Use it for itchy skin, nasal congestion, headaches, hives, and more

Matt Cook here, and there are tons of antihistamine treatments on the shelf at the store.
Dozens of them.
They’re not cheap either.
Which is why I want to tell you about this one food…
This one food is the strongest natural antihistamine provided by Mother Nature herself.
Great for all men — this is what it does (so much more than just helping allergies…)
—-Important Message From Matt—-
Peruvian jungle juice makes men bigger and fatter “down there” naturally

A successful trip to Peru and a chance meeting with a gorgeous indigenous woman landed me this secret recipe…
…a jungle juice recipe that’s been used for over 100 years…
And believe it or not, this juice makes it easier for men to get rocky, stay rocky, and perform at their best with a woman.
It’s a natural miracle brew that’s allowed me to sport the strongest, most impressive looking erections whenever I want.
Want to try it? Click here and taste it for free.
This one food is nature’s strongest antihistamine
Histamine is produced and released by cells all throughout the day and night.
Like many things, some histamine is essential – but high histamine causes a whole host of problems.
If you suffer with itchy skin, regardless of the diagnosis, that itching is mostly caused by histamine.
You probably know that already.
What you may not know is that histamine is also involved in mood and behavior.
“Histamine receptors are important in learning and memory, regulation of aggression, and wakefulness.”
If you are unhappy with any aspect of your mood or mental performance, then you should know that histamine may be playing a role.
There are a few ways to lower histamine — like eating sprouted seeds and beans which block histamine production.
That’s a pretty risky solution due to mold and bacterial concerns. It’s also a lot of work and it tastes pretty bad.
Marmalade is a simpler solution.
You see, the peels of citrus fruits like oranges contain quite a lot of natural antihistamines.

The animal experiments were carried out at Yamaguchi University in Japan. The results were published in Oriental Pharmacy and Experimental Medicine.
Citrus fruits like lemon, lime, and orange are popular all over the world.
Many people don’t like to eat the peels — and this leads to a lot of waste.
Unlike most food waste, citrus peels actually contain many health giving compounds.
“The peel contains various beneficial bioactive components including vitamin C, limonene and hesperidin.”
This study was carried out to see if there were any health benefits from waste of citrus fruits.
The research used lemon, lime, orange, and grapefruit peels.
Now, histamine is released by cells in response to stress.
This could be psychological stress or it could be caused by something inappropriate that you have eaten.
The researchers tested the citrus peel products on stressed rat cells — triggered to produce excess histamine.
All citrus peels had antihistamine activity.
“All extracts inhibited the release of histamine from rat cells.”
Cooking makes orange peels more palatable — compare the taste of marmalade with raw orange peels…
(Really though, don’t eat raw orange peels.)
Cooking doesn’t just make the peels edible.
Cooking also increases the antihistamine effect of citrus peel.
“Heating of the extracts at 100 °C for 10 min enhanced inhibition of histamine release.”
The researchers also tested the effect of grapefruit peel on inflammation in live rats.
The beneficial compounds in grapefruit peel are very similar to those found in marmalade.
Cooked citrus peel had a remarkable anti-inflammatory effect — similar to a lab-grade anti-inflammatory — indomethacin.
“The extract potentially suppressed inflammation in the mice cavity similar to indomethacin, an anti-inflammatory ‘treatment.’”
These experiments, and many others, show that citrus peels can lower histamine and inflammation.
“Therefore, the extract of citrus peels are useful for developing anti-allergic anti-inflammatory foods and supplements.”
In fact, this anti-inflammatory food/supplement has already been developed.
It’s called marmalade, and it has been with us for a very long time.
The basic marmalade recipe involves cooking thin strips of orange peel in sugar, water, and lime or lemon juice.
This is great stuff.
But these days, many store bought marmalades contain harmful food additives.
They often contain gums and other gelling agents which can actually irritate the gut, cause inflammation, and therefore increase histamine.
You can usually find a decent marmalade in a large store…
Vut you need to pay close attention to the ingredients to make sure that it is a traditional, simple marmalade recipe — not a science project.
—-Important Message For Boosting Your Immune System—-
Are you still using vitamin C? You must read this…
Vitamin C is one the greatest vitamins for our health and immune systems. But it only lasts a few minutes in the blood when taken orally…
That’s why, to get the real benefits of vitamin C, you need to have it injected intravenously.

And who has time or money to do that every day or every week?
That’s why I came up with Super C.
Super C works the same way intravenous vitamin C works — by not being water soluble and therefore hanging around the body a lot longer.
So it actually absorbs into all your cells and gives you maximum effectiveness.
And right now, you can have my Super C for free — get it here

Histamine H1 receptor on astrocytes and neurons controls distinct aspects of mouse behaviour
Anti-histamine release and anti-inflammatory activities of aqueous extracts of citrus fruits peels