Problems like constipation, indigestion, and IBS can be treated with this one vitamin
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How to turn her on instantly (according to scientists)

What do you do when someone punches you in the face without any warning?
You’d probably either dodge or block the attack.
But you didn’t have to think about that, right?
Amazingly, your nervous system triggers that automatic reaction instinctively.
And guess what?
It’s the same way it triggers a woman’s sexual response!
For instance, when you touch her in these virtually unknown, highly-arousing spots…
This one vitamin can help patch up a leaky gut
Generally, most people do not pay too much attention to the workings of their intestine.
For example, constipation is seen by many as nothing more than an inconvenience.
In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
Digestion and bowel movements are extremely important and can also be a source of problems.
If intestinal transit is slowed, something has gone very wrong.
Generally, sluggish digestion is associated with the concept of a “leaky gut.”
A leaky gut is where bacteria and other particles can pass through the intestinal barrier and effectively “leak” into the bloodstream.
We don’t typically realize it, but with any type of chronic stress, intestinal function is impaired and this has very negative effects on overall health.

Something which may not appear related to intestinal health is vitamin D.
“Vitamin D plays a pivotal role in intestinal homeostasis. Vitamin D can impact the function of virtually every cell in the gut by binding to its intracellular receptor (VDR) and subsequently transcribing relevant genes.” – Fakhoury et al. (2020)
This is interesting because most people associate vitamin D mostly with its role in regulating calcium metabolism, but clearly it does a lot more.
Regarding the lumen (interior of the gastrointestinal tract), vitamin D appears to play a fundamental role in maintaining its structure and function.
“In the lumen, the mucus layer and the underlying epithelium serve to keep resident microbiota at bay. Vitamin D ensures an appropriate level of antimicrobial peptides in the mucus and maintains epithelial integrity by reinforcing intercellular junctions.”
Maintaining epithelial (intestinal lining) integrity is essential.
A dysfunctional mucus layer and intestinal lining are part of the conditions associated with the onset of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD).
“Vitamin D plays a protective role on gut health. Vitamin D deficiency in IBD is prevalent and associated with poor outcomes.’’ – Gubatan et al. (2018)
IBD is now extremely common and aside from its uncomfortable symptoms, is a very serious condition which can trigger all sorts of other problems…
For instance by allowing bowel toxins to leak into the bloodstream.
“Bowel toxins poison not only the kidneys, but the heart and brain and the liver (…) ‘’ – Ray Peat (2015)
Supplementing Vitamin D orally is not always sufficient to bring levels up to the optimal range (above 40 ng/ml).
Regular sunshine exposure, along with topical vitamin D can also be used to bring the levels up.
In summary, Vitamin D supplementation is inexpensive and widely available, and is clearly protective for the intestinal tract along with being therapeutic for various conditions:
‘’There is some evidence that Vitamin D can regulate gastrointestinal inflammation, with epidemiological studies showing that individuals with higher serum Vitamin D have a lower incidence of IBD, particularly Crohn’s disease.’’ – Tabatabaeizadeh et al. (2018)
—-Important Message For Men About Keeping Healthy Vitamin D Levels—-
Beware this one hormone that’s draining men of their vitamin D levels
I’ve recently discovered one powerfully toxic hormone responsible for up to 80% of men’s health and sex problems.
And one of the first things this hormone does is drain men of their vitamin D levels…
…because nutrients like vitamin D are natural protectors against this hormone…
So this one hormone drains the body of these protective nutrients like vitamin D first… to better assault your body…
And then it gets worse…with bone loss and muscle loss…
…unwanted belly fat, increased inflammation…
…kidney stones, low T, prostate problems…
High levels of this one hormone can even lead to Alzheimer’s!
That’s why it’s so important to stop this toxic hormone — and fast.
I’ve come up with a very simple method for lowering this one bad hormone, and it helps keep natural protectors like vitamin D in high supply.
It’s all about keeping the right nutrients in the right ratio…with just a few special foods…

Fakhoury, Hana M A et al. “Vitamin D and intestinal homeostasis: Barrier, microbiota, and immune modulation.” The Journal of steroid biochemistry and molecular biology vol. 200 (2020): 105663. doi:10.1016/j.jsbmb.2020.105663
Gubatan J, Moss AC. Vitamin D in inflammatory bowel disease: more than just a supplement. Curr Opin Gastroenterol. 2018 Jul;34(4):217-225. doi: 10.1097/MOG.0000000000000449. PMID: 29762159.
Ray Peat on bowel toxins in the blood. Audio from KMUD: 8-21-15 Longevity, Brain Food and Energy.