Just pair this with your morning tea or coffee

—-Important Message—-
Weird Peruvian drink makes men rockier on command — use at your own risk!
I’ve discovered a weird drink that indigenous women in Peru give to their men for long pleasured-filled nights of fun…
This drink makes it easier for a man to get rocky, stay rocky, and perform better with a woman.
It’s a natural miracle brew that’s allowed me to sport the strongest, most impressive looking erections whenever I want.
Want to try it? Click here and taste it for free.
This natural supplement gives men long-lasting focus and brain power
Focus means we get things done — but there are always distractions.
Caffeine can energize us but it doesn’t necessarily improve focus.
Caffeine can leave us jittery and overstimulated.
Combining the amino acid theanine with caffeine can help us maintain focus.

This study was conducted in the United States, Sri Lanka, and Australia.
The study looked at the effect of theanine, caffeine, or a theanine+caffeine combination on attention to sensory stimulus.
9 men were trained to perform a visual task on a computer.
The test consisted of a blue screen.
The screen would produce very short flashes of red or white.
The subjects had to press a button in response to the white — but not red flashes.
This task was timed and scored — assessing the individual’s focus.
After training was completed the subjects each went through 4 sets of experiments.
The experiments were with theanine, caffeine, placebo (water), or theanine+caffeine.
These experiments were conducted separately over the course of a few weeks.
The experiments were randomized — people did not know what they were getting.
The dose of theanine was 200mg. The dose of caffeine was always 160mg.
These doses are similar to what would be found in 8 cups of tea and are in the range of optimal dosing for theanine found in previous studies.
The subjects were allowed to train on the stimulus task for 10 minutes after dosing.
They would then wait for another 50 minutes before undergoing testing in the visual stimulus task while being scanned by the fMRI.
60 minutes is about the amount of time it takes for the effects of caffeine and theanine to peak.
Subjects were hooked up to a functional magnetic resonance imaging scanner (fMRI).
This device measured the electrical activity in their brains.
The study found that the combination of theanine and caffeine significantly improved test reaction times compared to placebo.
“Theanine and theanine+caffeine combination resulted in faster responses to targets compared to placebo.”
The combination of theanine+caffeine increased accuracy.
“Administration of caffeine and theanine+caffeine combination was associated with reductions of errors.”
fMRI brain scan showed that theanine decreased activity in a region of the brain that is associated with mind wandering.
This might be why theanine improves concentration — by reducing wandering and distraction.
“Theanine was associated with decreased responses to distractors, suggesting that theanine may be allowing the brain to attend to targets more efficiently.”
Scientists believe that the decrease in brain activity in this daydreaming region allowed the subjects to focus on the task more effectively.
Because the brain was less distracted — focus was improved.
The improvement in focus increased the scores.
The combination of theanine and caffeine produced fMRI results that indicate the brain was less distracted when using these supplements.
The scientists conclude that theanine and caffeine together have a combined effect — improving focus and decreasing distraction.
“Theanine and caffeine seem to have a synergistic action in decreasing mind wandering.”
These 2 supplements are powerful stimulators of focus and mental energy when used properly.
We now know more about why caffeine and theanine increase focus and decrease distraction.
“Our hypothesis that theanine and caffeine may be decreasing deviation of attention to distractors (including mind wandering) and enhancing attention to target stimuli was confirmed.”
Caffeine is found in many substances including tea and coffee.
Theanine is not as common but it is found in tea.
Tests on mental performance using tea have not been as successful as tests using supplemental theanine and caffeine.
It’s likely that the amounts of theanine and caffeine in a cup of tea are simply not enough to improve brain energy and mental focus.
Theanine is a relatively safe supplement (though there are some bad reactions in a small number of people.)
Caffeine can be quite dangerous at higher doses and should be addressed with caution.
Coffee (which has caffeine) and theanine are a good combination to begin to improve focus and energy.
You should see a health professional about problems with focus or lack of energy.
—-Important Message—-
My best stamina secret is this:

I developed this stamina secret because for men, fatigue is the biggest libido killer.
Chronic fatigue can hurt stamina and make it difficult for men to last as long as they want to in bed.
But my new stamina formula works by targeting the root cause of chronic fatigue — low brain blood sugar.
Low blood brain sugar creates that “tired all the time” feeling.
Scientists call it neuro-hypoglycemia.
And when men are feeling tired all the time, their sex life suffers.
They have no energy to bone, and if they can even manage to get it up, they only last 5 minutes in the sack.
And it’s not their fault. It’s low brain blood sugar.
Try my natural stamina-boosting formula for free and enjoy lasting 30 minutes or more in bed.