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—-Important Message From Bryan Hayes—-
This turned her into a screamer in bed
If you’re sometimes a little soft down there and you want to turn your wife or girlfriend into a screamer…
Then you need to try this 5-second ritual that gives you a raging libido AND powerful erections that make her scream in ecstasy.
Here’s the 5-second secret for ultimate bedroom confidence — allows you to reach deep pleasure points she didn’t even know existed…
Why being low in magnesium is such a big deal for rockiness
Our bodies need specific elements to function at top efficiency.
These include calcium, magnesium, and trace amounts of copper – among others.
In traditional diets, many of these elements would be found in the food we eat…
But modern diets don’t always contain enough of these types of elements – especially magnesium.
Magnesium is one of the elements that is often overlooked as being critical to good health – much to our detriment.
Magnesium is the fourth most common cation in our body, the second most common intracellular cation and the most common intracellular divalent cation.2 The human body contains around 25 g of magnesium.3 Magnesium is necessary for the functioning of over 300 enzymes in human,4 with 90% of total body magnesium being contained in the muscles and bones (~27% and ~63%, respectively), 90% of which is bound and with only 10% being free.
The human body uses magnesium in a variety of ways, including to battle cancer and to protect the heart.
Studies have shown that mice fed a low magnesium diet are more prone to having cancer spread and are more likely to get the flu.
Magnesium deficiency is associated with a variety of diseases, such as infections and cancer. Previous studies have shown that cancerous growths spread faster in the bodies of mice when the animals received a low-magnesium diet — and that their defense against flu viruses was also impaired.
In a study from the University of Basel, researchers have discovered one of the reasons that magnesium is so closely tied to a defense against cancer.
Researchers led by Professor Christoph Hess, from the Department of Biomedicine at the University of Basel and University Hospital Basel and the Department of Medicine at the University of Cambridge, have discovered that T cells can eliminate abnormal or infected cells efficiently only in a magnesium-rich environment. Specifically, magnesium is important for the function of a T cell surface protein called LFA-1.
The T cells that defend our bodies against cancer work better when there is magnesium in their environment.
Low magnesium is also linked to having a higher risk for heart disease.
Subclinical magnesium deficiency increases the risk of numerous types of cardiovascular disease, costs nations around the world an incalculable amount of healthcare costs and suffering, and should be considered a public health crisis.
Most people don’t know they are low in magnesium…
…because magnesium is bound in the body and not easy to detect accurately in a blood test.
Because serum magnesium does not reflect intracellular magnesium, the latter making up more than 99% of total body magnesium, most cases of magnesium deficiency are undiagnosed.
And because of the way modern society is structured this is a problem that is pervasive and affects nearly everyone.
Furthermore, because of chronic diseases, medications, decreases in food crop magnesium contents, and the availability of refined and processed foods, the vast majority of people in modern societies are at risk for magnesium deficiency.
Unfortunately, even though a lot of studies have been done on magnesium…
You are going to almost never hear about magnesium deficiencies being a problem from the health establishment.
That’s because Big Health is trained to treat symptoms, not offer solutions that can protect health.
But you should absolutely take magnesium deficiencies seriously…
Because not having enough magnesium in your body can set you up for heart problems and a potentially great risk for cancer.
—-Important Message About Getting More Magnesium—-
Ace your next blood pressure test with this magnesium-boosting shake
You’re in your doctor’s office…the black sleeve wrapped tightly around your arm as the doctor takes your blood pressure…
You’ve been taking your blood pressure treatments… and you’re eating as best you can.
But as the cuff pinches… and pinches… you can’t help but get nervous…
What’s my blood pressure going to be this time?
Finally, you hear the release of the valve… and you see the look of disappointment on your doctor’s face.
“What have you been DOING?” the doctor asks.
You try to explain that you’ve been doing everything you’re supposed to…
But they just don’t believe you. They want to up your dose.
Well that all changes today thanks to this magnesium-boosting blood flow shake.
This shake gives you a healthy shot of magnesium which opens up the blood vessels, increasing blood flow…
And this relaxes the heart, naturally lowering pressure… without any treatments at all…
Your doctor will be STUNNED.
They’ll still ask, “What have you been DOING?” but for a totally different reason.
They’ll be absolutely floored by your numbers.
And it’s all thanks to this magnesium-boosting blood flow shake that naturally lowers pressure