelanoma skin cancers, basal cell carcinomas, and squamous cell carcinomas by over 20% in just one year.

This human, randomized, clinical trial was carried out at the University of Sydney.
The findings were published by the New England Journal Of Medicine.
It is very rare that you see a high-quality, human, controlled clinical trial using cheap, over the counter vitamins.
Especially in cancer research.
There is no money in unpatentable supplements. But somehow this one got funded. And the results were fantastic.
Now — there are many factors which lead to skin cancers.
Most people know about UV light and how it may allegedly increase skin cancer risk.
“Nonmelanoma skin cancers, such as basal-cell carcinoma and squamous-cell carcinoma, are common cancers that are caused principally by ultraviolet (UV) radiation.”
The causal role of UV in skin cancer has been overstated. UV only causes cancer when the skin has a lot of PUFA.
UV reacts with PUFA to initiate cellular changes which can lead to cancer.
PUFA in the skin mostly comes from triglycerides — and vitamin B3 helps to keep it in triglycerides.
The result is fewer “premalignant keratosis” — aka changes to the skin which precede skin cancer.
“B3 has already been shown to have protective effects against UV radiation and to reduce the rate of new premalignant keratosis.”
The researchers who designed the study wanted to know how this played out in the real world.
Does B3 lower skin cancer rates in humans?
To answer this question the researchers recruited almost 400 participants who had at least two skin cancers in the previous five years.
People who have had skin cancer are more likely to develop it again in future.
This is the highest risk group — and the best group to test vitamin B3 on.
So all of the participants were randomly divided into two different groups.
One group got 500mg of vitamin B3 twice a day for a year.
The other group took two identical but inactive placebo capsules with no B3 for the same time period.
All the participants were assessed by doctors every three months for 18 months.
The doctors looked for different types of skin cancer.
At the end of the study, the researchers compared skin cancer rates in the two different groups.
Vitamin B3 led to significant reductions in all types of skin cancer.
Nonmelanoma decreases by 23%.
“New nonmelanoma skin cancers were lower by 23%.”
B3 was associated with a 20% lower rate of basal cell carcinoma.
Squamous cell carcinoma rates were 30% lower after 1 year of vitamin B3 supplementation.
“New squamous cell carcinomas were 30% lower.”
There were no serious side effects of the vitamin regimen.
“No differences were found between groups with respect to the number of adverse events.”
The researchers concluded that vitamin B3 can significantly lower skin cancer rates in high risk populations.
“Oral B3 was safe and effective in reducing the rates of new nonmelanoma skin cancers in high-risk patients.”
The study used a form of vitamin B3 called nicotinamide — also called niacinamide.
This is not the same as niacin — the effects are completely different.
The dosing regimen was 500mg twice a day. That’s quite a lot — and it can drop blood sugar.
I would not start off taking B3 at that dose. 50mg is much better.
—-Important Warning for Men—-
This one toxic chemical hiding in toilet paper can lead to prostate cancer in men

I’ve discovered one toxic chemical hiding in 80% of all toilet paper.
And every time we use this toilet paper, this chemical gets into our bloodstream…
And this one toxic chemical poisons our prostate…
…it poisons our male hormones…
It leads to blood flow problems, erections problems…
…and it even leads to hair loss…

A Phase 3 Randomized Trial of Nicotinamide for Skin-Cancer Chemoprevention