It contains incredibly safe, potent ingredients that give you raging rockiness
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—-Important Message From Adam Armstrong—-
#1 way to get erections instantly and always satisfy your woman
If you have problems getting it up for your woman…
…or if you struggle to keep it up during intercourse…
There are 3 crucial facts you should know:
1. If you ignore the problem, it WILL get worse over time
2. Chemical and Injections are DANGEROUS and you’d be wise to avoid them
3. Most male supplements are useless, containing low quality ingredients, in low dosages, that produce NO REAL RESULTS
So, what should you do if you want ultra-rocky boners, marathon staying power, and the Alpha Male ability to satisfy any woman in bed?
The Ultra-Rocky Formula is the #1 way to get erections and fully satisfy your woman in bed because:
- It’s safe and natural
- It contains incredibly potent ingredients, in a dose high enough to give you raging rockiness
- It comes with a fantastic guarantee — so you can try it without any risk
- It targets stiffness problems in 3 unique ways – all of which are explained on this page
If you wait too long to do something about your issues down there, there’s a very real chance you may never get erections again.
It can revolutionize your sex-life (just like it has already done for over 100,000 men in the past 4 years)…
How to use GABA to stop intrusive thoughts
Who has not experienced a stressful situation playing over and over again in the mind?
Life’s stresses can leave its effect on the brain.
These repetitive, unwanted thoughts can range from a mild distraction to something which completely takes over your life.
For some of us, it just saps our attention and brainpower.
On the more extreme end, these unwanted, intrusive thoughts are categorized as severe psychiatric disorders.
Repetitive, unwanted thoughts are not permanent.
Like most health problems, there’s a lot that we can do to improve this symptom.
For example, researchers have shown that a brain chemical called GABA helps people to suppress unwanted thoughts…
Thereby living more in the moment unless in the stresses of the past.
We already know half a dozen ways to safely boost GABA too.
These human experiments were carried out at the University of Cambridge and the University of Granada. The findings are published in Nature Communications.
Most of the time we want to live in the moment.
But it’s normal for memories to pop-up in everyday life.
When memories of past events take over the present it becomes a real problem.
“Intrusive memories, images, and hallucinations are hallmarks of psychiatric disorders.”
Past research has shown that intrusive thoughts are associated with abnormalities in one part of the brain – the hippocampus.
This part of the brain becomes overactive – and this seems to play some role in sparking unwanted thoughts.
Within this overactive part of the brain there also seems to be an interplay between brain cells and GABA.
GABA is a compound found in the brain and elsewhere in the body.
“Difficulty in controlling intrusive thoughts is associated with hyperactivity in the hippocampus arising from dysfunctional GABAergic neurons.”
In simple terms – previous research shows that intrusive thoughts may be related to GABA problems.
So, these researchers created an experiment to find out more about the role of GABA in unwanted thoughts.
The researchers recruited 24 healthy young people for the experiment.
In the experiments, the participants were shown words.
Words can automatically trigger emotions and memories in people – they usually do.
The participants were asked either to accept thoughts which were triggered by the word…
Or to suppress the thoughts and memories which the word brought up.
During the experiments, the researchers carried out live brain scans on all of the participants.
The brain scans carried out a number of different tasks.
Importantly, they tracked markers of GABA levels in different parts of the brain.
The researchers were then able to see whether the amount of GABA in this part of the brain…
…was linked to the ability to suppress unwanted thoughts triggered by words.
The research showed that people with higher levels of GABA in the brain were far better at suppressing unwanted thoughts.
“We found that GABA inhibition forms a key link in a control pathway underlying thought suppression.”
In the hippocampus – the part of the brain which is overactive in people with intrusive thoughts…
Higher levels of GABA were associated with better thought control.
“Higher GABA predicted stronger suppression, suggesting that neurons in the hippocampus implement control over intrusive thoughts.”
This study shows two things:
#1 – intrusive thoughts can be controlled.
#2 – the degree of control over intrusive thoughts depends on GABA levels.
The reasons why some people have lower levels or higher levels of GABA in the brain are complex…
But for many people, boosting GABA levels can be quite simple.
Treatments like Valium and Xanax work by boosting GABA levels.
But these treatments have major side effects and are quite addictive.
There are many safer substances which also significantly boost GABA levels.
These include things like taurine and theanine.
Perhaps some of the most effective GABA boosters are hormones like progesterone and pregnenolone.
These can be very effective at treating psychiatric symptoms if used properly.
—-Important Message for Men Who Want to Last Longer—-
Sorry – this is opening up again but it’s first come, first served
Apologies to every man who misses out
I’ve got big news — I’m finally finished with my new stamina breakthrough.
And it’s now available to men everywhere, first come first serve.
This has been a huge undertaking — years of research and development and testing.
And now scientists are studying this supplement, trying to figure out how it’s doing such amazing things for men all over the world.
You see, the key to this stamina supplement is a special nutrient that most men are deficient in…
As young men, this nutrient is in high supply — giving you tons of energy and allowing you to last as long as you want with a woman.
So if you want more stamina, just pop this in your mouth before doing the deed…