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—-Important Message—-
This strange method gets men rockier than the Grand Canyon
Remember being a teenager and having no problem getting rocky?
In fact, sometimes you got rocky when you didn’t want to, LOL.
Well I miss that…now I’m not as rocky as I used to be…
Is it because I’m drinking a lot?
Am I stressed? Tired?
Is it my diet?
Turns out, it’s none of those…
And I found something that can bring back the erections you remember from your younger days…
Worthless or worth it – knee arthroscopy for osteoarthritis
There have been great advances in surgery in recent decades.
One of these great advances has been the advancements in keyhole surgery.
We can now carry out visual inspections and surgical procedures inside the body with minimal incision.
One popular keyhole surgery is arthroscopy.
This is the type of keyhole surgery used for checking or operating on joints.
It’s most commonly used on the knees – but it’s also used on ankles, hips, shoulders, elbows, and wrists.
Arthroscopy can be very useful when surgery is required – but as with many modern technologies it seems that it is being overused.
Especially in the case of osteoarthritis – it seems many people are undergoing surgery for very little benefit.
In many cases, knee arthroscopy for osteoarthritis is no more beneficial than physical therapy.
The human research was carried out at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Boston. The paper was published in Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology.
Arthroscopy is now widely used to clean up debris in injured joints…
As well as to remove damaged meniscus tissue and clean up meniscus tears in people with osteoarthritis.
“Technological advances enabled an increase in arthroscopic knee surgery, particularly arthroscopic debridement for osteoarthritis and arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for symptomatic meniscal tear in the setting of osteoarthritis.”
It was always believed that if we could get in and out cleanly that the surgical procedures themselves could be very beneficial.
Advancements in arthroscopy, keyhole surgery, allowed us to do surgery and procedures inside the joint without doing much damage on the outside.
But the effects of these procedures were never really validated properly.
Surgeons simply started operating, assuming that the outcomes would be all good.
“However, evaluation of the outcomes of these procedures lagged behind their rising popularity.”
In the last decade or so, some researchers have started to analyze a lot of already existing data into these types of surgeries.
We have discovered that these surgeries are not quite as beneficial as we had assumed.
One type of arthroscopic procedure is debridement.
This involves getting into the knee joint through a tiny keyhole cut and cleaning up damaged tissue inside the knee joint.
Damaged tissue which is presumably causing pain, irritation and inflammation.
It sounds like a good solution – but the evidence shows that it’s no better than a sham procedure.
What’s more, there is quite a significant risk from undergoing anesthetic – and there’s always risk to the part of the body being operated on.
“Not until the early 2000s were rigorous outcomes studies conducted; these showed that arthroscopic debridement for osteoarthritis was no better than a sham procedure in relieving knee pain or improving functional status.”
Analysis from results of the two other major surgeries related to osteoarthritis show that they are not much more beneficial.
Keyhole surgery to work on meniscus issues inside the knee joint of people with osteoarthritis…
…are no more beneficial than sham operations or physical therapy.
“Rigorous studies showed that patients who underwent arthroscopic partial meniscectomy generally did not show more improvement than those who underwent sham surgery or an intensive course of physical therapy.”
Of course, if this is the case, then physical therapy is by far the better option because it is much less costly and far less risky.
And even though this information has been publicly available for some time in the medical databases…
There are still a lot of people being told that these surgeries are the way to resolve their chronic and debilitating knee pain.
“Though the number of arthroscopic knee procedures for osteoarthritis performed each year has begun to decline, there remains a significant gap between the evidence and actual practice.”
As I often find when looking into topics like this…
What’s going on in the medical world is not supported by the research carried out by medical professionals.
“Further investigation is needed to shore up the evidence base and bring policy and practice in line with rigorous research.”
I think the combination of smart physical therapy and an anti-inflammatory lifestyle…
…could do a whole lot more to deal with osteoarthritis knee problems than many of these surgeries.
—-Important Message About Curing Arthritis: What They Don’t Want You to Know—-
This healing element naturally relieves arthritis and joint pain by 71% in 7 days or less
Dr. Rex Newnham developed arthritis while working as a plant and soil scientist in Australia in the 1960s…
And he found no relief with traditional treatments — which is why he turned to plants and natural remedies.
And after years of experimentation, he identified this one Healing Element as a powerful, natural arthritis cure…
And it’s so cheap, and so readily available…you can find it at any grocery store, believe it or not…
And you only need a tiny teaspoon amount.
Here’s what one man is saying about using the Healing Element for his pain:
Here’s the cheap natural arthritis cure that relieves daily aches and pains by 71% in 7 days or less