Certain medications and conditions can cause these crusty skin lesions, but this cheap unusual oil will clear them up fast…
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Paint this on and watch it grow “down there”

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You just paint this on “down there” and watch it grow…
This naturally clears up dry, rough, scaly skin patches
My friend recounts one of the most vivid memories of her Nana…
“She had incredibly white hair. It looked like a halo. And she had hands with deep wrinkles and these crusty spots that no amount of cream would ever take away.”
Those crusty spots were probably actinic keratosis.
If you have crusty areas like this on your hands, scalp, neck, or forearms then you should probably see a dermatologist just to be safe.
According to the Mayo Clinic:
“A small percentage of actinic keratosis lesions can eventually become skin cancer. You can reduce your risk of actinic keratoses by minimizing your sun exposure and protecting your skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays.”
The good news is that this condition developing into skin cancer is rare.
And there has been a report of castor oil clearing this type of crusty area up completely so that it can’t possibly advance to skin cancer. Here’s how it works.

What is caster oil?
Castor oil has been used by people for thousands of years.
It comes from the plant Ricinus communis where castor beans come from.
The ancient Egyptians used it for its medicinal value.
Its most common use is to treat constipation, but it’s also often used as a skin remedy because of the ricinoleic acid it contains.
Why use castor oil for actinic keratosis?
There is a bit of scientific data on this and a whole lot of folklore.
Castor oil is anti-inflammatory, and maybe that’s why it has this reputation.
“Commonly known as castor oil plant, it is indigenous to the southeastern Mediterranean Basin, Eastern Africa, and India. The seed from the plant is a rich source of triglycerides (mainly ricinolein) and ricin. The oil obtained from the seed of the plant has been used as a laxative, purgative, and cathartic in Unani, Ayurvedic, and other ethnomedical systems. Traditional Ayurvedic medicine considers castor oil the king of medicines for curing arthritic diseases.”
“In a study carried out in guinea pig eyelids, ricinolein was found to possess both pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties that were observed upon acute and repeated application of the compound, respectively.”
So the science on this is shaky at best.
Regardless, castor oil is safe to use topically (though it’s not saturated enough to eat on a regular basis).
And it’s worth trying if you have these crusty, dry skin patches.
Some people can recall their grandparents or parents using it as a remedy for dry, flaky skin…
Testimonial from an article on The People’s Pharmacy:
“This treatment has been around for a long time. 65 years ago my mother had a precancerous spot such as you are describing on her nose. Her doctor told her to rub castor oil on the spot daily for ten days and if it did not come off it would need to be burned off.”
Preparation-wise, some people use straight castor oil and others mix it with baking soda… That’s more of a personal preference than anything else.
They rub it into their skin (either preparation) and report that the dry, scaly patches either fall away or heal up. So it’s worth a try.
From a discussion forum with a dermatologist on The People’s Pharmacy:
“I used castor oil mixed with baking soda to treat a prominent actinic keratosis that I’d had for years. It was gone after two days and hasn’t come back two years later. I can’t remember where I heard about this remedy, but others might want to know about it.”
The bottom line on using castor oil to clear up crusty skin lesions is that it’s worth a try. It’s unlikely to be harmful.
But you should get spots like that checked by a dermatologist on occasion to keep an eye on them.
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