You may even be taking this already — here’s how to get maximum benefit…

Matt Cook here, and liver disease is becoming more and more common in men, even in men who don’t drink alcohol.
Luckily, there’s a very simple way to help protect your liver using a natural remedy that’s been around for hundreds of years…
You just have to use this age-old natural remedy the right way…
—-Important Message From Mike—-
Disturbing method gives men swords of steel between the legs
I was shocked and amazed…and even a bit DISTURBED…
…when I found out about this weird way to supercharge your “torpedo area” as a man…
Suddenly I had a sword of steel between my legs…
It made my wife go WILD with delight and start begging me to make love to her every day, sometimes even twice a day…
And it’s so easy for a guy to do. This unusual, natural method just takes 30 seconds.
This safe natural remedy prevents and slows down liver damage
Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is an increasingly common and sometimes life-threatening condition.
The disease is linked to type II diabetes and obesity, among other things.
As the disease progresses it becomes more severe — and faster progression of NAFLD can lead to death from liver problems including liver cancer.
Slowing the progression of NAFLD is a major concern for millions of people.
But many people don’t know that one of the most useful tools in the fight against nonalcoholic fatty liver disease is aspirin.
Studies have shown that aspirin users are significantly less likely to develop advanced fatty liver disease.
A little aspirin can go a long way.

The human research was carried out at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston.
The research findings were published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology.
Aspirin is quite an amazing substance — people who take a little aspirin are far less likely to develop many of the chronic diseases which are so rampant today.
One of the benefits of aspirin is that it is anti-fibrotic.
Fibrosis is a weblike infiltration of the body’s tissues — spreading scar tissue inside the body.
One of the major problems with advanced fatty liver disease is fibrosis.
The liver becomes marbled and congested with fibrotic scar tissue.
These researchers were curious whether the anti-fibrotic effective aspirin could be beneficial for people who had been diagnosed with early stage liver disease NAFLD.
NAFLD leads to fibrosis, which, in turn, causes more advanced liver disease.
“There is little information from studies on the effects of aspirin on fibrosis in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).”
Over 300 people with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, confirmed by liver biopsies, were recruited for the study.
The participants were examined for the degree of liver disease and fibrosis at least once a year for almost 10 years.
The researchers also gathered information on aspirin use among all of the participants.
At the end of the study, the researchers looked to see if there was any relationship between aspirin use and advancing liver disease.
“We estimated the association between aspirin use and the risk for liver fibrosis progression.”
Almost half of the participants were regular aspirin users — so there was a good spread of users versus nonusers for the comparison.
The early stage of nonalcoholic liver disease is called NAFLD. The next stage is called NASH — nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
Aspirin users with NAFLD were much less likely to progress to the next stage of liver disease (NASH).
There was more than a 30% reduction in progression to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) in aspirin users.
“Daily aspirin use was associated with a significantly lower odds of developing NASH.”
Most aspirin users use relatively small doses. Low-dose aspirin carries a very low risk of side effects.
The beneficial effects of aspirin on the progression of liver disease could save many lives with very few risks.
The researchers also looked at the degree of fibrosis — the web-like scar tissue which spreads through the liver in advanced disease.
Fibrosis is both a cause of and a marker of severe liver disease.
The researchers looked at whether fibrosis spread more rapidly in either group.
Aspirin users were far less likely to develop advanced fibrosis over the course of the study.
“Daily aspirin users had a significantly lower risk for developing incident advanced fibrosis.”
Aspirin users were nearly 40% less likely to be diagnosed with advanced fibrosis at the end of the research.
The study also found clear benefits to using aspirin over longer periods of time.
People who had used aspirin for four years or more were only half as likely to develop advanced fibrosis.
“The beneficial relationship appeared to be duration dependent, the greatest benefit was found with at least four years or more of aspirin use.”
The researchers looked at other pain killing treatments in the same class as aspirin, known as NSAIDs.
None of these treatments had any significant beneficial effect on liver disease progression or fibrosis.
“Only daily aspirin was associated with less severe features of liver disease and lower risk of progression to advanced fibrosis.”
Large amounts of aspirin, particularly combined with other blood thinners, can cause problems.
But most of the benefits of aspirin can be achieved with relatively low and safe doses.
—-Important Message From Matt Cook—-
This simple protocol cleans out the liver while strengthening boners

Most men don’t know that getting good erections is tied to having a clean liver.
So men with fatty livers are often suffering from erections problems, but don’t know why.
And this is why many traditional erections treatments do nothing for these men.
It’s the liver that’s the problem.
So I’ve developed a simple liver cleanse that can restore good, strong erections in men.
It works by clearing out the toxins and fatty deposits that have built up in the liver over the years.
I’ve found it has made a huge difference in my stamina and lasting power.
And chances are it will do the same (or even better) for you…
Try my liver cleanse here for free

Daily Aspirin Use Associated With Reduced Risk For Fibrosis Progression In Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease