Blood flow can double or even triple thanks to this
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Matt Cook here, and you know and I know how important good blood flow is for rockiness…
If good, sufficient blood flow isn’t getting into the penile chambers, erections will be difficult if not impossible, right?
Well the #1 thing blocking up blood flow down there is this inflammatory protein known as TNF-α…
And I’ve found a super easy way to dislodge this protein from your arteries down there…
So blood flow can run hot and fast again and fill up every nook and cranny in your member…
—-Important Message About Blood Flow Down There—-
This vasodilates your penis for better blood flow
I call it my Vasodilation Protocol, and it naturally widens the arteries…
…restores their flexibility…
…and unclogs inflammatory proteins like TNF-α that build up in the arteries…
So now you’re improving blood flow down there without doing a thing…
Because my Vasodilation Protocol does it all for you.
It works with a natural compound already found in the body that is super helpful for rockiness.
And it unclogs the arteries, clears them of plaque, and restores their flexibility in no time.
Try my Vasodilation Protocol free today and don’t forget to let me know how well it’s working for you!
This stops inflammatory proteins from clogging up rockiness
I’ve written before about the relationship between cardiovascular disease and erections problems.
Diet and lifestyle habits can increase inflammation…
Leading to elevated levels of inflammatory proteins which damage the endothelium and vasculature.
In short, inflammation harms the blood vessels which are responsible for the health of the heart and the health of the penis.
Recently, researchers looked at the relationship between one particular inflammatory protein and erections problems…
The same inflammatory protein which is linked to cardiovascular disease and cancer.
The review of existing research was carried out at the Medical College of Georgia. The paper was published in The Journal of Sexual Medicine.
The authors of this paper are investigating cytokines – inflammatory proteins produced in the body.
“A role for cytokines in the pathophysiology of ‘penile’ dysfunction has emerged.”
Cytokines have numerous knock-on effects.
They can trigger the production of other inflammatory proteins, gasses like nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species.
All of which can harm cells which are essential for the functioning of the heart, veins, arteries and penis.
“Cytokines induce genes that synthesize cytokines, prostanoids, leukotrienes, nitric oxide, bradykinin, reactive oxygen species, and platelet-activating factors, all of which can affect vascular function.”
The central part of the penis is a sponge-like tissue.
It’s called the corpus cavernosa.
The tissue here is the same as that which lines the heart and other blood vessels.
“Consistent with the fact that the cavernosal tissue is a complex extension of the vasculature, risk factors that affect the vasculature have been shown to affect cavernosal function as well.”
Because the tissues are the same…
The researchers wondered whether inflammatory cytokines which affect cardiovascular problems could also trigger erections problems.
“Accordingly, the penile tissue has been recognized as an early indicator for atherosclerosis that underlies heart disease and cardiovascular diseases.”
The researchers combed through the literature looking for any links between the well-known inflammatory cytokine TNF-α and erections problems.
There are by now numerous lines of evidence showing that this particular inflammatory protein is a trigger for penis problems.
“Clinical and experimental evidence demonstrates that TNF-α may play a role in ‘penile’ dysfunction.”
We know a little bit more about the role of TNF-α in cardiovascular disease.
It causes changes to the endothelium which increases the risk of atherosclerosis and downstream cardiovascular problems.
“TNF-α has been shown to play an important role in cardiovascular diseases, mainly due to its direct effects on the vasculature.”
But as I said already, the tissues in the inflatable part of the penis are very similar to those in the cardiovascular system.
Human research has shown that men with higher levels of TNF-α are more likely to have poor rockiness…
And higher levels of TNF-α are associated with more severe erections problems.
“High levels of TNF-α were demonstrated in patients with ‘penile’ dysfunction.”
TNF-α is a very important protein.
It’s increased in diseases like diabetes…
And downstream effects of elevated levels of TNF-α can affect everything from the heart to the brain to the arteries and the penis.
“The vascular actions of TNF-α that support a role for this cytokine as a potential candidate in the pathophysiology of ‘penile’ dysfunction, particularly in the context of cardiovascular diseases.”
The links may explain why poor erections is now seen as an early indicator of atherosclerosis and major cardiovascular problems.
“‘Penile’ dysfunction results from a systemic arterial defect not only confined to the penile vasculature, implicating TNF-α in the pathophysiology of ED offers a humoral linking between cardiovascular diseases and ‘penile’ dysfunction.”
It’s worth learning a little bit more about inflammatory proteins like TNF-α.
There are many foods and supplements which can significantly increase or decrease TNF-α…
…having majors effects on your sex life and longevity.
—-Important Message From Craig Miller—-
Did Anderson Cooper tell this guy he wants him dead?
Wow, have you heard about this yet?
This man is going viral for revealing a shocking sex secret on live TV that gets women into bed fast.
Ever since his segment aired, he’s been getting non stop abuse from a group of angry feminists led by Anderson Cooper of all people.
They want this clip banned, so no man can ever use this sex secret on a woman.
But luckily for us, we’ve got the clip stored on a secret hard drive.