It’s one of the most overlooked hormones for men — do you have enough?
—-Important Message—-
This is how I doubled my testosterone at home

My T used to be in the toilet…when I was far younger. Now it’s 900.
Well, for starters…just one bite of this naturally raises my testosterone…
I just pop it in my mouth and feel the surge of energy that comes with having high T.
Having high testosterone will make your muscles stronger, boost your drive and stamina, and give you an extra “oomph” when working out or getting busy in bed.
And scientists found that men with higher natural testosterone live longer than men with low testosterone:

So raising testosterone is the best thing you can do as a man.
This one hormone leads to fuller, healthier hair and higher T levels
Progesterone, contrary to common perception, is not really a female sex hormone.
In fact, it is probably the most fundamentally protective hormone for humans of both sexes.
It protects against the nefarious effects of estrogen excess, while sustaining and encouraging core biological processes like thyroid function.
Moreover, it is a precursor to other fundamental steroid hormones, including testosterone.
In fact, progesterone is essential to men’s health, and yet this has been virtually excluded from the common scientific and medical discourse
Progesterone influences spermiogenesis, sperm capacitation/acrosome reaction and testosterone biosynthesis in the Leydig cells. (Oettel & Mukhopadhyay, 2004)
It is present in both sexes, at the highest levels in children, teenagers, and women of reproductive age.
Interestingly, these are precisely the groups with the best heads of hair.
In general, children and teenagers have the highest levels of the most protective hormones.
As crazy as it may sound, the key to understanding hair loss in men may be to talk about women for a bit.
Women of reproductive age are virtually protected from the most debilitating cases of baldness, because of a very unique part of their physiology:
Their menstrual cycle.
During a typical menstrual cycle, healthy women will experience a transient spike in estrogen followed by sustained exposure to large quantities of progesterone.
This is interesting because it offers a clue to understand what differentiates women from men in terms of their relatively lower chance of experiencing hair loss and baldness.
Women can indeed experience baldness.
It is a common symptom of PCOS, a pathology which is characterized by ovarian failure.
PCOS is really not some type of unique and rare pathology.
It’s just a severe stress-induced condition, and is typically accompanied by other problems.
It’s probably the same condition as AGA (Androgenetic Alopecia) in men:
Men with early AGA could be considered as male phenotypic equivalents of women with PCOS. They can be at risk of developing the same complications associated with PCOS, including obesity, metabolic syndrome, IR, cardiovascular diseases, and infertility. – Sanke et al. (2016)
The ovaries are the main producers of progesterone, along with the brain.
(Men also produce progesterone in their testes, but at much lower levels.)
So what happens in the case of these women with PCOS is that they no longer have the high protective levels of progesterone of healthy menstrual cycles…
…which possibly makes them just as susceptible as men to baldness.
Yes, you read that right!
Women can experience the very same type of ‘’male-pattern baldness” we typically presume is exclusive to men.
There is indeed no real evidence that there is anything exclusively male about the pattern of hair loss starting at the crown and temples.
It’s probably just a physiological characteristic of the scalp which makes these areas relatively deficient in terms of microvascular supply, and therefore more susceptible to hair loss.
But that’s not the main kicker!
The most popular (oral) treatment used to treat baldness, finasteride, is itself synthesized from progesterone as the starting molecule.
This is a rabbit hole which we could dive very deeply into.
For the sake of brevity, let’s just end with a very interesting paper from 1985, which touched on topical treatments for male pattern baldness:
A therapeutic trial of topical progesterone at a 2%-5% concentration appears to be reasonable when the physician and patient appreciate the limitations of this approach. – Tromovitch et al. (1985)
This reality has been obscured by nearly 3 decades of physicians favouring minoxidil and then finasteride…
But until the early 1990s, progesterone was routinely used as a therapeutic topical treatment for male pattern baldness.
Of course, on its own, scant amounts of progesterone on the scalp is definitely not enough to replicate the high progesterone levels of menstruating women (or the even greater levels of pregnancy).
It’s probably not a quick fix, either. Especially for men with existing scalp fibrosis and calcification.
But, then again, hair loss is not a superficial problem.
Nonetheless, topical progesterone is a very sound and potentially powerful complementary therapy, as part of a more comprehensive lifestyle change.
—-Important Message for Men Wary About Hormones—-
Putting this natural balm on your scalp promotes new hair growth

I’ve found another way to promote new, healthy hair growth at any age…
…that doesn’t require any Big Pharma treatments or hormones or anything like that…
This is simply a 2-ingredient mixture that you rub on your scalp before bed…
And while you sleep, it oxygenates the hair follicles with fresh new blood flow…
And that does wonders for promoting new hair growth, even if you’ve been losing hair for years!

Oettel M, Mukhopadhyay AK. Progesterone: the forgotten hormone in men?. Aging Male. 2004;7(3):236-257. doi:10.1080/13685530400004199
Sanke, Sarita et al. “A Comparison of the Hormonal Profile of Early Androgenetic Alopecia in Men With the Phenotypic Equivalent of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome in Women.” JAMA dermatology vol. 152,9 (2016): 986-91. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2016.1776
Tromovitch, T A et al. “Medical treatment of male pattern alopecia (androgenic alopecia).” Head & neck surgery vol. 7,4 (1985): 336-9. doi:10.1002/hed.2890070410