In seconds, she is dying to make these fantasies come true… with you and only you…
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—-Important Message—-
This new kind of foreplay unlocks a woman’s deepest sexual fantasies — and she will want to act them out with you and only you…
This new kind of foreplay is very, very powerful for both single or married guys…
…because it opens up a sexual buffet of sweaty, amazing intensity that you thought women only faked in “those” movies.
With this new kind of foreplay, you can access her deepest, most secret sexual desires…
…just by whispering a few seemingly innocent words in her ear…
Is this 1 hormone making men easier to control?
Do you ever get the feeling that people are much more placid and docile compared to just a few decades ago?
You can certainly see how this might be beneficial for governments or large corporations… right?
In fact, both types of organizations put a lot of resources into understanding human behavior…
…in order to enact behavioral modification techniques shaping human action to their own ends.
This takes many forms, TV and radio messaging, newspaper articles and social media algorithms – to name just a few.
But recent research also highlights the fact that some very common treatments alter behavior in ways that could be used for nefarious purposes.
The human research was carried out at Universität zu Berlin in Germany. The paper was published in Communications – Biology.
In one school of learning, learning is divided into two types.
There is learning from negative experiences and learning due to success.
In my view, both types of learning are critical for healthy individual development.
“Instrumental learning is driven by a history of outcome success and failure.”
The authors of this study were interested in the effects of serotonin on these two sides of learning.
Serotonin, of course, is the target of many “antidepressant” and anxiety treatments.
Many people also try to increase their serotonin by more natural methods like diet and supplements.
“Here, we examined the impact of serotonin on learning from positive and negative outcomes.”
The researchers carried out their experiments on human volunteers who agreed to take a serotonin boosting SSRI antidepressant.
The researchers used citalopram which works on the same mechanism as Prozac and most of the other major “antidepressants”
“Healthy human volunteers were assessed twice, once after acute, and once after prolonged (week-long) daily administration of the SSRI citalopram or placebo.”
This study found that these treatments amplified changes in behavior in response to punishment.
People taking the treatments became more averse to actions that might have negative outcomes.
Of course, negative outcomes are by definition bad, but only when looked at in isolation.
Many of the good things in life require experiencing negative outcomes along the way.
“Prolonged boosting of serotonin enhances learning from punishment.”
These treatments also cause behavioral changes to the other side of learning.
People were less likely to be motivated by reward when they were taking these serotonin-boosting treatments.
“We show that serotonin reduces learning from reward.”
You can see how these treatments might seem to be demotivating…
They might seem to prevent people from getting ahead in life or “causing trouble” for those in control.
These treatments seem to make people more behaviourally responsive to fear and punishment.
Of course, the carrot can be just as useful as the stick in terms of manipulating people’s behavior…
…but these treatments might make it easier to know which tactic to use.
If larger and larger chunks of the population are simply motivated by fear and punishment, then they become much easier to control.
“This valence-dependent learning asymmetry increases subjects’ tendency to avoid actions as a function of cumulative failure without leading to detrimental, or advantageous, outcomes.”
People with higher serotonin, and/or those taking SSRI antidepressants…
…are far more likely to simply follow orders, especially if there are perceived negative repercussions of not following orders.
Over the years, some critics have said that these treatments don’t help with depression…
…but rather help doctors and psychiatrists who have patients that complain about these problems.
The patient may simply be less likely to complain when taking the substances because complaining may incur negative responses.
I argue in my newsletters that the low serotonin hypothesis that the sale of these treatments is based on is a house of cards.
Everywhere you look the theory falls apart.
But these treatments are addictive and it can be quite difficult to come off them.
Just because there are problems with the theories (and the treatments) doesn’t mean that you should come off cold turkey.
You should always speak to your doctor or psychiatrist about doing something like that.
—-Important Message—-
This simple protocol lowers prolactin and estrogen while naturally raising testosterone
- Protects the prostate and helps reduce inflammation
- Lowers body fat while increasing muscle mass (no working out necessary)
- Greatly enhances boners, libido, and sexual sensation
- Lessens the time between sex acts
- Increases load size
- Used daily can transform your health and make you feel and perform as you did when you were decades younger
- Quick results — usually kicks in within 4 to 7 days
I’m calling it the PET Protocol — Prolactin-Estrogen-Testosterone.
And you can start using it as soon as tonight — it’s free