This is the #1 prostate treatment doctors recommend to men
Matt Cook here, and men are making one huge prostate mistake that can easily be avoided.
It involves a certain Big Pharma treatment for the prostate that’s hiding sinister side effects…
But men aren’t being warned!
And what’s worse, no one is telling men about this completely natural, safe prostate solution that 48,000 men and counting are using with zero side effects whatsoever…
—-Important Message—-
Can this one nutrient shrink your prostate from a lemon to a walnut?
And you can eat a little of this at home…
Because, most men are deficient in this special nutrient and a deficiency can cause the prostate to swell up.
Getting more of this nutrient fights back against toxins and chemicals in the testicles to protect your prostate and keep it healthy.
And now I’ve found a very simple way to increase this cancer-fighting nutrient in the body — here’s how.
This popular prostate treatment can lead to aggressive cancer
Propecia is the marketing term for finasteride when it’s sold as a hair loss preventative treatment.
Finasteride is also sold as Proscar as a treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Finasteride can help with prostate symptoms – but it makes prostate problems worse over time.
The use of this treatment is linked to an increased risk of aggressive prostate cancer.
The use of the finasteride as a hair loss preventative is quite controversial.
I doubt it has any benefit at all in reducing hair loss.
Regardless, this treatment has a very long list of serious side effects which should make everyone think long and hard about ever using it.
For example, finasteride significantly increases the risk of depression.
The human research was carried out at the Tabriz University of Medical Sciences in Iran. The findings were published in BMC Clinical Pharmacology.
Finasteride “works” by blocking the enzyme that produces DHT.
DHT is an essential male hormone – but it has been wrongly blamed for causing prostate problems and hair loss.
Many men have been prescribed finasteride as Propecia or Proscar for hair loss or benign prostate hyperplasia.
Although DHT doesn’t cause hair loss or prostate problems, it is essential for every aspect of a man’s health.
Not only that, but the treatment also affects other steroid hormones.
Some of these steroid hormones are very active in the brain – and like DHT they are essential for mental health.
Finasteride removes these essential male hormones from the brain and body.
Vast numbers of men have complained about physical and psychological side effects caused by the treatments.
So researchers in Iran decided to see whether there was any basis to these complaints.
They analyzed information from 120 men who had been prescribed finasteride for male pattern hair loss.
The men took 1 mg of finasteride (Propecia) per day – a relatively low dose.
All of the men completed questionnaires before the study began – before they started taking finasteride.
These standardized questionnaires assessed the degree of anxiety and the degree of depression (if any) reported by the men.
The researchers found a significant increase in depression reported by the men after they began using the treatment.
“Finasteride treatment increased Beck Depression Inventory scores and Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale scores.”
The people who sell these treatments like to paint DHT as nothing more than a toxin produced by the body.
But DHT is a critical male hormone – essential for the body and the brain.
It really should be no surprise that depleting DHT causes problems.
What’s more, these types of treatments don’t just affect one hormone.
They also affect other steroid hormones which are highly active in the brain.
There are numerous reasons why these types of treatments should be expected to cause depression.
“This study suggests that finasteride might induce depressive symptoms, therefore this ‘treatment’ should be prescribed cautiously for patients with high risk of depression.”
This was also a relatively low dose of treatment.
We should expect higher doses to cause more severe problems.
“It seems that further studies would be necessary to determine behavioral effects of this ‘treatment’ in higher doses and in more susceptible patients.”
The wording makes it sound like these treatments only have negative effects on certain men who have a “susceptibility” to depression.
But all men rely on DHT and the other steroids for our mental well-being. All men are susceptible to depression caused by these treatments.
In fact, because of the effects on other steroid hormones, finasteride can even cause severe behavioral and mood disorders in females.
“Finasteride is able to induce behavioral changes in pregnant rats. There are numerous human studies suggesting that finasteride causes depressives and anxiety symptoms in humans.”
Depression induced by finasteride is reason enough to avoid it.
But these types of treatments cause a whole host of other problems, including weakness, impotence and loss of libido.
Just do a Google search for “post finasteride syndrome” if you want to understand more about the systemic effects of these treatments.
—-Important Message About Hair Loss—-
This weird tapping method can regrow your hair naturally in 30 days
If you are tired of seeing hair on your pillow in the morning and in the shower drain…
…tired of seeing hairs caught in your comb…
…afraid that one day you will be left completely bald…
You should know that there is a simple method that can regrow your healthy, thick hair in just 30 days.
All you have to do is tap the top of your head like this for 5 seconds every day…
And simply watch how your hair gets thicker and thicker each week.
This method has already been tried by more than 30,868 men just like you…
And it’s rumored to be better than any hair gels, sprays, or serums.
See how easy it is to start regrowing a head of thick dense hair this way as soon as tonight.