It can restore great “rockiness” in men, and even reverse chronic heart failure…

—-Important Message—-
Eat one of these 5 foods to naturally improve blood flow and boost male performance
I’ve found 5 special foods that are rich in nutrients men need for good blood flow.
These foods work by destroying plaque blockages and restoring flexibility to stiff, constricted blood vessels… so blood flow improves…
Blood flow improves all over the body, even down in the penile chambers…
And when blood flow is great down in the penile chambers, men get really good, long-lasting “rockiness.”
And it’s as easy as eating one of these 5 foods…
Hint: This also naturally lowers blood pressure — WITHOUT pills.
This one food significantly improves blood flow, even “down there”
Chronic heart failure is a condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood around the body.
When the heart is weakened, the rest of the body does not receive enough nutrients. And this causes problems throughout the body.
Over 5 million Americans are dealing with chronic heart failure, according to the Centers for Disease Control.
Recently, researchers in China discovered very promising results with black garlic for people with chronic heart failure and coronary heart disease.

These scientists did human research at the Department of Cardiovascular, The First Hospital of Jilin University, Changchun, China. Frontiers in Physiology published the results.
A number of prior studies showed that garlic can be very protective for the heart.
“Garlic is a kind of valuable atherosclerosis-preventing functional food.”
Coronary heart disease, one cause of chronic heart failure, involves a buildup of plaques within the blood vessels around the heart.
Because garlic can improve the health of blood vessels, it is a prime candidate as a natural treatment for chronic heart failure.
Black garlic, first developed in Korea, is made from standard garlic cloves prepared in a certain way.
They heat garlic under specific temperatures and humidity for 60 to 90 days to produce black garlic.
This process is believed to enhance some of the health-giving benefits of garlic.
“Black garlic is a kind of deep-processed food made of fresh garlic under high temperatures and humidity.”
The study recruited 120 participants diagnosed with coronary heart disease and chronic heart failure.
The participants were almost 50/50 men and women between the ages of 25 and 75.
“One hundred twenty patients were randomly and evenly assigned into black garlic group and placebo group.”
The non-placepo group was given a black garlic supplement for six months.
The researchers looked at a protein called Nt-proBNP.
This is a marker of damage to the heart and one of the key tests for chronic heart failure.
Nt-proBNP increases in chronic heart failure.
Black garlic supplementation lowered critical markers of heart damage.
“The concentration of Nt-proBNP was reduced by 18% in the black garlic group when compared with the control group.”
The researchers also tested the ejection fraction – a measure of how much blood the heart can pump.
With chronic heart failure, ejection fraction decreases.
It’s another very good marker of the progression of chronic heart failure.
And, again, the researchers saw significant improvement in the ejection fraction with black garlic supplementation.
“The left ventricular ejection fraction values were higher blackcurrant group than in the control group.”
In fact, the ejection fraction was 10-18% better in people taking black garlic.
Participants completed questionnaires before and after the supplementation period.
The questionnaires were designed to assess the quality of life in people with heart failure.
Participants reported a much-improved quality of life with black garlic supplementation.
“The quality of life scores were higher in the black garlic group than in the control group.”
Black garlic contains a lot of healthy antioxidants.
Many researchers believe that these antioxidants are the source of the health benefits.
People taking the black garlic supplements had higher levels of antioxidants in the blood.
The researchers also found that improvements were closely tied to the levels of these antioxidants.
“Antioxidant levels had positive relations with quality of life and ejection fraction. They had a negative relationship with Nt-proBNP.”
So black garlic – and perhaps standard garlic – could have significant benefits for people with chronic heart failure and coronary heart disease.
“Black garlic improves the quality of life, ejection fraction, and Nt-proBNP levels in chronic heart failure patients with coronary heart disease.”
You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about diagnosing and treating any health problems.
—-Important Message for Men Feeling Less “Down There”—-
My mind was racing, ready for the pleasures to come, but my male member was numb…

I don’t feel anything “down there.”
I’m imagining bedroom playtime that goes on for an hour or more, different positions and all sorts of pleasure…
But my d*ck is just limp! My mind wants it, but my body isn’t responding.
That’s when I discover the brain-penile connection…
How the brain is supposed to send “get rocky” signals to the member for a boner to happen…

But sometimes this connection gets cut somewhere… the signals don’t come through…
And if it worked for me, why not you?