This muscle-building nutrient can save you from strokes

It helps prevent strokes and minimize the damage if you do suffer a stroke

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Matt Cook here, and there’s one natural muscle-building nutrient that men should get in ample amounts.

Not only is it good for testosterone, libido, and muscle strength — it’s now being shown to help men avoid stroke…

And prevent major damage from stroke, which can save the lives of so many people, even your loved ones.

—-Important Message From Derek Lau—-

Harvard study shows women NEED this — makes women obsess over you

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Studies pouring out of top universities like Harvard are talking about a secret language that will force a woman to stare at you…

Chase you…

And fantasize about the day she gets to wrap her long, voluptuous legs around you.

Top seduction guru Kate Spring unveils the top 3 “secret language” tips that you can use right now to make hot women obsess over you…

These psychological cues are so powerful and convert that she will have no idea that you are using them on her… and she will be absolutely powerless to resist.


This muscle-building nutrient can save you from strokes

Creatine is one of the most popular sports supplements in the world.

It’s known as a muscle builder — and it is used to increase performance in various different athletic areas.

Because of this reputation, you might think that creatine has a very narrow range of benefits.

In fact, creatine works at a fundamental level. It helps the body to produce energy more efficiently.

The health of the body (the structure) is entirely dependent on the body’s ability to produce enough energy to maintain the structure.

Creatine, or anything that increases energy production in the cell, can have protective benefits against any insult anywhere in the body.

In one example of this, researchers found that creatine prevented much of the damage caused to the brains of animals with artificially induced stroke.

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The animal experiments were carried out at Harvard Medical School. The findings are published in the Journal of Neuroscience.

Creatine is a substance which has a remarkable protective effect on all areas of the body — including the brain.

Creatine has been shown to protect against numerous serious brain problems — including Huntington’s disease, Parkinson’s, traumatic brain injury, and even ALS.

“Creatine mediates remarkable neuro-protection in experimental models of ALS, Huntington’s, Parkinson’s and traumatic brain injury.”

(Neuroprotection — brain protection.)

The brain problems listed above are more similar than you might think.

They all have inflammation and low-energy in common.

Inflammation and low-energy are also central to stroke — at least they are central to the damage caused by stroke — if not being the causes of stroke.

“Because of shared components in these diseases we evaluated the effect of creatine supplementation in an experimental stroke model.”

The researchers carried out stroke experiments in rodents.

This type of experiment has been carried out hundreds of times.

In the experiments, researchers shut off blood vessels which otherwise feed blood to the brain of the animals.

This mimics a stroke.

Later, blood flow is restored, and the stroke spreads alongside brain damage and the death of brain cells.

The spread of the stroke area is called ischemic brain infarction.

A larger infarction means more likelihood of damage to the brain.

Creatine supplementation prior to stroke greatly limited the size of the infarction — limiting the extent of the stroke itself.

“Oral creatine resulted in a remarkable reduction in ischemic brain infarction.”

The researchers also looked at numerous markers of neurodegeneration.

This is the destruction and death of critical brain cells which happens in stroke.

Creatine not only decreased the size of the stroke — it also prevented much of the damage to brain cells.

“Creatine supplementation resulted in remarkable neuro- protection after cerebral ischemia in mice.”

This is a great example of a bioenergetic effect. That means that increased energy protects biological structures like the brain.

Increased energy production facilitated by creatine allows the body to protect the brain from damage caused by stroke.

Perhaps the best way to measure the amount of energy available is to look at something called ATP.

ATP is a chemical compound which is the primary currency of energy in the body.

More ATP means that more energy is available for protection and repair.

The animals which are given supplemented creatine had more ATP in their brains.

Stroke damage depletes ATP — in this depletion prevents proper recovery.

But creatine prevented the depletion of ATP — allowing for enough energy to rebuild.

“Creatine administration buffered ischemia mediated cerebral ATP depletion.”

In plain English — creatine protected brain energy supplies in a crisis (stroke).

Creatine is one of the most widely used and tested supplements.

For most people, it’s extremely safe in the doses required to experience benefit.

Creatine can be risky for people with existing kidney disorders – but there is no evidence that it causes kidney problems.

“Given its safety record, creatine might be considered as a therapeutic agent for inhibition of ischemic brain injury from stroke in humans.”

The researchers even recommended that people at risk of stroke might take creatine to prevent stroke damage…

In this way many people take aspirin to prevent stroke and cardiovascular problems.

“Preventative creatine supplementation, similar to what is recommended for aspirin, may be considered for patients in high stroke risk categories.”

You should always consult a healthcare practitioner about treating and diagnosing health-related problems.

—-Important Message From Matt Cook For Increasing Energy Production—-

Tired all the time? Use this 2-in-1 formula to restore teenage-like energy and stamina

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When you’re feeling tired all the time with low energy levels, erections is going to take a hit…

And your sexual stamina will also be put to the test…

In fact, most men suffering from really low energy levels stop having sex altogether.

And it’s not their fault — it’s low energy levels to blame!

So how do you bring up your energy levels without caffeine, naps, or stimulants?

This 2-in-1 double action formula does the job — naturally restores teenage like energy and stamina in men

And it’s free for you today!



Matt Cook is editor-in-chief of Daily Medical Discoveries. Matt has been a full time health researcher for 26 years. ABC News interviewed Matt on sexual health issues not long ago. Matt is widely quoted on over 1,000,000 websites. He has over 300,000 daily newsletter readers. Daily Medical Discoveries finds hidden, buried or ignored medical studies through the lens of 100 years of proven science. Matt heads up the editorial team of scientists and health researchers. Each discovery is based upon primary studies from peer reviewed science sources following the Daily Medical Discoveries 7 Step Process to ensure accuracy.
Prophylactic creatine administration mediates neuroprotection in cerebral ischemia in mice